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Every Mortal Kombat game introduces new game modes and fighting mechanics to keep the formula fresh – the series has been around for 30 years, after all. Though the series has had tag-team combat in various forms in the past, Mortal Kombat 1 introduces the Kameo mechanic, which lets players choose a partner for unique attacks and synergies.

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Every Kameo in MK1 has unique abilities and a unique finisher, which help expand the depth of combat and the breadth of abilities available to players. Kameos are a core system in Mortal Kombat 1, and players will have a hard time getting anywhere in online mode, or certain singleplayer modes, without learning the ins and outs of this new mechanic.

How To Use Kameos in MK1 Effectively

Mortal Kombat 1 Kameos Explained Scorpion Sektor Kameo Win Screen

Compensate For Character Weaknesses

Some characters are strong in some areas but weak in others, like their ability to restrain enemies or deal damage from afar, or their ability to launch enemies in the air and keep them there. Kameos come with a handful of moves each that give players more options and open up their moveset.

Jax, for example, can use a low slam that deals damage in a wide area after a moment. Cyrax can shoot a net from far away, keeping enemies in place to close the distance. After getting a feel for MK1's character weaknesses and strengths, start experimenting with different Kameos to see how their different moves and abilities can fill in the gaps.

Extend Combos By Incorporating Kameo Abilities

One of the most useful methods of using Kameos in MK1 is to use their abilities to extend combos. Some combos are difficult to transition into one another, but Kameos can connect the two and allow players to successfully pull off significantly more complex combos.

Raiden with Stryker as his Kameo partner can pull off a F4, 3, 4 followed by the forward Kameo move of Stryker's to launch enemies into the air after a series of low kicks. This gives Raiden a chance to add an Aerial portion to their combo.

It can be difficult to pull off the exact timing on Kameo moves to extend combos. The best way to time a Kameo ability is to perform the input right after the initial combo, as if it is part of that combo, with no wait between inputs. Then, simply follow up the Kameo's combo extender with another combo – for the Raiden combo listed above, try following the Kameo extender with a F3, 4 combo twice to juggle them in the air, and finish off the combo string with the Razzle Dazzle ability (DF2).

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Perform Unique Kameo Finishers

Not only do MK1 Kameos take part in players' Fatal Blows, but each Kameo also comes with its own unique Finisher. These finishers vary from Kameo to Kameo, and typically harken back to that character's classic Fatalities from their original games. Jax will grow enormously and stomp on the enemy, Sub-Zero will rip out their spine, Stryker will plant a bomb on the enemy, and so on.

Some Kameo fatalities are completely new, wholly original finishers. For example, Shujinko's Kameo finisher sees him perform the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart technique on the opponent – a reference to Kill Bill.

To see the inputs for each Kameo's finisher, head to the Move List menu, and scroll over to the Kameo Moves tab. Here, players will see the names and inputs for each of the Kameo's normal moves, as well as the inputs for their unique Kameo fatality.

Break Enemy Combos (With A Full Meter)

One of the most important uses of the Kameo system is to break combos. In Mortal Kombat 1, combo breaking is tied to the Kameo system and the Meter – the bar that fills up on the bottom left of the screen as players deal and take damage. The only way to break an enemy's combo is by using a Kameo in the middle of their input string.

By pressing the Block input and forward, after an enemy has begun a combo string, players can summon their Kameo to break out and make some space. However, players must have a completely full Meter to be able to combo break. Once a Combo Breaker has been used, the Meter will be completely depleted, and thus cannot be used again until it's been charged enough.

Every Unlockable Kameo in Mortal Kombat 1

MK1 Kameos

The Kameo system in Mortal Kombat 1 presents players with a second roster of Kameo characters after they've selected their main fighter. There are currently 15 Kameos in MK1, from returning classic faves like Jax and Frost as well as characters who haven't appeared in Mortal Kombat for a long time, like Motaro and Sareena.

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There are likely more Kameo characters to come in future Kombat Pack DLCs and Expansions. For now, these are the fifteen that players can earn by progressing their Account Level – or by buying the MK1 Kameo Unlock Pack to get all of them at once.

Kameo Name

Unlock Requirements

Original Appearance



Mortal Kombat 3



Mortal Kombat: Deception



Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance



Original Mortal Kombat

Jax Briggs


Mortal Kombat 2



Original Mortal Kombat

Kung Lao

Account Level 5 reward

Mortal Kombat 2


Account Level 25 reward

Mortal Kombat 3



Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero


Account Level 10 reward

Original Mortal Kombat



Mortal Kombat 3


Account Level 20 reward

Mortal Kombat: Deception

Sonya Blade


Original Mortal Kombat



Mortal Kombat 3


Account Level 15 reward

Original Mortal Kombat

Mortal Kombat 1 is available for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.