In the broad and thrilling world of Marvel Comics, superpowers can take on a variety of forms. Some superpowers, including the ability to change the appearance or manipulate others, can make readers uncomfortable, even though they are used for heroic purposes.

These abilities aren't what audiences call heroic, but they offer an essential element of humor and wonder to Marvel Comics. Despite being out of the norm, these superpowers showcase the incredible range of abilities present in the Marvel universe. They prove that even the weirdest characteristics can be found beneath the capes and masks of superhero myths.

10 Eye-Scream: Ice Cream Body

An image of Eye-Scream turning into Ice cream

Artie Maddicks, better known as Eye-Scream, is a Marvel Comics hero with one of the weirdest and funniest abilities. His body can be transformed into any flavor of ice cream at will. This odd ability was conferred upon him as a result of the strange accident at an ice cream plant. During the accident, his DNA was fused with ice cream.

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Because of Eye-Scream's abilities, he often finds himself in hilarious situations. If he's in danger, he can always turn into ice cream to escape. His pranks have an element of ridiculousness that makes them funny.

9 Penance: Pain Energy Manipulation

Penance emitting an electricity force-field

Penance's superpower, Pain Energy Manipulation, is both nerve-wracking and emotionally charged. Penance's power stems from a traumatic event, allowing him to channel physical pain into a destructive force. His visage, covered in a crimson, spiked costume, is unsettling. The spikes add to the eerie aura surrounding his persona, and serve as a visual reminder of the suffering he went through.

Penance's superpower is unsettling not just for its unique abilities, but also for the emotional significance and connotation it bears. It serves as a reminder that a character's superpowers might represent the most intimate and harrowing portions of their experience.

8 Blob: Body Adipose Manipulation

An image of several characters trying to hold Blob down

Body Adipose Manipulation is a peculiar and slightly unnerving superpower that Blob, also known as Fred Dukes, possesses. Blob's ability makes it possible for him to be morbidly obese, giving him incredible physical toughness and near invulnerability.

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As a result of his obesity, he becomes extraordinarily heavy, and he makes use of this weight to immobilize his opponents by sitting or lying on them. In some versions, Blob can eat a lot of food to further increase his size and toughness. His gluttonous side makes him a distinctive, unforgettable villain in the Marvel Universe by adding a horrible look to his character.

7 Beak: Avian Appearance

An image of Beak about to loose his mind

Beak, also known as Barnell Bohusk, is endowed with a rare mutation that gives him a startling avian likeness. He possesses feet that resemble those of birds, talon-like fingers, a beak-like snout, and a body covered in feathers. His appearance is a significant departure from the typical human form.

Beak's avian appearance has often resulted in social isolation and discrimination, as others sometimes find him unsettling. However, Beak has undergone substantial character development despite his unusual features. He has been portrayed as a strong and compassionate person, demonstrating how appearance can be deceptive.

6 Maggott: Controlling Parasitic Maggots

An image of Maggott in a happy state with a maggot round his neck

In the Marvel Universe, Maggott, also known as Japheth, possesses one of the most peculiar and unnerving superpowers. Maggott's mutation has given him two 'Eany' and 'Meany' parasite slugs, who live inside his abdomen and are both sentient. Rather than digesting food internally, he releases Eany and Meany from his body to consume objects, including metal and other substances.

The concept of two slugs exiting one's body to feed on objects can be profoundly weird. However, this unusual feeding mechanism also grants Maggott enhanced strength, speed, and durability while the slugs consume.

5 Shocker: Vibrational Gauntlet

An image of shocker when he is suited up

The gauntlets that Shocker wears are a technical wonder. When engaged, their specifically designed speakers and emitters produce strong vibrating shockwaves. These shockwaves have the power to break structures, smash items, and render enemies helpless. The resulting concussive force is enormous.

Shocker also makes this list due to the weird and scary sound that his gauntlets make. The devices produce a distinctive and unsettling high-pitched, oscillating hum as a result of their vibrations. Shocker's unsettling gauntlets have made him an iconic character in the Spider-Man rogues' gallery. The combination of its unique design, destructive power, and eerie audio signature adds depth and memorability to Shocker's character.

4 Daken: Pheromone Manipulation

An image of Daken in a furious state.

Pheromone Manipulation is a strong and unnerving superpower that Daken, also known as Akihiro, possesses. Through the manipulation of chemical signals that creatures releases for communication, he can seduce and dominate others. With his ability to sway people's emotions and desires, Daken can manipulate people's behavior by seducing them, arousing their interest, or making them fearful.

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This power prompts uncomfortable and introspective reflection by blurring the line between consent and manipulation. Daken is a figure in the Marvel Universe who fascinates and frightens at the same time because of his special power, which explores themes of control and consent.

3 Lady Deathstrike: Cybernetic Claws

An image of Lady Deathstrike introducing herself while her claws crawl out

Yuriko Oyama, also known as Lady Deathstrike, has surgically strengthened claws permanently grafted to her fingers, giving her a powerful and scary appearance. She can slash through almost anything with deadly accuracy because of her razor-sharp, adamantium-plated claws.

The disturbing aspect lies in the invasive nature of her enhancements, which turn her own hands into lethal weapons. She is a tenacious and dangerous foe because she is after Wolverine's adamantium-plated skeleton out of personal animosity. Lady Deathstrike's cybernetic claws represent the sinister side of augmentation and the quest for power at any cost.

2 Toad: Tongue Manipulation

An image of the Toad bringing out his tongue

Toad's most noticeable characteristic is his lengthy, prehensile tongue. This tongue is not only extended, but also sticky, which enables him to pull off a variety of extraordinary maneuvers like seizing or immobilizing adversaries.

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Toad's appearance, with his protruding, swollen tongue, is bizarre and disturbing to look at. Toad's Tongue Manipulation power is a distinctive but disgusting facet of his character. It not only distinguishes him from other villains, but also introduces a quirky and visually captivating dimension to his portrayal as a formidable adversary.

1 Skin: Reshapeable Skin

An image of Skin tied to a pole while some liquid are dripping out from his skin

Angelo Espinosa, also referred to as Skin, has a special mutant power that allows him to expand and change the shape of his skin. With the help of this amazing ability, he can extend his skin up to six feet in any direction, thereby turning himself into a living, malleable weapon or tool.

In addition to protecting himself from attacks, he can use it offensively to ensnare opponents or create makeshift weapons. His power can also be used creatively in problem-solving situations, such as forming bridges or barriers.

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