Sony's PlayStation brand has become one of the most popular and beloved lineups of consoles around, with each installment being absolutely incredible in its own way. Even the much-malinged launch of the PS3 was overlooked in favor of the many exclusive titles that were making their way onto this platform, with the integration of Blu-Ray technology proving to pay major dividends further down the line at the expense of a higher pricetag.

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The sheer number of iconic games on the PlayStation consoles boggles the mind, with each game being made with great panache and featuring great characters across the board. This applies to the villains as well, with the PlayStation arguably having a selection of the greatest video game villains of all time. The most destructive of the lot are mentioned below.

10 HADES (Horizon Zero Dawn)


HADES is one of the most diabolical rogue AI programs ever featured in gaming history. The fact that it's actively trying to destroy the Earth and all life on it makes it one of the worst villains ever made.

While it's true that HADES was influenced by another rogue AI from a different galaxy, that's still no excuse for its wrongdoings. Eliminating this AI in Horizon Forbidden West is easily one of the most satisfying parts of the entire game.

9 Yaldabaoth (Persona 5)

Yaldabaoth from Persona 5

JRPGs regularly feature god-like figures that are somehow defeated every single time with the power of friendship. This is the case with Yaldabaoth as well, who is a pretty imposing figure in his own right.

Thankfully, the Phantom Thieves manage to wear him down long enough for the player to summon Satanael, who uses his powerful bullet to destroy Yaldabaoth once and for all. As a result, the world is saved from the merging of Mementos and things go back to normal.

8 Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)

sephiroth sekiro mod

Sephiroth has one of the most tragic stories in video games. He is kept in the dark about his existence and eventually breaks down after finding out that he was a man-made anomaly.

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After projecting his need for motherly affection on JENOVA, Sephiroth ends up burning down the entire town of Nibelheim and causing untold death and destruction throughout the entire world. Thankfully, the main party of Final Fantasy 7 bands together to defeat this powerful being once and for all.

7 The Origami Killer (Heavy Rain)

Scott Shelby in Heavy Rain

The Origami Killer is one of the most disturbed villains ever featured on a PlayStation console. The modus operandi of this serial killer is to kidnap children and test their parents to see how far they'll go to save their child.

It's pretty twisted, and the reveal of Scott Shelby as this killer makes for the perfect cherry of top of an amazing story. Beating this twisted villain to a pulp is one of the most satisfying moments in the entire series.

6 Dormin (Shadow Of The Colossus)

Dormin from Shadow of the Colossus

Shadow of the Colossus is one of the greatest video games ever made, with Wander being the perfect example of a tragic protagonist. In a bid to get his lost love back, Wander defeats the sixteen colossi scattered across the realm for his own selfish reasons.

Of course, he's not completely to blame for this. He was manipulated by a devious entity named Dormin, who caused untold death and destruction in the world long before the events of the story. By using Wander as a means to get his power back, he almost embarked on his destructive journey once again, but was thwarted before this could become a reality.

5 Ultimecia (Final Fantasy 8)

Ultimecia in Final Fantasy 8

The idea of a sorceress going so far as to compress time for her own twisted reasons makes Ultimecia a pretty heinous villain as is. This, coupled with her tendency to take over the minds of people to do her bidding, makes her ever more horrible.

Ultimecia controlled everyone from Edea to Seifer to achieve her twisted goals. Thankfully, the heroes manage to infiltrate her realm and defeat her once and for all, before her destructive plan could become a reality.

4 Laurence, The First Vicar (Bloodborne)

laurence first vicar

Laurence is one of the most unique figures in the lore of Bloodborne. Most players who fight him in The Old Hunters DLC will think of him as nothing more than a pretty hard boss who feels like a reskin of the Cleric Beast with fiery attacks... that is, until his second phase, where his legs explode and he becomes a crawling mass of destruction.

Laurence's impact on the world is way more profound when players read into his lore. He was the founder of the Healing Church and ignored the warnings of Master Willem, using the Old Blood for healing purposes and turning insane in the process. He was the first ever Cleric Beast, and also defiled Kos' body in the Fishing Hamlet as well.

3 Zeus (God Of War)

Zeus in God of War 2

Zeus is anything but a good father figure. He's pretty twisted in the actual mythology as well, so it's only a given that God of War would also portray him in a bad light.

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The fact that he doesn't care about collateral damage at all and tries to kill his son, Kratos, shows how twisted Zeus really is. Defeating him is easily one of the most satisfactory moments in the entire series.

2 Sin (Final Fantasy 10)

Sin (Final Fantasy X)

Final Fantasy 10 is one of the best entries in the entire series, featuring a tragic story where Yuna is poised to be sacrificed... only for the heroes to fight against this destiny. This sets them on a warpath as they strive to defeat Sin once and for all.

This villain brings untold death and destruction upon the land and has forced its people into a horrible pilgrimage that ends in the sacrificed of a designated Summoner. Players were glad to find out that Yuna would avoid this dreaded fate, with the beatdown of Sin being pretty satisfying indeed.

1 Nyx Avatar (Persona 3)

persona 3 nyx avatar boss feature

The idea of fighting Death itself can be pretty daunting at times. However, for what it's worth, Persona 3 manages to make this task seem possible while also making it a really long and grueling boss fight in its own right.

If the Nyx Avatar wasn't beaten, then the entire world would've fallen into ruin. Thankfully, the efforts of the heroes and the sacrifice of the protagonist is what prevented this morbid fate... albeit at a huge cost.

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