Seeking out new life and new civilizations also means seeing some of the most amazing places in the universe. The Star Trek story is about exploration and wonder, and even the most hardened Starfleet officer can be humbled by a stunning desert landscape or a sky full of stars.

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There are so many planets in the Star Trek universe that it's difficult to choose which ones are the most beautiful. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, and beauty doesn't necessarily mean safety, as one person's danger is another's excitement.

7 Omicron Ceti 3

this side of paradise tos star trek

The episode is called "This Side of Paradise" and it's famous for its depiction of a totally unhinged and insubordinate Mr. Spock. Beyond that, however, is a lush and sunny planet that's constantly awash in Bertold rays, and the spores that burst from the psychedelic plants there ensure an eternity of health, youth, and bliss.

Normally these rays would be deadly, and to certain life forms it is, but in this case, they had a positive effect on the human residents of the planet and the plant life. It cured their existing ailments and even restored organs or body parts that had to be removed. The downside is that there are no animals on the planet, but that might be an advantage to those that are bothered by insects or varmints.

6 Trill

Trill_landscape star trek tos

The Trill are a humanoid race and their home planet looks a lot like Earth, with the amount of water coverage and mountain ranges that are comparable. There are some interesting differences, however, including purple oceans and the ancient caves of the symbionts.

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The episode of Discovery called "Forget Me Not" was filmed in the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton, Ontario, to recreate the wide variety of colorful and exotic plant life. The planet also has a lengthy and detailed entry in the Federation Travel Guide for those who are interested in researching more tourist attractions.

5 Risa

planet risa star trek tng

This is perhaps the most obvious choice when it comes to planets of stunning beauty. This is officially a "pleasure planet," and it is a tropical paradise that's popular among travelers, tourists, and Starfleet staff on shore leave. The Risians were a humanoid race, so most of the amenities were designed to accommodate humanoids, convenient for the heroes of Star Trek.

The planet has appeared in a few different series, and it's often about a character trying to get away from it all. It appeared first on The Next Generation, then later on Enterprise, Picard, and Strange New Worlds. Some planets are so beautiful they never go out of style, and that's one way to describe Risa.

4 Omicron Delta

bones on the pleasure planet of shore leave tos

At first, it was strange, even threatening, but that turns out this effect was part of the fun. Omnicron Delta is a living amusement park that responds to the visitor's deepest and most sincere desires. Even the wildest dreams come true, including the return of lost old friends or places that only exist in memories. Sometimes, however, it can play unpleasant tricks, which some of the first visitors found out the hard way.

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Ecologically, it's also stunning, with plenty of romantic locations that include weeping willows and placid lakeshores. After the crew of the USS Enterprise found the planet by chance during an episode aptly entitled "Shore Leave" others came to experience Omicron Delta's unique powers firsthand.

3 Vulcan

Star Trek Vulcan

It might be a matter of taste, but for those that appreciate a desert landscape of majestic, high peaks and breathtaking rock formations, Vulcan is a gorgeous planet. For the stargazers out there, keep in mind that Vulcan does not have a moon to dim the stars, which means every night on this planet must be a dazzling one.

There's a lot of history on Vulcan, which is one of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets, and this intellectual culture has a lot to offer those that wish to expand their minds. Travelers from the Kelvin Timeline need to visit before the year 2258 when a Romulan named Nero destroyed the planet using an explosive.

2 Gamma Trianguli VI

the apple star trek tos

Tropical jungles can be dangerous anyway, and the one that covers most of Gamma Trianguli VI is no exception, but the environment and climate are similar to a location in the South Pacific, complete with huge plants, volcanic peaks, and even some exciting examples of local poisonous flora.

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Perhaps not ideal for those seeking relaxation, but a great choice for those looking for an adventure holiday that includes some survivalist themes and experiencing local food, clothing, and culture on a personal level. Leave the curling wands, the tennis shoes, and the red shirt at home for this one.

1 Earth

Space Engineers Earth

Be it ever so beautiful, there's no place like home. No matter how far your travels throughout the galaxy lead as humans boldly go where no human has gone before, all roads lead back to that glowing blue marble, Earth. Unforgettable photo ops include the sight of a full moon over the ocean or the aurora borealis reflected off the surface of an ice floe. From the tropics to the tundra, Earth has something for everyone.

It's not just the incredible diversity the planet enjoys when it comes to life forms, including plants, animals, and biomes, with everything from the most docile house pet to the exciting world of wild animals. This is the only planet in the universe with humpback whales, after all.

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