In many Soulsborne games, the choice of setting is paramount, and in these broken worlds, FromSoftware is not shy of creating some incredible atmospheres. From grand castles of immense architecture and lowly broken huts and buildings to toxic swamps and bogs, no stone is left unturned where the fantastical world-building of Soulsborne is concerned.

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With so many areas yearning to be adventured, not every area is worthy of attention, and some areas can drive even the most sound of mind into madness. In most of the Soulsborne games, some of these areas can be sailed through with no second thoughts, but not every player has such luck with these incredibly frustrating locations.

10 Shrine of Amana (Dark Souls II)

Shrine of amana location

With mages that can be unbelievably annoying with their slow and long ranged honing attacks, getting through the Shrine Of Amana unscathed is quite the mission, especially for those who attempt to run through the entire thing without fighting back.

Attempting to take the mages out up close will typically force players to meet a grisly end, as other mages will already be firing towards them, making it arduous to attack and dodge simultaneously. For players who partake in speedruns and no hit runs, the Shrine Of Amana is a notoriously troublesome segment in the game, made easier through the utilization of bows and long ranged weaponry to eliminate any further threats.

9 Farron Keep (Dark Souls III)

Farron Keep location

Perhaps one of the most despised areas in Dark Souls 3, Farron Keep remains as one of the most tedious areas in the game. With the sheer amount of slug enemies in the swamp area, it seems only fitting to be reduced to a slug-like pace.

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Wading through the swamp sludge as players try to locate the three towers gets easier on consecutive playthroughs, but is a nightmare for newcomers. With so many enemies that can navigate through the sludge at a much quicker pace than the player, running away is often a waste of energy, so players should try and do what they can against all odds and fight back, because persevering through Farron Keep is still as much of a chore as it was 7 years ago.

8 Black Gulch (Dark Souls II)

Black gulch location

Heading to the Black Gulch for the first time, players quickly realize how infested the place is with poison, and it can be unrelentingly frustrating to get through without having to constantly pay attention to a dwindling health bar.

With a boss battle awaiting through the fog gate at the end of the level, managing to make it to the boss without getting poisoned by the statues can almost seem like an impossible challenge, made no easier by having to thwart the negative effects of the poison, and heal before the boss rushes in immediately for the kill.

7 Consecrated Snowfield (Elden Ring)

Consecrated Snowfield Location

The Consecrated Snowfield is painfully confusing to navigate, made extra perilous by heavy blizzards and dozens of sheer drops beside faces that players will never see coming. With a heavy lack of visibility comes a plethora of dangerous enemies ready to ambush the player at every turn, and most enemies in this late game area are deadly.

Players should approach the area cautiously, not getting too carried away with the agile speed of Torrent. One of the nearby towns, Ordina, is also a frontrunner for frustration for many, and appears only fitting for an area leading to Malenia, Blade Of Miquella, to be so troublesome.

6 Duke's Archive (Dark Souls)

Dark Souls - Duke's archives

With so many archers and mages ready to cause mayhem, the Duke's Archive is a location that should be ventured through with absolute care. Immediately after entering, players can expect to be bombarded from all sides with powerful ranged attacks.

As some enemies can block stairways and trap the player with their numbers, players should try and keep a steady distance, and take them out one by one if given the opportunity. Those who take too long or venture down one of the tight corridors should watch their backs, or easily find themselves overwhelmed.

5 Blighttown (Dark Souls)


Argued by many as one of the worst areas in the Dark Souls trilogy, Blighttown can be mercilessly cruel for many players venturing to the area for the first time, and yet still a nuisance for those returning to the area looking for items or further exploration.

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With a boss run to Quelaag that feels more of a chore than a challenge, succumbing to poison darts or falling between the platform's planks during the descent can sometimes feel unfair, and having to ascend again up the waterwheel after killing her feels like a low blow for what could have been an easier way out.

4 The Sunken Valley (Sekiro : Shadows Die Twice)

Sunken valley location

From the moment Sekiro first enters the Sunken Valley, he is assaulted from all angles by a large group of Snake Eyes, who snipe at him with large rifles from a distance. These enemies can be unbearably annoying, as each shot can deal high damage and stun the player, and with their numbers comes an increasing chance the player can be shot off.

The Snake Eyes miniboss, Shirafuji, is also notoriously difficult, and many players will either have to suffer in order to eventually beat her, or come back at a later time with more powerful upgrades. Regardless, the trip through the Sunken Valley will have players itching their heads with frustration.

3 Miquella’s Haligtree (Elden Ring)

Miquellas Haligtree location

Beginning the area from the peak of the Haligtree, the descent down through an army of enemies and rough terrain is as nefarious as one might imagine. With so many enemies capable of knocking the player off the tree, and the risk of falling off the Haligtree’s branches being so easy, players should take each step with utmost caution.

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Even being able to get to the bottom does not come without its efforts, as there are some tough enemies that can be a nuisance even for players with lots of experience and good gear. Players will feel the fruits of their labor pay off when they eventually make their way to the bottom, unaware that one of the hardest bosses in Soulsborne history awaits at the bottom of the Haligtree.

2 Swamp Of Sorrow (Demon Souls)

Demon's Souls Swamp of Sorrow

Like any other swamp area in Soulsborne, they often receive the brunt of hatred from many fans, and for good reason. With levels that can be extremely slow to slog through, and a slew of poison consuming the player over time, players often use most of their resources before they even reach the boss gate.

Paired with painfully long runs back to the boss, as well as being an area that is encompassed in dark and difficult to navigate, the Swamp Of Sorrow shows us why FromSoftware's swamps should not be messed with.

1 The Fishing Hamlet (Bloodborne)

The Fishing Hamlet is one of the hardest areas in Bloodborne, and the enemies here are no joke. With a wide variation of enemies, all hideously mutated by the influence of the Great Ones, they utilize all manner of ranges to try and dispatch the player, and it can sometimes feel as though players are out of their depth.

With some perseverance and further grinded levels, players can eventually find the strength to fight their way through to the end of the dilapidated hamlet, where one of the hardest Soulsborne bosses, the Orphan Of Kos, awaits.

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