
  • The timeline reset in Mortal Kombat 1 allows for the exploration of fresh ideas and the opportunity to change established characters and stories.
  • Baraka has the potential to become more than just a minor villain and could evolve into an anti-hero or even a good guy in the new Takartan storyline.
  • The Takart disease presents a chance for social commentary and a more mature narrative in the Mortal Kombat series, as it raises questions about the treatment of the Takartans and the possibility of rebellion or alliances with different factions.

Aside from the new Kameo gameplay system, one of the key unique points of Mortal Kombat 1, and one that makes it so exciting, is the timeline reset. At the end of Mortal Kombat 11, Liu Kang beats both Kronika and, later, Shang Tsung and starts creating a new timeline that he would shape as he sees fit. Fire God Liu Kang in Mortal Kombat 1 has seemingly created a new world full of peace and devoid of the chaos and death that is synonymous with Mortal Kombat.

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This timeline reset presents a new opportunity for Netherrealm Studios to play around with different characters and stories and change them completely. Be it Raiden being human, Kenshi being Yakuza, or Scorpion and Sub-Zero being brothers. All of these can be fun new takes on established characters. Moreover, a new MK1 timeline can be useful for exploring fresh new ideas, focusing on underutilized characters, and so much more. The biggest change we've seen from this is the new Takartan storyline teased at Comic-Con. This storyline is a step in the right direction for the series and can bring some massive changes.

5 Baraka As More Than A Minor Villain

Baraka MK1

Baraka, while a fan favorite, has essentially been a jobber for nearly his entire history. Mortal Kombat 11 did do a little to salvage his reputation and give the Takartan some respect, but he was still merely a minor antagonist. With the new Takart disease and Baraka's clear disdain at how his fellow afflicted Takartans are suffering, Netherrealms can pivot Baraka into becoming more of an anti-hero or even a good guy.

RELATED: Mortal Kombat 1: Where Is Baraka In Fire God Liu Kang's New Era?

Additionally, it is now possible to explore Baraka's relationship with characters such as Mileena, Reiko, and Shao Kahn. Instead of instantly dying or losing every fight he's in, Baraka seems to be set up for his own chapter in the story, and it's quite interesting to see what characters he interacts with. Particularly and conflict with Liu Kang over the state of those afflicted by Takart could be fascinating as well.

4 Social Implications of the Takart Disease

Takartans MK1

The brief glimpses fans get of the rest of the Takartans, aside from Baraka, show that they are being kept away from the rest of society, possibly in some sort of camp. Additionally, they are being attacked and paraded around by either Outworld or Edenian soldiers. These Takartans are not the same as those in previous Mortal Kombat games. Rather than being ferocious warriors, they are sickly, weak, and hurt. Baraka describes the Takart disease as one which disfigures, debilitates, and will eventually turn those inflicted into bloodthirsty monsters.

There are questions about how poorly the Takartans are being treated, especially considering that Outworld at this stage isn't shown to be under Shao Kahn's rule and has relatively 'nicer' rulers. There is also the possibility of the Takartans either rebelling or maybe even, after being sick and tired of the way they've been treated, joining forces with Shang Tsung against Liu Kang and his allies. Overall, the Takart disease presents Netherrealms a rare opportunity to engage with some degree of social commentary or maybe presents the chance to make the Mortal Kombat narrative more mature and grounded. Whilst neither of these things is necessary for a good Mortal Kombat game, branching out in this manner may lead to a more captivating story.

3 Mileena

Kenshi and Mileena MK1

Mileena is hinted to be on good terms with her sister and seems to be, by all accounts, a decent and competent ruler thus far. She has, however, been infected with the Takart disease; it will definitely be fun to see how this affects her and whether she turns into her usual bloodthirsty and maniacal self. Sindel's role in all of this is, unfortunately, still unclear.

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Mileena is shown to have a relationship with Tanya, and it could make for gripping storytelling to see how their relationship dynamics evolve as Mileena succumbs to the disease. Would Tanya follow her if she joins General Shao, or would there be conflict between the two? Similarly, certain dialogue between Mileena and Kitana hints towards the former being jealous of her sibling. It could be fun to see how Netherrealm explores the sibling dynamic between the two ninjas, especially considering they seem to be on amicable terms at some point at least. Usually, Mileena and Kitana hate each other from the get-go, and maybe how the two of them deal with Mileena's affliction could develop their relationship for future games as well.

2 Liu Kang's Perfect Failure?

MK1 Liu Kang Special Move

Liu Kang is, by all accounts, the moral compass of the Mortal Kombat series. He's always been the quintessential good guy, infallible and upright. As players already know, Liu Kang has ascended to Elder God status or beyond, and he's directly shaped how this new timeline operates. Liu Kang attempted to create a peaceful world without conflict and death, but he seems to have failed.

An important point that Baraka raised was that Liu Kang has been of no help to the Takartans that are suffering so far. It will be interesting to see how that develops. Will the recently infallible Liu Kang have shortcomings he must directly face, or will it be chalked off to Shang Tsung meddling? Hopefully, it is the former, but either way, the new Takartan origin can lead through to some exciting new pathways for Netherrealm Studios to explore.

1 An Alliance With Shao Kahn

Takartan MK1

While there isn't any solid proof confirming this, there are some clear signs which show that Baraka and his fellow Takartans may prefer General Shao and his allies over Liu Kang and the Edenian Royal Family. This alliance could also be forced; the soldiers shown in the trailers attacking the Takartans have similar armor designs to Reiko, Goro, and Shao Kahn, indicating they work for them. Additionally, soldiers are seen drawing blood from Baraka. This could be for either a cure or even as an experiment to figure out how to control the Takartans.

Baraka is clearly angry in the trailers, and this anger could easily be controlled and directed toward the 'good guys.'

Mortal Kombat 1 releases September 19 on PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Mortal Kombat 1: Biggest Changes Confirmed To The Mortal Kombat Ninjas