Marvel has finally debuted the first episode of their new Disney+ series, Moon Knight. Based on the lesser-known comic book character of the same name, this adventure promises to be one of Marvel's riskiest and most brutal shows so far. On top of that, it supposedly contains no connection to the wider MCU at this point.

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The pilot episode of Moon Knight introduces fans to Oscar Isaac's take on Marc Spector, though everything is not that straightforward. So far, lots of mysteries have been set up by this show in only forty minutes, which will likely be answered in the episodes to come. These ten things are stand-out moments from the first episode.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

10 Oscar Isaac As Marc...Or Is It Steven?

Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant returning home from his missed date

The former Star Wars pilot makes his MCU debut with Moon Knight. However, audiences haven't really gotten to meet Marc Spector yet. Instead, Isaac appears in this episode as Steven Grant, an insomniac who works in a museum. Immediately, MCU fans have been swept off their feet by the mild-mannered Grant.

Steven's life, while imperfect, feels very simple and charming. He has a pet goldfish named Gus who he feeds chocolate, and he leaves sweet voicemails for his mother. He even sparks conversation with a statue in a park...which actually may be less endearing than we thought. Still, Isaac embodies the character with easy likability.

9 The Mystery Of Steven's Sleep Disorder

Steven Grant lying in bed wide awake

Steven's sleep disorder manifests as more than just trouble sleeping. He often finds himself struggling to differentiate his dreams from reality. While he tries to remedy this with an ankle bracelet in his bed, in the pilot he finds himself waking up in a field being chased by foot soldiers. It becomes clear this sleep disorder is more than it seems.

As comic fans know, Marc Spector has dissociative identity disorder. What Steven doesn't seem to understand yet is that he's under some kind of Jekyll & Hyde-esque back-and-forth between the polite Steven Grant and the mercenary Marc Spector. Hopefully, the next episode will dive into the truth of Steven's insomnia.

8 Steven Genuinely Cares About Egyptian Mythology

Steven Grant in the museum back office talking to his boss about the banners

Early in the episode, it's revealed that Steven Grant currently works at a museum gift shop. It's easy to fall in love with this character after seeing him excitedly tell a young girl about a sarcophagus before being scolded by his boss for playing tour guide. He even pitches a change in marketing when he notices an error on a museum banner.

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Obviously, Steven's connection to Egyptian mythology goes deeper than he even realizes. It'll soon become apparent to him that Marc Spector is the servant of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu. This will probably be an Earth-shattering revelation for Grant, though he may find some excitement in his life changing this way.

7 One Of Marvel's Best Car Chases

Steven waking up from a blackout driving a truck with a gun in his hand

Marvel movies are prone to intense car chase sequences, such as the ones in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Black Panther. However, Moon Knight may have just raised the bar, soundtracked by Wham! As a result of his D.I.D., Steven blacks out when he switches into Marc, waking up in the aftermath of his violent actions.

In the mid-episode chase sequence, Steven wakes up after Marc has killed several of Arthur Harrow's henchmen. He steals a cupcake truck and evades more cars of baddies on a winding highway. This is Marvel's action at its highest level, as Steven blacks out and wakes up to a gun in his hands and a dead henchman behind him.

6 F. Murray Abraham Makes A Surprise Appearance

Steven hearing voices in his head in a field

Fans of Homeland or Mythic Quest will probably recognize one of the voices in Steven's head as legendary actor F. Murray Abraham. In Moon Knight, Abraham makes his MCU debut as the voice of Khonshu, the Egyptian moon god. However, he balances the god's intimidation of Steven with some pretty good comedic timing.

After waking up in a field somewhere in Europe, Steven begins hearing a voice calling him "the idiot" and a "parasite." Obviously, it seems like Abraham's take on Khonshu isn't fond of Steven Grant, and would rather he stay the brutal mercenary. It seems apparent that Abraham's inclusion in this series will be a highlight going forward.

5 Steven Discovering His True Identity

Steven investigating a phone he finds in his wall

Moon Knight certainly sets itself up to be a pretty engaging mystery. Right off the bat, viewers have many questions regarding who Steven is and where he comes from. He seems to have a mom (though she doesn't answer his calls), and he seems satisfied with his job. However, Steven begins to uncover a different side of himself.

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Finding a flip phone in a secret compartment in his home, Steven notices hundreds of missed calls from someone named "Layla." When she finally calls again, Steven answers, thrown by her calling him "Marc." If Steven wants more answers, he'll have to either find Layla or perhaps more easily, talk to Marc.

4 Khonshu Brings The Horror

Steven staring at Khonshu at the other end of his apartment building's hallway

Following Steven's discovery of the phone, he begins hearing a voice in his head telling him to "stop looking." Once the lights start flickering in his apartment, Steven knows something bad is coming for him. He starts running, having an awkward encounter in an elevator with an old lady who definitely can tell that he's crazy.

Of course, this sequence climaxes with the arrival of Khonshu, who chases Steven into the elevator. All of a sudden, Steven wakes up on the bus heading to work. As he glances outside, he notices Khonshu standing on the sidewalk watching him. Suffice it to say, that Steven and Khonshu have a lot to work through in the coming episodes.

3 Ethan Hawke Takes On Marvel's Next Big Bad

Ethan Hawke as Arthur Harrow walking through a crowd of his followers

It's hard to not smile when Ethan Hawke appears on-screen, even in this surprising heel turn. In Moon Knight, Hawke plays Arthur Harrow, a cult leader who serves the goddess Ammit. Harrow makes a startlingly grand entrance into the MCU in the show's opening sequence, crushing a glass and placing the shards inside his sandals.

Marvel can be prone to villains who portray themselves as something they're not. However, it's clear within one episode that Arthur Harrow is on a mission that he's willing to fully give himself to. Steven even sees Harrow kill a woman because Ammit has judged against her future deeds, so who knows what Harrow sees in Marc?

2 The Anticipated Reveal Of Moon Knight Himself

Moon Knight as he appears at the very end of the pilot episode

After spending the pilot episode blacking out whenever Marc takes control of Steven's body, viewers aren't left hanging by this episode's final sequence. Steven is being chased through the museum by some type of lycanthropic beast, courtesy of Harrow. He manages to lock himself in a bathroom, awaiting his death.

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However, Marc begins talking to Steven through his reflection in the mirror, urging him to hand over control. Steven finally calms, relenting, as cloth wraps over him and the beast attacks him. The next thing we see is the beast scrambling to escape as the Moon Knight is finally revealed, beating it to a pulp before the episode cuts to black.

1 Finally, A Stunning End Credits Scrawl

The Moon Knight credits sequence depicting the titular character in shadows

Don't click off too quickly after the episode's suspenseful conclusion! What awaits fans is not a post-credits scene teasing the next episode, but a beautiful montage of art matching the series' tone. Of course, a lot of this artwork is inspired by the comics, so for Marvel fans especially this should be a walk down memory lane.

In addition, it's good for fans to sit back and appreciate the people who have worked so hard on this new chapter of the MCU. Moon Knight won't return for another episode until next week, where things are bound to get wild real fast. Hopefully, the rest of the show doesn't disappoint eager fans of Marvel's Egyptian warrior.

MORE: Moon Knight: Things That Separate Marvel's Character From Batman