
  • Monster Hunter World 2 should include the return of iconic monsters like Anjanath and Kulu-Ya-Ku for added danger and unique combat challenges.
  • The strange and distinctive creatures like Paolumu and Radobaan from Monster Hunter World deserve a return in the sequel due to their unique abilities and impressive visuals.
  • Tobi-Kadachi offers one of the most intense and fast-paced fights in Monster Hunter World, making it a worthy option for a return in Monster Hunter World 2.

In order for Monster Hunter World 2 to be as good as the first game, it will need some of the series' best monsters to return. Thankfully, due to the first game's expansive cast, that should be no issue for a sequel. If anything, a Monster Hunter World sequel needs to avoid leaving out monsters with great potential, as there are several monsters that debuted in Monster Hunter World that are well suited for another run in the next game.

As its name implies, the Monster Hunter series survives off of its monster variety. Each monster fights differently and requires a different approach, and they let the player create different gear sets to boot. The first Monster Hunter World benefited greatly from its huge monster selection, and in order for Monster Hunter 2 to impress, it should do the same. After all, with more monsters to research and hunt, such a game would surely have hours of additional content for fans to enjoy.

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5- Anjanath

An Anjanath roaring from Monster Hunter World

The Anjanath made an immediate impression with its debut in Monster Hunter World. This massive fire-breathing dinosaur's early appearance alerted players to the kind of challenges that the game had in store. It has a memorably terrifying presence that could rival even the series' iconic Diablos. The Anjanath already feels like a series mainstay, and Monster Hunter World 2 could use its return to add some extra danger to its campaign.

4- Kulu-Ya-Ku

A Kulu-Ya-Ku from Monster Hunter World

While the silly Kulu-Ya-Ku's presence would be great for a cozy Monster Hunter game, Monster Hunter World 2 shouldn't pass it up either. A capable combatant on its own, by digging up a rock, it can completely change its moveset for an offensive and defensive boost. Whenever a rock comes out, the player will need to change tactics on the fly to deal with it, or suffer the consequences. The feathery wyvern is full of character, and well worth another look in the next game.

3- Paolumu

A Paolumu from Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter World's Paolumu is a strange creature that almost defies description. A giant, furry bat that inflates like a balloon, fighting it is an unusual spectacle compared to many of Monster Hunter World's dangerous quests. Even the equipment made from its parts looks more like a fluffy suit than armor. The Paolumu practically warrants a return appearance, because there's truly no other monster in the series like it.

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2- Radobaan

A Radobaan from Monster Hunter World

The Radobaan's spiky carapace makes it a scary sight, and its combat ability matches. Its signature move is to curl up in a ball and launch itself like a cannonball. Being the base of one of a tough-looking set of hard spiked armor is just a bonus. A giant, spiked beast that fights like a monstrous Sonic the Hedgehog feels very worthy of a return in Monster Hunter World 2. The Radobaan and its amazing Monster Hunter World armor set should have no issue following up on its impressive debut in a sequel.

1- Tobi-Kadachi

A Tobi-Kadachi during a hunt in Monster Hunter World

A combination of snake, ferret, and flying squirrel, the Tobi-Kadachi is a fearsome foe in Monster Hunter: World. It's highly mobile, attacks quickly, and has an electrically-charged slam attack that can decimate a player's health. Even skilled players can lose to it quickly if they let their guard down during a hunt. Out of all the monsters that debuted in Monster Hunter World, the Tobi-Kadachi offers one of the most frenetic fights, making it a very worthy returnee option.

A sequel to Monster Hunter World, would be fantastic, and much like how Monster Hunter World 2 needs past weapons, it will also need quality monsters. Monster Hunter World alone introduced several that should certainly be in a sequel, if not become recurring monsters for the series outright. Monster Hunter World was a great step forward for the series, and Monster Hunter World 2 can maintain the momentum with fantastic monsters from the past.

Monster Hunter World is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Monster Hunter Needs New Monsters More Than It Needs New Weapons