A late entry into the list of monsters a player has to fight against in the Monster Hunter: World is Kushala Daora. This dragon is equipped with numerous characteristics that’ll make defeating it a pain for every player who comes against it.

On the other hand, it has resistance to some elements as well. Choosing the right equipment along with a solid strategy is what will guarantee a win against this creature. If you are struggling with this monster, here are the right strategies to adopt while fighting off Kushala Doara in Monster Hunter: World.

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Kushala Daora Weaknesses

Monster Hunter World - Encountering Kushala Daora

Players can opt for several different weapon elements to win the battle against this late-emerging monster in the game. The strongest one is the Thunder Weapon, against which Kushala Daora is the weakest. Players can also use the Dragon element-type weapon here, though it will have relatively weaker damage than the Thunder Weapon.

Elements to avoid here include water and wind—which the Kushala Daora is immune against.

Furthermore, Blast Weapons and Poison Weapons are also an effective go-to for players, as they deal the highest damage to the dragon compared to other items. Flash is also recommended to stun the monster, decreasing its high maneuverability.

Talking about the physical weaknesses that the Kushala Daora has, there are three; the Head, Wings, and the Tail. However, the specific body part which players have to attack for higher damage depends on the range of the weapon they’re using.

Weapons’ Guide to Defeat Kushala Daora

Monster Hunter Rise-Risen Kushala Daora in game screenshot during battle

Players can use two types of weapons against this dragon: long-ranged and short-ranged weapons. Kushala Daora’s weakness is its head. Hence, using weapons that are sharp and suitable for short-ranged battles would deal the most damage.

On the other hand, long-ranged weapons can also perform effectively against this monster. Players using such weapons, like bows and guns, are recommended to maintain a fair distance against the Kushala Daora and aim for its head or tail.

However, a noteworthy point here is that Kushala Daora retaliates against such offences by shooting projectile attacks. Therefore, players must be alert at all times to effectively dodge the dragon’s counters.

Vital Armor Skills

When players are up against any monster in the Monster Hunter: World, having the right set of defenses and items is what makes all the difference. The Kushala Daora is no different.

Kushala Daora’s unique skill is that it can create tornados around it to protect itself against attacks. While these tornadoes don't inflict direct harm, they create a barrier preventing players from approaching the dragon. So, for players who are using short-ranged weapons, equipping themselves with the Windproof skill that’s upgraded to level 3, will ensure this does not happen.

On the other hand, since the Kushala Daora is a dragon, it will have a giant roar whose frequency can damage a player’s ears, technically disarming them as well. To avoid this, Level 5 Earplugs are a player’s best bet.

monster hunter world poster
Monster Hunter World

PS4 , Xbox One , PC
January 26, 2018
Action RPG