The DC Comics universe contains a vast range of superheroes and supervillains, each with a unique set of superpowers that fascinate readers and fans alike. While many of these abilities are admirable and heroic, others are occasionally odd and even disgusting.

The ability to swallow anything in one's sight, the ability to make repulsive odors, and even the ability to control decomposition are just a few of the strange powers that are examined. These superpowers, despite not necessarily being conventional, add to the wide array of DC characters. They prove that even the most peculiar skills can find a home in the world of comics.

10 Animal Man: Animal Mimicry

Animal Man raising his hand up with a pair of glasses

Animal man possesses a peculiar and repulsive power, which is the ability to mimic animal traits, seemingly becoming one of them. On the surface, this may prove cool, but he is called Animal Man for a reason. Animal Man can suddenly develop the traits of insects, reptiles, or even aquatic creatures.

This means that he could metamorphose into the slimy, scaly skin of a snake or even develop extra limbs like an insect. This is not a normal superpower, and seeing it in action can be very disturbing. While Animal Man's ability to channel animals can be exciting, it can also result in some rather strange and odd situations.

9 Bizarro: Imperfect Duplicates

An Image of Bizarro pointing at a woman

Bizarro possesses an unusual, peculiar power known as Imperfect Duplicates. It's not exactly awful, but it is definitely out of the ordinary. Bizarro's superpower involves making caricatures of both superheroes and villains. However, these copies are far from flawless. In fact, they are diametrically opposed in terms of personality, look, and even aptitude.

Imagine attempting to clone Superman and coming out with a distorted, inept, frequently well-meaning, but entirely wrong mimeograph. That's how Bizarro works. The outcomes tend to be comedic and puzzling, because his copies resemble the "mirror universe" versions of the original characters. Bizarro's power therefore leans significantly on the bizarre side of superpowers in the DC Universe.

8 Swamp Thing: Body Part Regeneration

An Image of Swamp thing smiling

Another famously DC character with disgusting superpowers is Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing's power, which differs from conventional regenerating abilities, is based on his association with the mystical energies of the Green that unite all plant life on Earth. This means that Swamp Thing's body is not made of regular human flesh and blood. Rather, he is a creature created entirely of plant life.

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As a result, he has a remarkable sort of regeneration that allows him to recreate his body from any available plant matter. Swamp Thing can regenerate himself using nearby plants, even if he has been severely injured or dismembered. However, when in action, this terrestrial being can gross out viewers.

7 Black Racer: Bone Manipulation

An Image of Black Racer from DC comics

Characters in the DC Universe who have the capacity to manipulate bones, such as Black Racer, do so with intriguing and occasionally terrifying results. Black Bone can manipulate and control bones, whether it be his own or those of others. He can modify his skeletal structure to suit his demands by lengthening his limbs or reshaping his bones.

This can lead to alterations that violate the natural human shape and are occasionally unsettling. However, it is not a power that makes people cringe. A character that can change their bodies with the deftness and fluidity of a sculptor, tends to be visually captivating.

6 Ragman: Skin Manipulation

An Image of Ragman from DC comics

Skin Manipulation, as demonstrate by Ragman, is a power which delves into the ethereal and supernatural. Ragman's attire is made out of a patchwork of different fabrics, each infused with a piece of the soul of a person who has passed on. Ragman possesses extraordinary power thanks to these souls, which are frequently connected to those who died tragically.

With this grim reaper suit, Ragman can access the powers, talents, and memories of these imprisoned souls through his Skin Manipulation superpower, acting as a conduit for their combined skills. This in particular makes Ragman as an even more frightening and paranormal characters, just by the idea that his clothing is made from the souls of the dead.

5 Matter-Eater Lad: Eating Anything

An Image of Matter-Eater Lad with matter in his mouth

Tenzil Kem, otherwise known as Matter-Eater Lad, is a distinctive and rather unruly character from the DC Comics. This lad's strange and unimpressive superpower involves capacity to devour and digest nearly any sort of matter, regardless of how solid or inedible it looks.

Bit by bit he is able to reduce supposedly unbreakable objects into small bits. As a futuristic superhero squad in the DC Universe, The Legion of Super-Heroes, Matter-Eater Lad's skills have proven surprisingly beneficial in a number of situations despite his initial comedic and weird hero persona.

4 Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man: Man Bite

An image of Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man in a combat

Sven Larsen, referred to as Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, is a DC Comics character most famously featured in the Doom Patrol. His odd name aptly describes his eccentric superpower. Sven Larsen unfortunately gained his powers through a scientific accident that fused his body with animal, vegetable, and mineral elements.

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The result was an extremely frightening appearance and a variety of peculiar powers. While Sven Larson's ability to transform into numerous animals, plants, or minerals at once was always a little unsettling, this villain discovered a way to spread the virus.

3 Red Lantern: Corrosive Bile

Red lantern in a furious state

The Red Lantern Corps, creatively referred to as the Rage Lanterns, are a team of superheroes from DC Comics who can channel the color red, which to them stands for fury. The Red Lanterns can vomit a toxic red energy known as Rage Plasma or Blood Napalm. This bile can burn through practically anything, proving fatally destructive.

The Red Lanterns' talents, particularly the corrosive bile, represent their violence and spite. This ability has appeared in several DC Comics narratives, and gives the Red Lantern Corps' toolkit a distinctive and disturbing touch.

2 Solomon Grundy: Rotting Touch

Grundy in a furious state

Solomon Grundy's Rotting Touch is one of the most formidable and eerie superpowers in the DC Universe. With just his touch, Solomon Grundy can cause disintegration and dissolution, which is a far cry from the heroic prowess one might expect.

Anything that Solomon Grundy touches starts to rot, wither, and crumble into a condition of advanced decay. He transforms all what he comes into contact with into a macabre shell of itself. Seeing the instant repercussions of his touch can be both visually frightening and conceptually unsettling.

1 Skunk: Stench Generation

An image of Skunk releasing polluted air from it buttocks

Skunk has the ability to create a stink that is similar to that of a real skunk, which is both overpowering and unpleasant. For those unfortunate enough to be exposed to it, the scent causes acute discomfort, and can even cause nausea and vomiting.

This results to a natural aversion that makes it challenging for anyone to remain close by. Skunk's superpower, although an offensive odor, adds a distinctive and lighthearted touch to the world of superpowers. It ranks among the most repulsive superpowers ever invented by DC Comics.

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