The exclusive trailer for Roland Emmerich's upcoming science fiction/action film Moonfall has officially dropped, and fans of TheLegend of Zelda are already comparing it to Majora's Mask on Twitter. While this choice of comparison may seem odd at first glance, it begins to make sense when one realizes that both works feature the literally looming threat of the moon crashing into the world below, while the story's protagonist struggles to find a way to stop its fall.

In Moonfall, that protagonist is NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler, who has only a few weeks to learn why the moon is suddenly on a collision course with the Earth, and how she can stop it. Majora's Mask, meanwhile, tasks Link with stopping the moon's fall over the course of a three-day time-loop that repeats itself throughout the game.

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Both properties contain at least one very striking moment where the player, or viewer, is shown exactly how close the moon has gotten to impact, but Majora's Mask has the advantage in sheer dread. As a piece of interactive media, it allows the player to look up and worry about the moon exactly as often as they want. However, this didn't stop fans like @Odme_ on Twitter from taking one look at the looming lunar disaster in Moonfall and pre-emptively declaring it a Majora's Mask movie.

Another user, @MarkoDeeJay, immediately shared a screenshot of the creepy, grinning moon falling in Majora's Mask and comparing it directly to the Moonfall trailer, to which @l3g3nd0fl1nkl3 responded by saying that they couldn't believe there was a movie adaptation of Majora's Mask coming out. While Zelda fans have discussed possible directors for a Zelda movie before, Emmerich was not on the list, so this connection appears to have caught many fans by surprise.

Emmerich is well known for his disaster movies, which include Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, and 2012. While Majora's Mask isn't technically a disaster narrative--disaster games tend to focus more on survival than completing sidequests to help the game's townsfolk--it is well known for its themes of despair and inevitability. Moonrise also appears to be darker and more outright apocalyptic than some of Emmerich's previous work, which makes a degree of sense. Messing with the moon's orbit in any way would likely have severe consequences for Earth.

However, Twitter user @kaijuhime suspects that Emmerich recently played Majora's Mask and got very inspired by its threatening atmosphere. If that is the case, there are much worse games for cinema directors to be inspired by.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D is available now on Nintendo 3DS.

MORE: Comparing 12 Minutes' Gameplay Loop to Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask