The Greatsword has been one of the most popular weapon types in Monster Hunter since long before Monster Hunter World released in 2018. The slow, heavy weapon prioritizes raw Attack power over speed and movement, allowing hunters to hit harder but less frequently. As one of the few slow weapons in the game, the choice of Armor skills matters a lot when using the Greatsword.

These six Armor skills should be the highest priority for Greatsword users in Monster Hunter World. While some may help make each individual hunt an easier and more efficient experience, others take advantage of the Greatsword's numerous benefits. Thankfully, some of these are easy to get on any mixed or pre-assembled Armor set in the game.

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6 Handicraft

Turn Dull Weapons Into New Favorites

A Greatsword armor build with Handicraft level 2

When it comes to Blademaster weapons, Handicraft is a safe bet for almost all of them. In Monster Hunter World specifically, the Skill comes with five levels that each increase a player's Sharpness by 10, up to 50. This can be integral when using a weapon like the Greatsword, making the difference between a dull weapon and a useful one.

As is the case with many weapons throughout Monster Hunter World, the dull ones are sometimes the ones with the highest base Attack. Therefore, for a weapon like Greatsword, the opportunity to increase a weapon's Sharpness and increase said Attack power is too good to pass up, if players have the right selection of Armor pieces to acquire this Skill.

5 Focus

Don't Hesitate To Charge Into Battle

A Charger Jewel 2 in the appraisal box in MHW

Focus is another Armor Skill that benefits many weapons, not just the Greatsword. Per the Skill's description, it increases the fill rate or charge rate for weapon attacks. For Greatsword specifically, Focus decreases the time it takes players to fully charge each attack, which can change the tide of battle at a moment's notice.

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Given how slow the Greatsword is, being able to charge faster and more efficiently can be an important benefit during hunts. When leveled up to its maximum potential, Focus can slash Greatsword charging times by 15%. Plus, it's available on many useful Armor sets for Greatsword users, like the Master Rank Diablos armor.

4 Quick Sheath

There's An Extra Benefit To This Skill

A Greatsword user with skills including Quick Sheath

In terms of Armor Skills that are specifically useful for Greatsword, Quick Sheath is one of the essentials. With three levels, Quick Sheath, as the name suggests, increases the speed at which players sheath and unsheath their weapons. Like with Focus, this comes as a huge advantage for Greatsword users.

What's especially useful about Quick Sheath is that, when added to Armor slots as a Decoration, it can be combined with other Skills. There are six different Decorations that all give one level Quick Sheath and another useful Skill, including Attack Boost, Handicraft, and Constitution. All of these are extremely beneficial for Greatsword users.

3 Critical Draw

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

A Greatsword loadout with Critical Draw

With a weapon like Greatsword, landing critical hits can be tough due to the slow nature of its attacks. However, the opportunity for critical hits can become far more frequent with Critical Draw. This skill is available on Armor sets for Diablos, Bazelgeuse, and Frostgang Barioth, among others.

With Critical Draw, the chance to land a critical hit with a draw attack increases by up to a whopping 100% when fully leveled up. For a weapon with the immense base Attack power of Greatsword, guaranteeing a critical hit for every single draw attack is a game-changer. Plus, its frequency on Greatsword-friendly Armor sets makes it a no-brainer to keep.

2 Punishing Draw

Those Monsters Won't See What Hit 'Em

A Greatsword user approaching a monster

Punishing Draw, much like Critical Draw, only affects draw attacks for weapons, which comes as a benefit to Greatsword. During hunts, players will likely keep their weapon sheathed when not actively hitting the monster, to prioritize movement and healing. Therefore, draw attacks are the Greatsword user's best friend.

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Punishing Draw takes advantage of this preference, adding a stun effect and slight Attack boost to draw attacks. With only one level necessary to max this Skill out, Punishing Draw gives quite a huge boost to any and all Greatswords. It's rare to find a weapon that allows for both stun power and slicing power, but Punishing Draw makes Greatsword the one.

1 Earplugs

Don't Let Roars Get in the Way

A Greatsword loadout with Earplugs

Among the most essential Armor Skills for Greatsword users is Earplugs, with five levels to max out. At earlier levels, Earplugs reduces the effect of monster roars. When fully maxed out, it completely nullifies any and all roars that would otherwise render hunters defenseless for a brief time.

At its highest levels, this will protect hunters from even the roars of high-level monsters like Deviljho, Nergigante, and Fatalis. Considering how slow the Greatsword often is, there's nothing worse than having attacks halted by a monster's cries. A maxed out Earplugs skill will completely prevent this, letting hunters attack in peace.

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