Although Monster Hunter World just recently hit some sales milestones for the series, the breakout title has surpassed an even bigger record. As announced by Capcom over the weekend, Monster Hunter World is now the publisher’s best selling game ever.

Capcom’s latest press release touts 7.5 million units sold across Xbox One and PS4, and about 7 million players worldwide. At last count a few weeks ago, the game had shipped about 6 million copies, which means that Monster Hunter World fandom and interest are still going strong.

It didn’t take long for Monster Hunter World to become Capcom’s best selling title either, with the game having only released in January. Now the popular RPG sits atop of a list that includes numerous Resident Evil and Street Fighter titles, which is an impressive feat given those franchise’s popularity. Capcom’s prior record holder was Resident Evil 5 with 7.3 million units sold

Monster Hunter: World  is the latest entry in the series, and the first new  Monster Hunter  title for home consoles in nine years. It is also the first title in the series to be given a global simultaneous launch, and was given an ambitious worldwide promotional campaign in order to further build upon its fan base both in Japan and in markets overseas. As a result,  Monster Hunter: World  has overcome both linguistic and cultural barriers to delight approximately 7 million players worldwide, and has shipped 7.5 million units, making it the best-selling title in company history.

A lot of different factors can be attributed to Monster Hunter World’s success, both in terms of its appeal to gamers and the timing of its release. Many gamers (present company included) were intrigued by the concept of Monster Hunter but found its platform choices limiting. Monster Hunter has been largely a Japanese franchise as of late, with titles coming to North America years later if at all.

But when Capcom announced a true, current-gen Monster Hunter title there was a sense that this one might be worth trying out. It also doesn’t hurt that Monster Hunter World reviews were so positive, which likely further helped its case among intrigued gamers.

Monster Hunter World's Nergigante is Vulnerable to Thunder

Monster Hunter World’s release date also helped its sales, since there were very few triple-A titles competing for gamer’s attention in the early part of 2018. In fact, only a handful of high profile releases have hit since 2018 began and Monster Hunter World is easily the biggest. Capcom may have found its sweet spot, with Resident Evil 7 and now Monster Hunter selling very well following January releases.

Now that Monster Hunter World has become Capcom’s best selling title, the question is where the final sales number will end up. The PC version was delayed until fall 2018, so there are still likely plenty of gamers waiting for their chance to check out the game, as well as those that might jump back in to experience Monster Hunter at an uncapped frame rate and with max graphics options. But for now the game is doing more than fine on two of its three planned platforms.

Monster Hunter World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One. The PC version releases later this fall.