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Mortal Kombat is a series that fans keep coming back to primarily for the story, but being a fighting game at its core, the length of Mortal Kombat 1 goes well beyond its relatively short main story mode. In most Mortal Kombat games, the main campaign – if one is available – usually takes no longer than 10 hours to complete.

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Skilled players who don't lose matches in between story segments can typically beat these games' stories much faster. Mortal Kombat 1 follows this general formula, offering a short but sweet Konquest mode alongside hours of extra singleplayer modes and, of course, multiplayer content.

How Long Is The Mortal Kombat 1 Story?

Mortal Kombat 1 Story Length Time To Beat Johnny Cage Kenshi Phone

Mortal Kombat 1's Konquest mode is made up of 15 parts, each with at least five fights set between story moments and spectacular cutscenes. But the time it takes to beat depends on one's skill and will to avoid skipping cutscenes.

An average player who loses a fight here or there during the MK1 campaign, and watches all of its cutscenes, can expect to take around 6 to 8hoursto beat Mortal Kombat 1. Cutscenes make up the majority of the time spent in the main campaign and are well worth sitting through to experience one of the series' freshest stories.

However, players who skip all the cutscenes can expect to spend significantly less time finishing MK1. Cutscenes make up about four hours of Mortal Kombat 1, so by skipping all of them and getting right to the fights, the MK1 campaign only takes around2 to 4 hours to finish.

Time To Beat MK1 Invasions & Towers

Mortal Kombat 1 Story Length Time To Beat Scorpion Sektor Towers Invasions

The main campaign isn't the only singleplayer feature in the new game – MK1's Invasions mode is a new seasonal game mode that refreshes every few months, and the classic Towers mode makes a comeback.

The Invasions game mode is like something between Mario Party (without other players) and an RPG, with stats, a leveling system, shops, and several game boards (called Mesas) for players to traverse. The time it takes to beat every Mesa and finish the Invasions mode is around 5 to 10 hours, depending on players' skill and ability to quickly traverse the relatively confusing Invasions maps.

Towers also come back as a feature in MK1. This game mode harkens back to the Arcade era of Mortal Kombat with back-to-back battles that must be beaten consecutively. There are several tiers to MK1 towers – 6, 8, and 10 fights in a row, an Endless mode, and a Survival mode. It's a quick game mode that unlocks special endings for each character upon completion of each Tower – which usually takes no less than 30 minutes to an hour to beat any of the three Standard versions.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.