Mordhau is a medieval multiplayer slasher game best known for its large-scale battles and sieges. With each life, players are able to choose from a lineup of default mercenaries, or from those which they have created themselves. Every mercenary or build in Mordhau can use up to 48 loadout points, with different armor, weapons, perks, and supportive items costing various loadout points depending on their strength.

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The best builds in Mordhau, however, are those that cater to the individual's specific playstyle, and thus it is a good idea for new players to try out a wide range of builds to find their groove. No build is set in stone and players are encouraged to tweak the following suggestions to their desire. This level of customization is just one reason why Mordhau is considered one of the best medieval combat games.

6 Genoese Crossbowman

Mordhau Genoese Crossbowman Build


Weapons, Shields & Utility


Tier 2 Head



Tier 3 Torso

Pavise Shield


Tier 1 Legs




The best builds in Mordhau are not only strong in terms of gameplay, but they also allow players to roleplay as a certain type of soldier from the real medieval world. One of the most fun reenactments to try out is as a Genoese Crossbowman. The most important thing about the build is to have a Crossbow and Pavise Shield, as just like the real soldiers, players can hide behind their Pavise while reloading.

The Ranger and Hunstman Perks are ideal for any ranged build, and a backup Dagger is extremely useful if an enemy ever manages to close the gaps. If players prefer using a bow, they should check out the default Huntsman build.

5 Longsword Perk Build

Mordhau Longsword Perk Build


Weapons, Shields & Utility


No Head



No Torso


No Legs


Second Wind


There are a number of overpowered perks in Mordhau that are rarely used together due to their loadout costs, but players skilled with the Longsword can keep enemies at bay with its reach without the need to wear any armor at all.

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This allows the player to equip great perks such as Dodge, Bloodlust, and Second Wind, which will give the player a significant advantage in combat, especially if they are outnumbered as some of these perks kick in after the first kill.

4 Heavy Armor Polehammer

Mordhau Heavy Armor Polehammer Build


Weapons, Shields & Utility


Tier 3 Head


Tier 3 Torso

Tier 3 Legs

This build is one of the simplest as players just have to equip the heaviest armor for the head, torso, and legs and then select one of the best two-handed weapons in the game, the Polehammer. With these selected, players won't have any room left for secondary weapons or perks, but they will be incredibly durable and be able to kill any other enemy in the game.

The key to getting the most out of the Polehammer is aim, as direct blows to the head are extremely potent. Part of the difficulty with this is knowing how far away to stand from opponents before swinging, a skill that must be learned. After all, Mordhau is considered one of the hardest online multiplayer games.

3 Lightly Armored Zweihander

Mordhau Light Armor Zweihander Build


Weapons, Shields & Utility


Tier 1 Head



Tier 1 Torso



Tier 1 Legs

The Zweihander is easily one of the best weapons in Mordhau with its impressive reach and deadly swings. In fact, it is so strong that players can create an entire build around it, with a Falchion as a backup option for closer ranged fights. One option is also to roleplay as a Landsknecht, a type of Germanic mercenary from the end of the medieval period and the start of the Renaissance.

To take this build further, if players acquire enough gold, they will be able to unlock Landsknecht aesthetic options for every component of their outfit, and can further stylize their look with plenty of bright colors.

2 Giant Tank

Mordhau Armored Tank Build


Weapons, Shields & Utility


Tier 3 Head



Tier 3 Torso

Heater Shield


Tier 3 Legs


Sometimes in games, being extremely tanky and hard to kill can be more fun than dealing the most damage. This Giant Tank build aims to do just that with the heaviest armor and the Tank Perk. This perk makes the player bigger, and they take less damage, at the cost of some mobility and lack of health regen.

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Players can also take a Heater Shield, arguably the best shield in Mordhau, for even more protection, and a strong one-handed weapon like the Mace for pounding opponents. The Wrecker Perk also helps with taking down structures.

1 Mounted Knight

Mordhau Mounted Knight Build


Weapons, Shields & Utility


Tier 2 Head


Tier 3 Torso

Heater Shield

Tier 2 Legs

The Mounted Knight build is a loadout that players can save for when they play on Mordhau maps with horses. It uses a mixture of medium and heavy armor and simply combines them with a Spear and Heater Shield.

Players can then ride into battle knowing they are safe from most blows, while they couch their Spear and wield their shield for added protection. Of course, if players can find a proper Lance on the map, they should make sure to pick this up as it does the job better than the Spear.

Mordhau is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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