Horror lovers who enjoy violent and gore games know that some video games have almost as many brutal deaths as horror movies. Thanks to these dark yet immersive games, players can meet fascinating characters and get to know their stories which often made these already shocking deaths even more memorable.

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These video game deaths were some of the most intense and terrifying moments of the scariest horror games and many of these scenes became iconic. Gamers were able to witness the deaths of powerful villains, monsters, warriors, and even gods while exploring some of the gaming world's most petrifying worlds and wicked stories with serial killers, supernatural beings, and all kinds of corrupted humans.

7 Leon Kuwata – Danganronpa: Trigger happy Havoc

Leon Kuwata in Danganronpa: Trigger happy Havoc

Danganronpa: Trigger happy Havoc is one of the scariest visual novel games with plenty of bloody and shocking deaths. However, Leon Kuwata's death was the most ruthless of them all. Leon was a talented and passionate baseball player who was punished to die by a thousand baseballs.

After he was unable to punch his card, he was put in a batting cage where he was bound to a pole then baseballs started hitting every inch of his body until he was pummeled to death. His death was not only very painful but also cruel since he ended up being killed by the thing he loved the most.

6 Andrew Ryan - BioShock

Andrew Ryan in BioShock

BioShock's Andrew Ryan was murdered by his own son, Jack, who beat his father to death. He then impaled him in the head with his own golf club. While Andrew was the most despicable character in the game, his death was still surprisingly gorey.

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Most players didn't expect Jack to kill his own father which made the Rapture City Council's chairman's death even more shocking. BioShock is one of the most terrifying utopian games with a twisted story and a darkly atmospheric world filled with fantastic characters who make the game more memorable and exciting.

5 Hoyt Volker - Far Cry 3

Hoyt Volker in Far Cry 3

Hoyt Volker is another despicable villain who ended up dying in an unforgettable way. He's one of the most hated evil tyrants in games and served as Far Cry 3's terrifying crime boss who ruled over the island while managing his drug and human trafficking businesses.

However, Hoyt was finally killed by Jason who used two knives to make sure that he was dead. Jason pushed one knife through Hoyt's neck and used the other one to impale his brain. The end result was bloody and certainly unforgettable and instantly made Hoyt's death one of the most memorable ones in the Far Cry franchise.

4 Zach Hammond - Dead Space

Hammond in Dead Space

While gaming fans can see some truly gruesome deaths in the Dead Space Remake, they can also witness some surprisingly gruesome deaths while playing the original game. This violent and dark sci-fi title also had quite a few deaths but Zach Hammond's was one of the most terrifying.

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In the original Dead Space game, Zach was also a brave security officer, but he ended up being captured and killed by the deadly beast who then used the officer's dead body as a hammer. Hammond's death was one of the most heartbreaking and brutal deaths in video games that shocked most Dead Space players.

3 Adam Shepherd - Silent Hill: Homecoming

Adam Shepherd in Silent Hill: Homecoming

Even though Adam Shepherd wasn't a great father, he always did what he thought was right for his family and the residents of his town. However, in the end, he admitted his wrongdoing and tried to apologize to his son, Alex, for always showing more love towards his other son, Joshua.

Soon, the terrifying Pyramid Head appeared and easily cut Adam in half with the help of his Great Knife. Silent Hill: Homecoming is one of the best Silent Hill games with great characters and a spine-tingling story, not to mention some of the best video game deaths.

2 Helios – God of War 3

Helios and Kratos in God of War 3

God of War is another violent dark fantasy franchise that had plenty of memorable and brutal deaths over the years. However, Helios' murder in God of War 3 still stands out from them all. Like so many others, this Greek mythology-inspired character ended up being murdered by Kratos.

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Kratos used his brute force to slowly rip off Helios' head from his body. It was one of the most shockingly slow and painful deaths in gaming history that all God of War players still remember clearly. What made Helios' death even more impressive is that he was one of the strongest of all the Olympian gods, so Kratos had to use massive power to be able to remove Helios' head from his body.

1 David - The Last of Us

David and Ellie in The Last of Us

David's death in The Last of Us was not only the most brutal in the franchise but also the most heartbreaking one. While players got used to violent deaths and terrifying zombies while playing the game, David's betrayal and violent death were still shocking.

He was the leader of one of the survivor groups who met Ellie during one of her hunts. While David first tried to fool Ellie, once he realized that the young girl wasn't falling for his tricks, he decided to kill her. However, he ended up getting killed by Ellie, who used David's machete to cut his face wide open and then hacked him to death.

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