A key mechanic in Mortal Kombat X was the X-Ray, a devastating high damage move that required players to spend their entire meter in order to perform it. For Mortal Kombat 11, NetherRealm made a few changes to the meter like splitting it up into two different bars, with one enhancing offensive moves and another controlling defensive abilities for escaping or for wake-up moves. The biggest change to the meter is that the X-Ray was removed entirely.

In its place, the Fatal Blow mechanic was added and intended to be used as a comeback mechanic for those who need it. The moves are so brutal, that they're almost like using a fatality during a Mortal Kombat 11 match without ending it. However, using the move is a little different from past versions, adding another layer of risk versus reward for consideration. Here's how to use the Fatal Blow and some other considerations to consider during a match.

Using a Fatal Blow

Unlike X-Rays, Fatal Blows are only available at very specific moments in a match. After taking a substantial amount of damage, the Fatal Blow indicator appears when the character is under 30% health remaining. In addition to the flashing words under the health bar, players will hear a warning chime as an audio cue that it is available. Activating the move is the same across all characters, simply pull both triggers on the controller to launch the character into an animation reminiscent of an X-Ray or in some cases, an in-match fatality.

Missing A Fatal Blow and Other Considerations

Launching a Fatal Blow against an opponent isn't guaranteed to succeed. The moves can miss or be blocked, which leaves the character open for punishment. Not only that, but also the Fatal Blow goes on cooldown for 10 seconds, which can be a massive problem for a player using it in order to catch up.

Considering how brutal and powerful these moves are, NetherRealm has made them into a one-time use ability in a Mortal Kombat 11 match. Therefore, players can't rely on them every round, for once they're used and successfully connect with an opponent, they're no longer available until the match is either won or lost completely. This mechanic forces the player to consider the best time to use it or save it, as it can turn the tide of a single round in an instant.

If an opponent has their Fatal Blow, the best thing to do is to try and keep space, as most characters need to be close in order to activate it. There are a few characters that can connect with it at a distance or full screen, though, such as Frost.

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Krushing Blows

In addition to Fatal Blows, NetherRealm added another new mechanic that hearkens back to X-Rays called Krushing Blows. These are moves that trigger a slow-motion animation zooming in on bones breaking, bodies being smashed, or body parts being stabbed.

Each character has a fairly long list of available Krushing Blows, and each one requires a different activation method, either by hitting a combo, performing a move a certain number of times and more. Many of them are also locked away in The Krypt, a mode that is currently under fire from the community over Mortal Kombat 11's aggressive grind and randomized rewards.

Mortal Kombat 11 is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.