The Monsterverse is Legendary Pictures’ fascinating cinematic universe that takes the likes of classic movie monsters, like Godzilla, King Kong, Mothra, and King Ghidorah, and puts them all into one place. These movies and shows have been well received by audiences, and they completely changed these characters' reputations all around the world, especially outside of Japan.

Godzilla: How Do The Monsterverse's New Kaiju Stack Up?

Legendary's take on the King of the Monsters introduced a few original titans to the mythology, but do they deserve to stand beside the classics?

But the licenses for all these iconic monsters are quite expensive. Not to mention that Legendary Pictures also needs to ask permission from Toho and other companies. They can’t always rely on pre-existing characters, meaning that sometimes they need to create their original monsters. And, to the surprise of their viewers, they have mostly succeeded in creating unique and amazing creatures that add a lot to the lore of the Monsterverse.

Updated on April 4, 2024, by Julián Loyarte: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire was recently released on March 29. In this new adventure, Godzilla and Kong had to team up in order to face two antagonists, in the form of two brand new original monsters that were specifically designed for the Monsterverse. Since these new kaiju quickly became very popular among fans, this article has been updated in order to add them to the list, as they both earned their rightful place in it. Beware of spoilers for said movie.

11 Doug (Godzilla Vs. Kong)

An Adorable Little Guy

Doug the kaiju in Godzilla vs. Kong (2021).

The Monsterverse is inhabited by giant and terrifying creatures. But there are also a few smaller ones that are oddly adorable. One such case is Titanus Doug, a lizard-like creature that appeared on-screen in Godzilla vs. Kong for a few seconds. And that was more than enough for fans to fall in love with it.

Like almost every design in the Monsterverse, Doug looks great. It’s fantastical, but it also looks like it could be a real creature. And to top it all off, the name Doug was originally coined by fans before it was later used in official material.

10 Behemoth (Godzilla: King of the Monsters)

Huge Tusks, Huge Potential

Behemoth's brief appearance in Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

  • Released: May 31, 2019
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: Max

When King Ghidorah performs his Alpha Call in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, many titans can be seen waking up all around the world. Even though they appeared on-screen for a few minutes, their unique designs caught the audience’s attention. And the most interesting monster in this group was the Behemoth.

There aren’t many mammalian kaiju, let alone ones that are based on elephants or mammoths. So Behemoth’s imposing appearance was enough to make it stand out. It’s also interesting how this seems to be a more peaceful titan, who can restore vegetation as he passes through. Even though it hasn’t appeared much in the movies, Behemoth has a lot of potential and fans are hoping it will have a more prominent role in future projects.

9 Warbat (Godzilla Vs. Kong)

A Hunter Of Hollow Earth

The Warbat attacking Kong in Godzilla vs. Kong.
  • Released: March 24, 2021
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: Max

When Kong first enters the Hollow Earth in Godzilla vs. Kong, he is immediately attacked by a pair of giant flying snakes called Warbats. In just a few seconds, they managed to trap and hurt the giant ape, which is impressive considering how strong Kong is (even though he eventually managed to defeat them).

Monsterverse: The Hollow Earth: Explained

The most recent take on Godzilla and King Kong imagines them bursting forth from an exciting new location.

The Warbat is another perfect example of the Monsterverse’s clever biology since the concept of a giant snake that traps its prey by coiling itself around them, only to asphyxiate them with their wings is creative. Couple that with an incredible design, and this is one of the most fascinating inhabitants of the Hollow Earth.

8 Mother Longlegs (Kong: Skull Island)

A Hunter Hiding In Bamboo

The Mother Longlegs hunting in Kong Skull Island.

  • Released: March 10, 2017
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: Max

Skull Island is one of the most important locations in the Monsterverse, as it’s filled to the brim with deadly yet interesting fauna. One of its most terrifying inhabitants is the cleverly named Mother Longlegs, a giant spider that can hunt both monsters and humans quite efficiently.

Thanks to its clever camouflage method, Mother Longlegs can hide in a bamboo forest and suddenly impale anything that she wants to eat, which is yet another genius concept. This huge arachnid has become a fan favorite ever since it starred in one of the most disturbing scenes in Kong: Skull Island.

7 Kraken (Skull Island)

The Terror Of Skull Island

The Kraken fighting Kong in the Skull Island animated show.

  • Released: June 22, 2023
  • Studios: Powerhouse Animation, Legendary Television
  • Streaming On: Netflix

This is one of the Monsterverse’s lesser-known monsters since it’s the main antagonist of the Skull Island animated series on Netflix. That’s unfortunate because the Kraken is one of the biggest, deadliest, and most terrifying kaiju in this entire cinematic universe. It spent the entire show terrorizing the characters who were stranded on the island, constantly killing and devouring everything in its path. Even Kong himself was afraid of it.

After a lot of buildups, the Kraken finally showed itself for an epic final battle, and it did not disappoint. While its design may feel a tad cluttered, this is a fresh take on the classic mythical monster, with a lot of tentacles, claws, and even a sharp beak that made things even harder for Kong.

6 Frost Vark (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters)

A Cryokinetic Mole

frost vark

  • Released: November 17, 2023
  • Studio: Legendary Television
  • Streaming On: Apple TV+

While most viewers were hoping that Monarch: Legacy of Monsters would heavily feature Godzilla, Legendary took their chance to introduce interesting brand-new creatures. One of the most important ones was the Frost Vark, a giant titan with an appearance similar to a star-nosed mole.

