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Fatal Blows were first introduced in Mortal Kombat 11 as an alternative to X-Ray moves. Now, in Mortal Kombat 1, this unique move has evolved into a tag-team performance involving Kameos and their unique abilities. However, for beginners in Mortal Kombat 1, the burning question is how to execute a Fatal Blow since there doesn't appear to be a clear method to activate it.

To help with that, this comprehensive guide covers everything about the revamped Fatal Blows. Players can also find valuable tips on maximizing the potential of these powerful moves.

Mortal Kombat 1: How to Perform Every Fatality (& What They Look Like)

A guide explaining how to perform every Fatality in Mortal Kombat 1 with videos showing what they look like in action and where players need to stand.

What Is a Fatal Blow?

image showing an activated fatal blow in mortal kombat 1.

In Mortal Kombat 1, a Fatal Blow is a comeback move. It is granted to the losing player with 30% HP or below, giving them a chance at retaliation. Gameplay-wise, Fatal Blows are similar to X-Ray hits in Mortal Kombat X, with the main difference being Kameo involvements.

When a player's Health Bar drops below one-third, they gain the opportunity to execute a Fatal Blow. If they fail to land it, they must wait until the gauge refills completely before attempting it again. Fatal Blows' primary features include:

  • Fatal Blows drain one-third of the enemy’s HP.
  • Each player can do one Fatal Blow per match. (The missed or blocked ones don’t count.)
  • All Fatal Blows can be blocked by the target.

How to Perform a Fatal Blow

When two-thirds of the player's HP is emptied, they will need to press the LT and RT buttons simultaneously to do a Fatal Blow. PlayStation players should press L2 + R2 for the same effect. (There is no way to trigger Fatal Blow, as it activates once players reach a specific Health Point.)

The ideal way to do a Fatal Blow is by getting a hit-confirm in advance. Since this Special Move is blockable, it’s best to land it after breaking the opponent’s stance. This ensures dodging their Kounter and Punishment attempts.

How to Block a Fatal Blow

Mortal Kombat 1 Johnny vs Johnny

To block a Fatal Blow, hold the RT button (R2 on PlayStation) before the first hit lands. In some cases, interrupting the Fatal Blow animation with a jab also works as a block, preventing the enemy from doing their Fatal Blow.

Mortal Kombat 1 is available now for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: How to Do a Brutality in Mortal Kombat 1