Mortal Kombat 1's new timeline and reworking of long-established characters are some of the greatest features the game offers. The soft reboot of the franchise could have been disastrous, but Mortal Kombat 1 shines a new light on many characters that present a welcome change of pace.

After the events of Mortal Kombat 11, Liu Kang reset the timeline in an attempt to achieve peace and saw many characters from previous games taking on new lives and relationships in Mortal Kombat 1. When it comes to these character relationships, Mileena and Tanya are two characters that immediately come to mind as they provide a great representation of an LGBT pairing.

Rumor: New Mortal Kombat 1 Kameo Character Leaked

A new leak hints at the next Mortal Kombat 1 DLC Kameo fighter, who could be a new version of a supporting character taking up a familiar identity.

Mortal Kombat 1 Ditches Same-Sex Stigma

During the events of Mortal Kombat 1, it is revealed that Mileena and Tanya are in a secret romantic relationship. Although some may originally be led to believe that the same-sex nature of the relationship is what causes the characters to keep it a secret, that isn't the case at all. The secrecy actually has to do with Tanya and Mortal Kombat's Umgadi.

Tanya and the Umgadi

As a warrior priestess, Tanya is a fearsome force to be reckoned with as a fighter. The group of Outworld warrior priestesses she belongs to is known as the Umgadi. Although the Umgadi are a noble group, one of the biggest drawbacks of being part of the warrior priestesses is that romantic attachments are completely forbidden.

Not only is Tanya part of the Umgadi, but she is also its current leader, making the relationship between her and Mileena that much more tricky. There are many interesting or strange aspects to Mortal Kombat 1's lore, and the Umgadi are a fascinating group of warriors. However, the group has ultimately thrown a huge wrench into Mileena and Tanya's plans for happiness.

Normalizing Mileena and Tanya's Relationship

Mortal Kombat 1 succeeds at LGBT representation because there isn't any stigma surrounding Mileena and Tanya both being women. It's never treated as an issue or something to be ashamed of, which is a breath of fresh air; instead, the game presents the relationship as the natural partnership that it is.

With so many characters in Mortal Kombat 1 that have their own unique stories, it's great that there is a clearly defined relationship between Mileena and Tanya. Although the issue of the Umgadi requires that the two keep their relationship a secret, Mortal Kombat 1 makes it very clear that the characters are together romantically. The game unapologetically embraces Mileena and Tanya being together.

Mortal Kombat's Evolution and History

The Mortal Kombat franchise has come a long way since its beginnings. Once seen as a crass fighting title by some, it has evolved past the initial criticisms and public outcry that made the series so controversial in the 90s. The franchise still embraces the hilariously over-the-top violence and gore that it's become so well known for, but it approaches its characters with much more grace.

Through the years, the stories of each character in Mortal Kombat have become more dynamic and nuanced, which gives the franchise some real heart. These backstories and relationships help inform character motives, and Tanya and Mileena's romantic bond is a fascinating exploration of being in love while also having to honor one's duty. Mortal Kombat 1 has a bright future ahead of it if it continues to depict relationships of all types unapologetically and thoughtfully.