
  • Cooking With Scorpion is a beloved and iconic Easter egg in the Mortal Kombat series that showcases the franchise's sense of humor.
  • The Krypt in past Mortal Kombat games provided players with valuable rewards, including secret characters and alternate costumes.
  • Adding more silliness and lighthearted Easter eggs to future Mortal Kombat games could bring extra enjoyment to fans and the characters involved.

Cooking With Scorpion remains one of Mortal Kombat's quirkiest Easter eggs, and it deserves the fondness with which it is remembered. While the Mortal Kombat series is best known for its violent content, particularly its often-brutal fatalities, the franchise is not without a sense of humor. One would only need to watch some of Johnny Cage's interactions with other characters in recent games to realize that. Even though its appearance was over twenty years ago, Cooking With Scorpion still manages to land in a way that few other jokes from the series do, making it truly iconic.

Although players may be disappointed that Mortal Kombat 1 won't have The Krypt, Krypts from past games have provided players with plenty of valuable discoveries. In particular, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance's version of The Krypt had a wide variety of rewards for players to discover, including secret characters, extra stages, alternate costumes, and more. However, the unlocking process was complicated by the player having to open unmarked coffins, which could contain something great, something essentially useless, or nothing at all. Thankfully, most of the coffins feature something of substance, and one coffin contained one of the game's most memorable rewards: the Cooking With Scorpion video.

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Cooking With Scorpion is Mortal Kombat's Most Amusing Easter Egg

Scorpion winking in Cooking With Scorpion from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Cooking With Scorpion is a 17-second video starring Mortal Kombat's iconic ninja Scorpion. In the video, a live-action Scorpion is cast in the role of a cooking show host, showing the viewer a preview what will be covered on that day's show. Scorpion never speaks, but he does offer a few glances to the camera as he shows off his skills. The show promises to reveal Scorpion's secrets for tenderizing meat and decorating cakes, but the main draw seems to be Scorpion chopping various ingredients with an axe, which is shown three times. After this brief display, the video ends on the title card.

There were actually many parody advertisements in Deadly Alliance that feature the many fighters of Mortal Kombat, although Cooking with Scorpion is by far the most memorable. The reason for this is likely the fact that it's the only one that is a video, while the rest are still images. This allowed Scorpion to show off more personality than any of the other advertisements did. From Scorpion's wink at the start to the Leave it to Beaver-esque music playing throughout, the whole skit is delightfully silly. The full spectacle is much more memorable than a quick advertisement for a parody product like the other commercials.

If Cooking With Scorpion proves anything, it's that Mortal Kombat could use more silliness. The Friendships from Mortal Kombat 11 are in the same vein, finishing fights in an amusing fashion rather than with a violent final blow. That's not to say that Mortal Kombat should forsake the vicious fighting gameplay of its namesake, but there's plenty to be said for adding some levity to the proceedings. A few more jokey and lighthearted Easter eggs in future games could do wonders for the characters involved. After all, fans like most of these characters, so it's perfectly valid to have some fun with them.

Cooking With Scorpion is one of the silliest things to come out of Mortal Kombat, and it's worth appreciating for that. Although Mortal Kombat 1's new universe is looking about as violent as the old one, it doesn't have to disregard more comedic aspects like Friendships or Cooking with Scorpion. The fact that such a short and goofy skit is still fondly remembered years later should say a lot about how evergreen its flavor of humor is. Hopefully Mortal Kombat fans will still be enjoying Cooking With Scorpion after twenty more years have passed.

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