A lot of fighters could find a place on Mortal Kombat 1's roster, but there's one particular character who fans should fear a potential appearance. The nature of Mortal Kombat 1 as an effective continuity reboot means that there is a wide array of characters that could make an appearance on the roster. In most cases, there is a lot to look forward to regarding a specific character, whether they end up following their previous destiny or not. However, there is one character fans should dread, for their appearance in Mortal Kombat 1's roster would be an ill omen.

One of the exciting things about Mortal Kombat 1's premise is that with the game taking place in a new timeline, there is a world of possibilities out there for the cast. Whether they were good or evil before doesn't matter, because the slate has effectively been wiped clean for all of them. The only character who can really be expected to know about the past timeline is Liu Kang himself. For this reason, almost every character has a lot of potential to make a decent story. That is, unless one specific character shows up to ruin the story before it can begin.

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D'Vorah Would Be the Biggest Danger to Mortal Kombat 1's Roster

D'Vorah from Mortal Kombat 11

D'Vorah is a character who debuted in Mortal Kombat X's base roster, but her impact on the series is significant. In her debut, D'Vorah poses as an ally of Kotal Kahn before betraying him and would go on to be a minion for major villains Shinnok and Kronika. That said, D'Vorah has no true loyalty to anyone but herself and is willing to turn on anyone in an instant for her own gain. That combined with her nasty personality and gross powers makes her a very unpleasant character, and her actions in these games have made her one of Mortal Kombat's most infamous figures.

Having D'Vorah make an appearance would be a dire sign for any of Mortal Kombat 1's participating fighters due to her track record. In both of her appearances so far, D'Vorah has murdered a beloved member of the Mortal Kombat universe. In Mortal Kombat X she executed Mileena in horrific fashion, a character so popular that her original absence from Mortal Kombat 11 sparked outrage. Speaking of Mortal Kombat 11, D'Vorah murdered series poster boy Scorpion with poison.

As bad as these instances were, the worst part may be that Mortal Kombat's D'Vorah never received any real comeuppance for her crimes before the universe reset. If Mortal Kombat 1 ends up including D'Vorah in the cast, it's difficult to imagine that turning out well for anyone but her.

Although Mortal Kombat 1 can redeem its villains, D'Vorah is such a loathsome character that it's hard to imagine her as anything but the smug, selfish person she was in the past two games. Not to mention, her track record would mean that any popular character may end up dying by her hand, as even the series' mascot wasn't safe in the last game. D'Vorah is not only irredeemable, but she's also a threat to virtually every character, especially the most popular.

Out of all the characters in the series, D'Vorah may be the single most worrying one that could make an appearance, and fans couldn't be blamed for wishing that she won't return in Mortal Kombat 1. Bad things happen to beloved characters whenever D'Vorah shows up, which should be more than enough reason to hope that she stays away. If D'Vorah is announced for Mortal Kombat 1, fans should worry about what she has planned.

Mortal Kombat 1 will be released on September 19, 2023, for the Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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