As the gaming industry has progressed over time, so has the technology involved in making these games as realistic and engaging as possible. Given the highly-involved nature of action games where the threat of death looms over the player time and time again, it's easy to see why this genre has enjoyed the bulk of these technological advancements.

Related: Horror Game Antagonists Who Suffered The Most Satisfying Deaths, Ranked

However, there are times when even the highest-end technology around isn't enough to account for some truly bizarre animations that sneak their way into any game. This is especially true in the case of death animations, with some games purposely adding dying sequences that totally weird while other games unwittingly do the same. Keeping this in mind, here are some of the most bizarre death animations that have appeared in their respective video games.

10 Getting Smashed Into Orbit By A Giant (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)

giant riding a dragon in skyrim

Players will definitely remember their first encounter with a giant in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. The game is full to the brim with tough enemies, but the giants take the cake for appearing relatively early and packing a huge punch with their attacks.

Most players will definitely be sent into orbit if they fight a giant without the skills required to do so. This was a glitch during development that ended up being a mainstay in the game due to how funny this death was.

9 A Nod To Terminator (Doom)

Doom Eternal Doom Guy Terminator Thumbs Up Lava Death

2016's Doom reboot was nothing short of a massive success that brought the Doom Slayer back into relevance once again, with the sequel improving upon the base game in many ways as well. The levels of both games felt classic yet modern at the same time, with the lava pits being a constant throughout the game.

Players who weren't wary enough and stayed in lava for too long would discover a rather surprising death where the Doom Slayer sticks out a thumb of approval before melting away. Fans of the Terminator series know this is a reference to one of the most iconic shots in these movies.

8 Forced Into Kissing A Toad (Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped)

Crash Bandicoot running past a frog

Pretty much every death in the Crash Bandicoot series deserves a mention here for being so positively ludicrous in every way. However, perhaps the most imaginative death in the series comes when players succumb to the might of a frog.

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After capturing Crash, this frog kisses the player and turns back into what looks like a prince. This makes for a rather odd game over that might alleviate the frustration players experience from losing a life in what is a really challenging experience.

7 Death By Laughing (The Sims)

Sims laughing in The Sims 4

The Sims is another game that could make its own list of the weirdest deaths ever. Players can die from getting scared, getting too emotional, being eaten by a Cow Plant, and everything else along the same lines.

One of the weirder deaths in the games comes when players die just by laughing. It's definitely a hilarious way to see a Sim go, although players who wanted to create entire generations might be a bit peeved by this.

6 Turning Into A Gold Statue (Tomb Raider)

The Midas Hand death in Tomb Raider where Lara becomes a statue of gold

The original Tomb Raider and its remake, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, did a great job of chronicling Lara's legendary adventures. The games also had a ton of different ways Lara could die, with this particular instance being the most memorable of the lot.

Playing on the fable of the Midas Touch, players who decide to stand on the outstretched palm of Midas will get a pretty unique surprise indeed. Lara will slowly turn into a gold statue, making for one of the most unique deaths in the entire game.

5 A Bloody Reference To The Shining (Mortal Kombat X)

The Here's Johnny fatality in Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat is a series known for its immense gore and brutal fatalities. However, there are times when deaths that are supposed to be gruesome end up being downright silly instead.

A great reference to this is the bloody reference to The Shining present in Johnny Cage's fatality. After carving out an opening in his opponent's chest, Johnny will stick his face in and quote the iconic "Here's Johnny!" line before letting his opponent die.

4 Faceplanting Instead Of Saving A Woman Strapped To A Bomb (Spider-Man 3)

The infamous Spider-Man 3 QTE

The Spider-Man games are notorious for having hilarious quick-time events, and Spider-Man 3 is especially notable for this. One of the most famous QTE fails in the game comes when Spider-Man has to save a woman who's tied to a bomb.

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If players miss the QTE prompt just before rescuing said woman, they'll ungracefully faceplant to the ground instead. This will lead to a close-up shot of the helpless civilian accepting her death before the bomb explodes.

3 Choking To Death On Human Entrails (Phantasmagoria)

The cover of Phantasmagoria

Phantasmagoria is a game known for its shocking adult themes and disturbing scenes. The various deaths in the game can feel downright gratuitous at times, especially the one involving Regina.

This character is shown to love food throughout the entire game, which makes her death all the more disturbing. She is force-fed a bunch of human entrails until she chokes on them, which is pretty visceral indeed.

2 Dying After Mating With An Ardat-Yakshi (Mass Effect 2)

mass effect 2 morinth

This is a death that the player is warned about time and time again. After all, the dangers of an Ardat-Yakshi and their fatal mating is something that Samara talked about all the time, which makes the act of replacing her with Morinth all the more heartless.

Not only can players kill off Samara and keep Morinth, but they can engage in a bout of ill-advised lovemaking with the Ardat-Yakshi as well! Suffice to say, this act results in the player's death, making for one of the weirdest game over screens a player can experience in this game.

1 Getting Peppered With Baseballs (Danganronpa)

The 1,000 Blows — Leon Kuwata execution in Danganronpa

Another game that could have almost all its deaths on this list is Danganronpa. The title's executions that are carried out by Monokuma can be pretty brutal at times, with Leon's demise being the first of the lot that sets the tone for this game's twisted setting.

After being outed as the killer, Leon is tied up to a post and absolutely hammered with many baseballs. He's kept conscious till the very end to experience all the pain, before a final baseball to the head ends his prolonged misery.

More: Danganronpa: The Saddest Deaths In The Series