With hundreds of Marvel heroes, both famous ones and more obscure characters, it's only natural that there are major personality differences between the heroes. Some are on the optimistic, "glass half full" side. Other Marvel heroes tend to go for cynicism and call things like they see them — which is usually in a not-so-sunny way.

These heroes' cynicism and the way they view the world and approach people around them make them unique personalities whose adventures in comic books are fun to read about. The most cynical Marvel heroes are well-known names, and their character plays a major role in why they're so popular.

5 Iron Man

Experience and Sarcasm

iron man extremis comic

Iron Man isn't as cynical as other Marvel superheroes, but he's not optimistic or naive either. Even before he donned the Iron Man armor, Tony Stark was an experienced businessman, and he knew the corruption and pretense connected to the world of business. When he built the Iron Man armor, he did it to save his life, not to become a hero. Over time, Tony has turned a new leaf and managed to integrate himself into the superhero life. Still, he's always quick to use a cynical or sarcastic quip when the situation calls for it.

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His age, since he's older than many heroes, also plays a part in how Stark approaches the world. That becomes especially obvious when confronted with younger heroes, such as Spider-Man both in the comics and in the MCU. In these cases, Iron Man becomes the cynical voice of reason who says "You shouldn't be doing this." Of course, Spider-Man goes and does it anyway.

4 Black Widow

A Dark Background Breeds Distrust

Black Widow Secret War Pointing Gun

Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow might be many things, but starry-eyed optimist isn't one of them. With a past like hers, it's no wonder that Natasha holds her cards close to her chest. She suspects the worst of people before they can convince her otherwise. Her traumatic past in the Red Room, as well as her work as a spy, made her less than inclined to trust other people.

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Not every Marvel superhero stays virtuous forever. Some come back to the light eventually, while others embrace their villainy.

What's interesting about Natasha is that her cynicism is very subtle, in comparison to other heroes. Black Widow doesn't walk around, throwing cynical quips at everyone just for the fun of it. Instead, she shows up, does the job, and leaves. Despite her previous dark life, she still manages to find friends and people she cares about, which gives her something else to live for than just the mission. Her ultimate sacrifice in the MCU where she gives her life for Hawkeye is an excellent example.

3 Wolverine

Jaded Over Lost Loves

Wolverine Classic Suit Yellow Suit

Sometimes, superheroes become cynical due to their long life. Sometimes, it's because of their losses. In Wolverine's case, it's both of those things. Due to his regenerative powers, Wolverine has had a long life, and he experienced more than one loss. It goes as far as for Wolverine to believe that every woman he loves is destined to die, as witnessed in the case of Jean Grey. Wolverine's cynical nature becomes even more obvious when confronted with the optimism of other X-Men.

Wolverine might do the right thing, but he isn't a people person and often clashes with others, most notably Cyclops (although in this case, the rivalry over Jean plays a part in their enmity). It's not surprising that Wolverine's solo movies tend to be darker in tone than movies about other Marvel superheroes.

2 Jessica Jones

Trauma Leaves Its Scars

Jessica Jones as Jewel

Jessica Jones started her superhero journey as an optimistic young hero named Jewel. That all changed when she came across Killgrave, who took advantage of her and robbed Jessica of her faith in humanity in the process. The version of Jessica that most audiences are familiar with the most is a cynical woman who solves detective cases not because she holds high hopes for humanity, but because it pays the rent and keeps the lights on in her somewhat shabby office.

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In the comics and the TV show alike, Jessica excels at pushing people away, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. In the comics, it leads to her failed relationship with Ant-Man, and in the TV show, with Luke Cage aka the Power Man. The good news is that in the comics, Jessica manages to overcome her past in the end and builds a new life with Luke and their child.

1 The Punisher

Shattered Faith In Humanity

The Punisher from the comics

Frank Castle, aka the Punisher, is an excellent example of what the death of a hero's family can do to him. After he loses his entire family violently, the Punisher becomes a solitary warrior against criminals, and he shoots before he speaks. His tendency to kill his enemies without mercy is one of the multiple reasons why other superheroes are distrustful of the Punisher, and don't approve of his methods, such as Captain America.

Unlike more optimistic heroes, the Punisher doesn't believe that criminals have a chance at redemption or even deserve one. At the same time, despite his cynical worldview, Frank Castle has a strong code of honor and doesn't hurt those who don't deserve it. For example, he believes in the above-mentioned Captain America. He shows it during the comic book Civil War ,even when the Captain disagrees with the Punisher's actions and hits him because of them.

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