Monster Hunter Wilds is the next installment in Capcom's acclaimed Monster Hunter series, and is officially slated for a 2025 release. It's currently unknown what all Monster Hunter Wilds will bring to the table, but the official reveal trailer shows a rather ambitious Monster Hunter title that may be quite unlike any that have come before it. New monsters and traversal mechanics can be expected, as this is tradition for the Monster Hunter franchise, but beyond that, not much is certain. However, there is one distinct feature shown off in the trailer that may have a significant impact on Monster Hunter Wilds' gameplay.

Based on the official reveal trailer, it appears Monster Hunter Wilds will include a dynamic weather system that will play a crucial role in its rumored open-world gameplay. After all, the majority of the trailer revolves around the game's weather system, as the player character can be seen outrunning a dust storm at one point and then dodging fierce lightning strikes later. With how critical Monster Hunter Wilds' weather seems to be to its gameplay, it's worth recognizing how a rather convenient Stardew Valley weather mechanic could find its way into the next Monster Hunter game, as it would likely assist players with navigating its world and strategically planning their expeditions.

Monster Hunter Wilds' Chaotic Premise Doesn't Seem to Leave Room for One Cute Feature

The unpredictable environment of Monster Hunter Wilds has the potential to put one recurring feature of the franchise in jeopardy.

Monster Hunter Wilds Should Use Stardew Valley's Weather Report Feature

Stardew Valley's TV Includes a Weather Report

ConcernedApe's hit cozy farm sim Stardew Valley is one of the greatest indie games of the last decade, as it takes elements of past farm sim games, like Harvest Moon, and elevates them to new heights in its charm, story, and gameplay. As players spend their days growing their farm in Stardew Valley, various weather systems will occasionally impact (and sometimes impede) their progress.

Rain, snow, wind, and storms are known to invade the farms of Stardew Valley's players and they must stay aware of what type of weather may be approaching if they hope to take care of their plants and animals. Fortunately, like the Harvest Moon games it was inspired by, Stardew Valley includes a useful tool that informs players of encroaching weather.

Using the TV in their house, players can check on what weather may be approaching via the "Weather Report" channel. This ultimately helps players strategically plan their next moves, whether it be planting a specific type of vegetable, ensuring their animals are kept indoors, or planning an expedition into the wilderness of Stardew Valley. This feature is so useful, in fact, that it would arguably be even more beneficial in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Monster Hunter Wilds Should Include a Weather Report NPC

If Monster Hunter Wilds' world truly is as influenced by the weather as it appears to be, it would do well to include a weather report feature like Stardew Valley's. Perhaps, in the new main hub area of Monster Hunter Wilds, players could speak with an NPC who can update them on the weather in specific regions of the world. This would be especially helpful if the appearance of certain monsters is dependent on the weather in that region.

Otherwise, players might find themselves setting out on a fruitless expedition, as any dynamic weather systems may prevent specific monsters from emerging from their habitats.

It's unclear whether Monster Hunter Wilds will be as reliant upon its dynamic weather system as its trailer implies. However, if it is, Stardew Valley's weather report feature would certainly assist players in planning their next move. At the very least, a weather report NPC of some kind would be a welcome addition for those looking to experience the world of Monster Hunter Wilds and everything it has to offer.