Capcom's action adventure RPG Monster Hunter World will make its long-awaited debut on PC next month. While PC players are just happy to gain access to the game's humungous monster battles in general, one of the biggest selling points of the PC version will be the quality of its graphics. But how exactly do the graphics of the PC version look next to the souped-up version available on the PS4 Pro?

To answer that very question, YouTuber Arekkz has put together a comparison video showing the PS4 Pro and PC versions of Monster Hunter World side by side. The PC version is displayed in both maximum and low settings throughout the video while the PS4 Pro version is displayed in framerate mode. The video offers a look at key locations in the game, opening cutscenes, as well as some gameplay moments.

In cutscenes, it's difficult to distinguish the PS4 Pro and PC versions of Monster Hunter World from one another. Despite PC being the more powerful platform, certain textures within the shipwreck and tavern cutscenes (such as the character's armor) appear to be slightly more defined in the PS4 Pro version of the game. In another early cutscene, in which players are whisked away by air and an NPC remarks about "the new world," the differences between the two versions are almost entirely imperceptible.

The differences are more noticeable when players get out into the world. As players inch closer towards their first encounter with the Great Jagras, viewers can see that the lighting of the area looks a lot more crisp and realistic than in the PS4 Pro version. As Arrekz ventures deeper into the woods, the foliage also looks a lot clearer, as do the textures of the environment. For example, the PC version shows off the ripples and creases of the tree bark and the PS4 Pro portrays the tree bark as one mass.

Arrekz' video only shows off just 10 minutes of a game with hundreds of hours of content and so it's probably too soon to say that Monster Hunter World's PC requirements are way too high and that the PS4 Pro version is just as good. As many have noted in the comments of the video, the difference may be more perceptible in the PC version's stable framerate and its faster load times and these aspects aren't really on display here. More in-depth technical analysis will likely be available ahead of launch, though, so watch this space for that.

Monster Hunter World is currently available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The game launches for PC on August 9.