Yesterday, during Sony's State of Play livestream, where the publisher announced new and upcoming titles, fans of Capcom's Monster Hunter World were treated to the official reveal of a massive update in the form of a new expansion titled Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, which Capcom technically confirmed earlier this year. While the promise of extra content should be enough to get the player base excited, Capcom has proudly proclaimed that this won't be any run-of-the-mill expansion with just a couple of extra missions or something - in fact, it's said to be as big as the original, base game.

Set after the events of the main game, Monster Hunter World's Iceborne expansion will feature a brand new story that takes place in the snowy mountains of Hoarfrost Reach, a brand new area for players to explore that will be filled with new monsters to track down, fight and kill, including a horned brute wyvern called Banbaro and even an elder dragon called Velkhana.

Capcom also confirmed that there will be extra gameplay additions as well. For example, the Slinger can be used at the same time as a player's main weapon, and there will be new combos and elements for every weapon type. An additional Master Rank difficulty mode will be added as well, which will no doubt push players to their limits and require borderline perfect gameplay.

This may already sound like enough for some players, but it seems that Capcom has more planned for the expansion, with the new region being boasted as "the largest region in the game so far." A PR representative from the publisher took to Twitter to further talk up how massive the expansion will be, as well as advertise the Free Trial that PS4 owners can try out.

Players won't be able to access the expansion straight away, though; they'll need to be at least Hunter Rank 16 in the base game beforehand. Capcom also confirmed price details - on its own, Iceborne will cost $39.99 whereas its bundle with the base game will be $59.99. All this shows that Capcom is clearly on a roll with Monster Hunter World, having frequently updated the title and added new events, like the most recent crossover with The Witcher, to keep players coming back.

At the very least, this new expansion should make fans very happy, which is a noticeably very different reaction to the upcoming Monster Hunter movie, which drew flak from fans when it was revealed it would be set in the modern day and feature military soldiers fighting the monsters.

Monster Hunter World: Iceborne will release on PS4 and Xbox One on September 9th, whereas PC owners will have to wait until winter. Monster Hunter World is available right now on PS4, Xbox One and PC.