One of the lesser-seen realms in the Mortal Kombat universe, Orderrealm often gets forgotten about by gamers, however, this does not mean that it is an uninteresting place. This plane is a reflection and opposite in nature to the entropic Chaosrealm, as can be gleaned from their names, and possesses fascinating aesthetics as well as customs.

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Players often only get glimpses of Orderrealm here and there through cutscenes, therefore many are likely unfamiliar with the deep lore of this fascinating setting. These facts can help those curious about the Mortal Kombat universe get a better picture of the grand scale of events that dominate the franchise.

8 Realm Layout

a view if the orderrealm map from mortal kombat: deception.

As can be seen from the map of Orderrealm from Mortal Kombat: Deception, this plane of existence is very neatly organized. Everything is symmetrical and balanced, giving everything a place and purpose. Another name for Orderrealm is Seido, which is derived from the Japanese word for "structure", which makes sense when one notices that all of Orderrealm is a gigantic, technologically advanced urban landscape.

7 Civilization

loading screen showing orderrealm.

The highly advanced civilization of Orderrealm specializes in filling their colossal central city (which makes up the entirety of what players are seen of this realm) with huge, vertically inclined structures such as grand pyramids and tall skyscrapers.

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Contrary to many of the other major realms, Seido seems to make use of both magic and technological advancements in their city planning. Much of the cityscape is dotted with things that seem to be representative of the triumph of order over chaos, such as the many thin walkways that don't seem to need traditional supports and the multitude of fountains that spray out water from unknown sources which dissipate into the air.

6 The Districts Of Orderrealm

central pyramid in orderrealm.

Seido is divided into 4 quadrants: Goldtown, Redtown, Greentown, and Bluetown, with each appearing on different sides of the central pyramid of the realm. Each of these colored towns possess precious gems that embody the hue of the quadrant they are found in; Gold Nuggets are from Goldtown, Fire Opals can be found in Redtown, Green Gems are located in Greentown, and Winterstones are borne from Bluetown.

5 Native Race

character from orderrealm.

The only race mentioned to be native to Orderrealm are the main inhabitants, the Seidans, and they appear to be physiologically identical to humans, albeit with greater life expectancy and better magical abilities on average. In terms of personality, Seidans are known to be very uptight and rigid while also being more concerned about trivial details than life or death situations. This leads some to commit crimes, despite the strict laws of their realm, however, they almost never get away with their deeds and suffer for them via brutal and over-the-top capital punishments.

4 Notable Characters

3 characters from orderrealm.

While Orderrealm's contribution to the Mortal Kombat roster is quite lacking, there are 3 characters from this realm that are worth mentioning. The first is Darrius, the muscular and ambitious spectacled warrior who leads the Seidan Resistance Movement. The next is Dairou, a former Seidan guard who was once imprisoned for killing the man who murdered his family, though has since escaped and works as a mercenary. Lastly is Hotaru, a general of the Seidan Guard who is a renowned zealot who enforces the will of the state at all costs.

3 Politics & Civil Conflict

civil war in seido.

Despite the strict laws and regulations of the city, there are constant conflicts that erupt between the citizens. There is no single ruler of Orderrealm, only a council, thereby making Seido a republic. However, the severe restrictions placed upon the realm and its citizens have actually forced a resistance group to arise and oppose the oppression. The 2 forces which constantly butt heads in this matter are the Seidan Resistance Movement and the Seidan Guards.

2 Ties With Other Realms

part of orderrealm seen in a cutscene.

For the most part, Orderrealm is a neutral plane that stays out of the conflicts with the majority of their universal neighbors. They dislike Shao Kahn's reckless dictatorship of Outworld, however, Seidans seemed to have been pleased with Onaga's rule of that realm due to the Dragon King having a more solid grip on the various races underneath him. Seido's relationship with Edenia is non-aggressive, however, Edenians are not huge fans of Oderrealm's strictness and lack of civil freedom.

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As for Chaosrealm, Orderrealm's opposite, there is nothing but open hostility. The mentality of these planes makes them natural enemies and they have despised each other for eons. There is an ongoing war between Orderrealm and Chaosrealm for the resource of water, from which neither side will back down.

1 Destruction Of Orderrealm

joker's ending where he and his allies destroy orderrealm.

While not canon, Joker's ending in Mortal Kombat 11 depicts a devasting event for Orderrealm. After the madman has made his way past all opponents, he and his allies (Mileena, Havik, and Hsu Hao) are shown laying waste to the inhabitants, Seidan Guard, and even destroying some of the floating pyramid structures in the background.

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