
  • Monster Hunter Wilds could bring back and rework mechanics from previous games.
  • The trailer hints at new features in Monster Hunter Wilds, but revisiting older mechanics could also strengthen the game.
  • Reworking investigations in Monster Hunter Wilds could provide players with more immersive and rewarding gameplay experiences.

Monster Hunter Wilds could pull mechanics from several past games, and one in particular from Monster Hunter World would be perfect for a rework. With so little revealed so far, Monster Hunter Wilds could go in several different directions when it comes to building the next chapter of the series. The trailer has already implied quite a few new features worth looking out for. At the same time, bringing back and revising older mechanics will be equally helpful in establishing the game's quality. For Monster Hunter Wilds, a few good decisions could transform the game as a whole.

Even though Monster Hunter World is not perfect, it lays out an excellent blueprint for future games. With tense monster fights, a convenient hub, and plenty of events, it's little wonder that it ended up being so popular. Even so, Monster Hunter Rise already showed one way to improve upon it by making fast travel even easier. It looks like Monster Hunter Wilds might take things in a slightly different direction judging from the first trailer, although there's still plenty that hasn't been shown. Whatever the case, many features can be revisited or reworked into something even better.

Monster Hunter Wilds' Story Needs to Break One Franchise NPC Tradition

Regardless of the reason, it's time for Monster Hunter Wilds to do something the franchise rarely does with its NPCs.

Monster Hunter Wilds Can Make Investigations a Worthy Undertaking

Investigations Were Additional Random Missions in Monster Hunter World

One of the options for potential features to revive from Monster Hunter World is investigations. In Monster Hunter World, investigations would unlock over time from encountering or fighting monsters. Each investigation would task players with hunting a certain amount of small monsters, or slaying or catching one or more specific large monsters.

Some investigations have special parameters, such as a decreased time limit or fewer faints allowed. Typically, the rewards for investigations are bonus monster parts, making them useful for farming. Each investigation could only be undertaken a few times before disappearing, but they appear often enough that running out shouldn't be an issue.

In Monster Hunter World , players could unlock multiple investigations for the same monster, letting them choose the best one.

Investigations Were Mostly Just for Farming in Monster Hunter World

Thanks to their farming potential, investigations are useful for players replaying Monster Hunter World. Despite this utility though, there's a feeling that more could be done with the investigations. While they're good farming tools, the rewards that they offer are ultimately something that could be earned through replaying normal hunting missions.

The exception is the late-game Tempered monsters, which unlock a few special rewards such as advanced materials and decorations to upgrade weapons. While those are fine rewards, investigations are still basically just a farming tool for most of the game. Monster Hunter Wilds could rework them with a more exciting theme.

Monster Hunter Wilds Can Give Investigations New Purpose

A more immersive take on investigations could be a big way for Monster Hunter Wilds to improve on World. For example, repeated investigations against a certain monster could eventually lead to a damage bonus against said monster because of how well the hunter knows it.

Likewise, repeatedly doing investigations in certain locals could give players a health boost during missions there because they have adapted to the environment. This way, players would be encouraged to do investigations all game long for their bonuses. Granting monster and area-based bonuses would also make investigations feel more true to their name since the rewards would come through experience.

While it may be a long shot for reworked investigations to be in the running for Monster Hunter Wilds' best gimmick, they could be an incredibly useful new tool. Since the Monster Hunter games can be so difficult, especially for new players, rewarding players for diligent playing would be welcome. After all, repeatedly encountering monsters rewards the player with more information about them, so actual gameplay benefits are only one step up from that. Monster Hunter Wilds can not only bring back investigations, but it can make them a vital asset.