
  • Gamers are discovering that Mortal Kombat 1 lacks a feature that allows them to save moves, causing frustration and inconvenience during matches.
  • Early access and player sharing have revealed new gameplay mechanics, redesigned characters, and the impact of the lore reboot in Mortal Kombat 1.
  • The absence of move-saving has sparked complaints among fans, who are resorting to taking notes or referring to external lists.

Gamers are learning that Mortal Kombat1 is missing the star moves feature that allows them to save moves so they appear with their required button presses on the screen during a match. The latest entry in the venerable fighting series hasn't officially launched yet, but some fans have already gotten their hands on it and are diving in. With different editions available, release times for Mortal Kombat 1 vary, and those who unlocked early access are currently facing off and learning what the game has to offer.

Thanks to this early access and players sharing their experiences online, the community is getting a first look at new gameplay mechanics, the best Kombatant redesigns in Mortal Kombat 1, and how the reboot of the lore is impacting the narrative. Of course, this early access is also giving fans a heads-up about bugs and missing features that they should be prepared to deal with as well. Sadly, it seems that the absence of one useful feature is really irking players.

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On Reddit, a user going by gobble has begun a thread complaining about the absence of the ability to star moves in Mortal Kombat 1. Also referred to as pinning moves, this feature allowed a player, in previous games, to select certain moves for their chosen fighter and have them appear on the screen, with the required button inputs, during combat. This was incredibly useful for anyone who had trouble keeping different combos straight and especially for getting used to a new character. Now, it seems gamers are stuck with having to study and memorize moves outside of matches.

Plenty of other players quickly joined the thread to vent their own frustration. Some are baffled by the absence of the feature and others are hoping that it will be patched in at some point in the future. There are even fans who shared that they've resorted to writing down combos or taking pictures with their phones and trying to refer to these lists during fights. Mortal Kombat 1 is earning some of the year's highest reviews, but it's not perfect, and this issue is likely to stand out to even some hardcore fans of the series.

This isn't the only Mortal Kombat 1 feature that is missing at launch, but the lack of move-saving is notable as there's currently no indication of why it's missing or whether it will be added in the future. With dozens of fighters and more sure to come through DLC, each having their own unique combos and strategies, not giving players a way to learn their moves quickly is a surprising decision. There could be more complaints from fans until NetherRealm Studios makes an announcement about this feature.

Mortal Kombat 1 launches September 19 for PC, PS5, Switch, and Xbox Series X/S.

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