With every new generation, and indeed even with every new game, a host of new monsters are introduced to the world of Monster Hunter. While variety is great, it is nice to see some familiar faces too, and that is why many older monsters return each game, making the game's world feel much more connected than if it were otherwise. That said, there are actually only five monsters that have been in every single game in the series since its inception in 2004 all the way through its 16 year and counting journey to Iceborne. These are both some of the most iconic and forgettable monsters of the franchise, but they hold a special place nonetheless.

In 2004, Capcom released Monster Hunter in 2004 for the PlayStation 2, and the franchise has since spanned numerous consoles, handhelds, and generations, but the meat of Monster Hunter has always been its monsters, and that is said both literally and figuratively. The first ever Monster Hunter featured an impressive 30 unique monsters, but surprisingly only five of these have made it all the way to Iceborne without ever being dropped. Some of these monsters are ones a player could never forget, but there are a few surprising inclusions to this list as well.

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Monster Hunter World's Rathalos is Vulnerable to Dragon

By far the most iconic monster in the entire Monster Hunter series, Rathalos made his debut in the first ever Monster Hunter title as its flagship monster, and has always been a prevalent part of the games since then. This fiery wyvern is known as the king of the skies, and lives up to this title as he rains down fire from above. He is generally one the first truly challenging monsters faced in a Monster Hunter game, and players who don't know what they're doing or that come ill prepared will find themselves hurting.

All Rathalos are male, and have several subspecies (although these did not appear until later). Most Rathalos are characterized by red scales, but as their cousins have different colored scales and are much tougher. Azure Rathalos is the name of a Rathalos who has blue scales, and these wyverns are much more deadly. The Silver Rathalos is both incredibly rare and powerful. These wyverns have the peculiar habit of nesting in ancient towers and the like, which has led some to believe that they are simply ancient Rathalos whose scales have silvered over the course of centuries. Their popularity is so high that Rathalos has been featured in several crossover events.


MHW Rathian

If Rathalos is the king of the skies, then Rathian is the queen of the land. Rathians are the female counterparts of Rathalos, and are extremely territorial and protective of their youth. Setting them apart from their mates is their green scales and incredibly venemous tail. It stands to reason that any game with Rathalos in it will also feature Rathian, as the two monsters are built off the same skeleton and have very similar movesets, but Rathian certainly earns her place on this list as a sort of gateway monster into more challenging hunts.

Like the Rathalos, there are several Rathian subspecies, but these too were introduced in titles following the original Monster Hunter. The Pink Rathian is similar in strength and rarity to the Azure Rathalos, and has even deadlier poison than her green-scaled cousin. Mobility also increases significantly, making this wyvern a deadly force. Unlike the Rathalos however, time does not seem to silver the Rathian's scales, but instead makes them glow a brilliant gold. The Gold Rathian is usually found at the top of ancient towers with her silver mate, and has unique characteristic. Despite Rathians usually being weaker and less ferocious than their male counterparts, the Gold Rathian easily trumps the Silver Rathian in terms of hardness of the scales, especially on her head.


Aptonoth from Monster Hunter World

One of the first monsters players will actually see during gameplay in most Monster Hunter games is the Aptonoth. This unassuming herbivore can lay claim to an honor which not even Diablos, another popular monster that debuted in the original Monster Hunter, can't. This monster is classified as a small monster, by Monster Hunter standards, and seems like it was made to be eaten by everything, from hunters to Rathalos and beyond, and are a trademark sight of the Monster Hunter world. They are basically the cows of Monster Hunter, but unfortunately for these guys, they don't get anything cool like VR headsets for cows.

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Kelbi from Monster Hunter next to a human

Continuing on in descending size order, the tiny Kelbi has actually also been in every Monster Hunter game. While these creatures are mostly harmless and could be ignored entirely, they do have one important use, their horns. Kelbi horns can be powdered to create a substance with incredible medicinal properties. When mixed with immunizers or nourishing extract, the result is an ancient potion, which completely restores all health and stamina while also raising both of those statistics to their maximum value of 150. This makes them the most effective restorative item and one of the most useful items in any Monster Hunter game, beating out even the Max Potion.


Felyne from Monster Hunter

Many readers were likely wondering what could be smaller than a Kelbi, and it is indeed the Felyne. Although Felynes do appear in the wild in Monster hunter games and are technically classified as small monsters, they are by far better known as companions to hunters, possessing intelligence enough to speak and form societies and friendships. Although players couldn't go on quests with a daring and valiant Felyne at their side until the second generation's Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, they have since become a staple of any hunter's team.

Although some of these monsters are less impressive than others, their presence in every Monster Hunter game helps to build immersion and make the player feel as though they are part of a living, breathing, and most importantly, interconnected world. Seeing Felynes, Kelbi, and Aptonoth in every part of the known world shows not just that these creatures are incredibly common, but that there is a common link between regions. In the case of Rathalos and Rathian, their presence helps solidify that these wyverns are a dominant force in the food chain, and incredibly adaptable to be able to make their homes in so many places. These monsters will likely continue to appear in games and even will probably show up in the upcoming Monster Hunter movie.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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