Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp XXL is a sequel to the visual novel Monster Prom, in which a player has 3 weeks to have a date to the prom - and the twist is that everyone is a monster. Many players who are new to the Monster Prom series may jump in thinking it is just an average visual novel, and end up stuck on the worst ending or something worse.

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As such, there are some things that should be explained to a newer player, especially somebody who hasn't been familiarized with the Monster Prom series before starting the game.

7 Pick 3 Stats

Monster Prom 2 - The game's main map.

In Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp, there are multiple stats that the player can raise during game play, in order to woo their lover of choice. However, some players have figured out that it's best not to stretch stat acquisition too thin.

Stat points are limited in the game, and most characters only need a few particular stats to be romanced. A player really only needs to pick three stats to focus on. The specifics of which stats, however, depends on what goal or which ending a player is going for in the end.

6 Some Characters Have A Stat Requirement

Monster Prom 2 - Talking about pogs.

The reason why players need to know for certain which three stats they're going to stick towards is because some characters have a stat requirement. This requirement can be what's needed to have a particular comment go over well, or even what achieves their ending.

A player should try and figure out what three stats would benefit them the most when it comes to the character they want to romance. For example, a jock-type character wouldn't react as well to the kinds of stats that a nerd-type character or a quiet character would appreciate.

5 Understand Mixed Drinks

Monster Prom 2 - The mixed drinks menu.

A new mechanic in Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp is the mixed drinks mechanic. The player can choose from a randomized selection of drinks, and each one lets the player temporarily gain a particular boost to game-play. For example, one drink can bring a player closer to their crush, another one boosts all tats, and so on.

A player should try and take the time to learn about the different benefits that each drink can give, and which ones would work best for different playthroughs. Keep in mind, though, that the drink selection will always be randomized.

4 The Game Can Be A Multiplayer

Monster Prom 2 - Packing for the trip.

The Monster Prom series (Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp included) is one of the only visual novel series on the market that are multiplayer games. Players can pick between 1-4 players to play competitively against one another, and they can even fight over the same object of interest.

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The multiplayer aspect of Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp involves a turn-based system, where players can either share a keyboard or take turns online. People who want to 100% the game can use this to their advantage, in order to score multiple endings in one playthrough.

3 Learn More About Prompts

Monster Prom 2 - A moth creature.

Prompts are one of the best ways for a player to grow closer towards their particular love interest. Each character has a set of requirements for a player to achieve, along with needing to complete at least a few Prompts that involve them.

These Prompts are the main event of Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp. Prompts usually involve sitting with a player's love interest of choice, being given a problem, and then one of two answers to pick in order to solve it. A player should learn to analyze their choice thoroughly before picking.

2 Players Can Pick The Game Length

Monster Prom 2 - The campfire.

There are two game-play lengths that a player can pick when it comes to Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp, that being the Short length and the Full length. The Short length lasts three weeks, while the Full length lasts five.

A week is divided up into three moments - Morning, Evening, and Night. The first two are used to boost a player's stats, and the third for talking to characters. The Short length is great for someone who's in a rush, and wants to get a quick round of Monster Prom 2 in.

1 Play Multiple Times For All Endings

Monster Prom 2 - Talking about a painter.

Like many other visual novels or dating sims, there are multiple endings within Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp. For a completionist who wants to go for all of the endings, it's a no-brainer to go through the game multiple times, in order to get all the endings the game has to offer.

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp offers a large variety of endings for a player to be able to achieve. However, a few of them do take some steps that a player can't accidentally stumble across, so it may be difficult to find some.

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp XXL is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Macintosh operating systems.

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