Magic: The Gathering was first introduced back in 1993 and took card gaming to a whole new level. This game brought in the strategic use of mana to summon creatures, cast powerful spells, and use special abilities to trample your foes. Over the years, Magic: The Gathering has become one of the most complex games ever devised and holds onto a fan base with many people willing to purchase any card just to gain an advantage over their opponents.

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Some of these cards allow players to take extra turns, damage their opponent, and even destroy a deck without even needing to attack. But with great power comes a great price tag. Here are some of the most expensive Magic: The Gathering cards so you know how much you'll be spending the next time you want to gain the upper hand. Each price is easy to find at

10 Time Vault - $750 To $3,000

Time Vault is one of the more interesting cards on the list. While it is on the lower end of the spectrum, it can prove to be very useful in the right hands. This card starts off tapped and untapping it costs you your turn. That may seem bad, but when you tap it you receive an extra turn to make up for the one you lost.

You just have to be careful about when the appropriate time to untap the card is. If played early on, this card can provide you an advantage later on in the game that is absolutely invaluable. That is why this card can cost you upwards of $3,000.

9 Mox Pearl - $1,500 To $3,500

Depending on the seller, you could snag this fine gem on the lower end of the spectrum from $1,500 to $3,500. While it may seem like a piece of jewelry such as this wouldn't be worth that much, it offers a huge advantage.

Along with the other Mox cards on this list, the pearl is able to supply you with white mana to summon creatures or cast spells very early on if you happen to have multiples in your hand. Since it can be played at the cost of zero mana, you will be able to play as many as you are holding and tap them al within the same turn. Be careful though, some copies of this card can go up to $13,000.

8 Time Walk - $1650 To $5000

Time Walk is among those cards that can really help swing a game in your favor. Once played, this card allows you to take an extra turn which can result in a huge advantage for whoever plays it. It can help you get closer to the card you've been waiting for, or maybe you just needed that extra turn to get one more monster out.

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Either way, this card will definitely help you win more battles with it in your deck. Because of the immense power it offers with walking through time, it can cost you upwards of $5,000 depending on what version of it you're after.

7 Mox Emerald - $1,500 To $6,000

The Mox Emerald is another one of the Mox cards that hold great power in a small piece of jewelry. Being a part of the "power nine" that can supply you mana for no cost. With a couple of these, you could have some pretty powerful monsters or spells early on.

It can even change the battle in your favor like the rest of the cards in this list. The power that this family heirloom costs can range from $1,500 to an upwards of $6,000.

6 Mox Ruby - $2,200 To $6,000

Another fine gem in the list of Mox cards on the list that caters to those who want to use the red cards to their advantage. Having a few of these in your hand can get you an early lead and allow you to deal some major damage to your opponent.

This card can range upwards to $6,000 and sometimes even reach $8,000 depending on the buyer, but when you are talking about being able to take out your opponent in the blink of an eye, isn't that worth it?

5 Timetwister - $4,400 To $6,000

Timetwister is one of the "power nine" and has the ability to more than help you in a game. With this card, you can force you and your opponent to basically start over. You take your hand, deck, and graveyard, shuffle them together and create an entirely fresh deck that you draw a full hand from. Your opponent must do the same.

This card can really help you gain the advantage with a fresh hand and everything in play remaining where it was. This card will cost you a pretty penny though at an upwards of $6,000.

4 Mox Jet - $1,600 To $10,000

Are you a fan of draining your opponent's life? The Mox Jet can certainly help with that. Players who decide to make a deck using swamps may want to pick this gem up. While it can range on the higher end of the spectrum with some collectors selling their copies for over $10,000, this card can be worth it in the hands of the right player.

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Like the rest of the Mox cards, it can keep your mana supply running and allow you to get monsters out with extreme quickness. Imagine being able to play a monster on turn one. With any of the Mox cards, you will be able to do just that.

3 Ancestral Recall - $3,500 To $12,000

Ancestral Recall has a multitude of prices that range from only a few thousand to over $10,000. This card is another early-made card that can easily help change the flow of a game.

With its ability to force the opponent to draw three cards, you can begin to take their deck away from them which is popular with "mill decks," and if they are low enough on cards it will win you the game. This card also offers the benefit of allowing you to draw extra cards during your turn and can ultimately get you that card you might have been just waiting for.

2 Mox Sapphire $2,200 To $12,000

The Mox Sapphire is the last of the Mox cards. Depending on what edition you are searching for it has the capability to range from $2,200 to $12,000. Some collectors even value near mint condition copies of this card at almost $30,000.

Of the Mox cards, this is the highest-priced on the list and as with any of them, it has the capability to really turn the tide of war in your favor when played early on making this card one of the most power amongst its brethren.

1 The Black Lotus - ????

The Black Lotus is one of the most infamous of all the Magic: The Gathering cards for its ability to give you three mana of any one color when you sacrifice it. Plus, the card doesn't require anything to play allowing players to get an extraordinary advantage in any battle. Dubbed as one of the "power nine," this card is hard to track down a price for.

With prices being all over the board, you are sure to be spending at least a couple thousand on this beauty, but the price can go as high as over $100,000 according to Polygon.

NEXT: The 10 Rarest Magic: The Gathering Cards (And How Much They're Worth)