Frost Vark is the terror of the Alaskan mountains, as it can dig in and out of the snow to quickly chase down its prey. But the most powerful tool in its arsenal is its ability to inhale heat and instantly freeze its surroundings. This is one of the most creative monsters in the entire Godzilla franchise, and it certainly left its mark on the audience.

5 Ion Dragon (Monarch: Legacy of Monsters)

No Conscience, No Reasoning, Just Destroy

The Ion Dragon attacking the crew in the remains of the USS Lawson.
  • Released: November 17, 2023
  • Studio: Legendary Television
  • Streaming On: Apple TV+

With a name as intimidating as Ion Dragon, it’s logical to expect a truly incredible titan. This one did not disappoint, as it was pretty much the most relevant monster in Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, besides Godzilla himself. This is a force of nature that only seeks destruction, and it was responsible for the disappearance of the USS Lawton, which inspired Bill Randa to found Monarch and look for other titans all over the world.

Godzilla Vs. Kong: Most Powerful Kaiju Godzilla Has Fought Other Than Kong

Godzilla has fought countless Kaiju over the years, some of them even more powerful than King Kong.

Surprisingly, there aren’t many kaiju inspired by Western dragons in the Godzilla franchise, so the Ion Dragon stands out. With its slick design and its fascinating ability to spray a nacre-like substance from its mouth, this titan is a force to be reckoned with. It even managed to go toe to toe against Godzilla himself, in an amazing (albeit brief) final encounter.

4 Skullcrawlers (Kong: Skull Island)

Kong’s Lifelong Rivals

The Skull Devil fighting against Kong at the end of Kong: Skull Island.
  • Released: March 10, 2017
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: Max

The Monsterverse’s version of Skull Island is quite different from previous iterations, mostly due to how Kong’s main rivals are not just generic dinosaurs, but unique creatures known as Skullcrawlers. Similarly to the Raptors in Jurassic Park, these are bloodthirsty monsters that hunt in packs, and they’re directly responsible for the death of Kong’s parents. So his resentment is understandable.

Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts confirmed that they were based on Cubone from Pokemon, Sachiel from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and No-Face from Spirited Away. These influences were used efficiently, as the intricate design of the Skullcrawlers is one of the best ones in the entire Monsterverse.

3 Scar King (Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire)

Kong's Evil & Tyrannical Doppelgänger

Scar King roaring at Kong.

  • Released: March 29, 2024
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: N/A

There have been many Godzilla clones and doppelgängers over the years, but the Eight Wonder of the World never had such an opponent. But this finally changed with the release of Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire and the introduction of its main antagonist: Scar King. At first glance, this giant ape may not seem that impressive, as he seems physically smaller and weaker than Kong himself. But this monster is not just about raw strength.

Scar King, not only is the tyrannical monarch of an entire civilization of giant apes who bow down to him, but he can also control the powerful ice titan known as Shimo and use her as a powerful weapon of destruction, which is a unique concept for this franchise. On top of that, Scar King is more agile than Kong and fights using a versatile bone whip, so he certainly can hold his own in battle. This evil red ape is worthy of being one of Kong's most memorable opponents.

2 MUTOs (Godzilla)

Massive Unidentified Terrestrial OrganismsThe MUTOs mating in Godzilla (2014).

  • Released: May 16, 2014
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: Max

This is where it all started. When audiences went to the theaters in 2014 to watch Godzilla, they were expecting to see the titular character. However, his opponents, the MUTOs, certainly stole the show. This was mainly because they are a kaiju couple, an imaginative concept that is also reminiscent of classic movies like Rodan.

Both MUTOs have dimorphism that makes their biology quite different from each other. The male is smaller and can fly, while the female is bigger and physically stronger. They both complement each other perfectly and manage to tag team against Godzilla himself in an impressive battle. But the most intriguing aspect about the MUTOs is their appearance, seeing that they’re not bugs, reptiles, or mammals. They’re unique creatures, and that makes them even more memorable.

1 Shimo (Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire)

A Tragic Titan That Was Responsible For The Ice Age

Kong confronts an imprisoned Shimo.
  • Released: March 29, 2024
  • Studio: Legendary Pictures
  • Streaming On: N/A

Surprisingly enough, in almost 70 years of Godzilla movies, there have been little-to-no kaiju with impressive ice powers. This is why most fans were ecstatic about the introduction of Shimo in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. Despite her design, this cryokinetic titan is much more than a Godzilla doppelgänger fighting on the side of the main antagonist. Her Frost Breath is so powerful that not only does she manage to severely damage Kong's arm on their first encounter, but it's also been stated that she's responsible for triggering the Ice Age millions of years ago.

But what made Shimo such an interesting titan is how she broke the mold for most antagonists in the Monsterverse. She was never truly evil, as she was instead a tragic character who was being manipulated by Scar King. Luckily for her, she was freed from his control and was spared by Godzilla and Kong instead of dying violently, to the point that the latter would integrate her into his new family. Shimo is a really fun and fascinating monster who works perfectly for this universe while also feeling like she belongs to the collection of classic Godzilla monsters that were created by Toho.

Every Monsterverse Godzilla Form, Explained

With Godzilla X Kong introducing a stylish new pink look for the King of the Monsters, it's worth checking out his other recent appearances.