
  • Monster Hunter Rise introduced Rampage Quests, a wave-based experience where players defend Kamura Village against invading monsters.
  • Learning from Rise, a revamped Rampage Quest in Monster Hunter Wilds could offer an exciting gameplay experience.
  • The Wilds reveal trailer hinted at the potential for larger, open-world Rampage Quests, providing more variety and gameplay opportunities.

Monster Hunter Rise introduced a brand-new type of special quest as an alternative to the established gameplay loop of the Monster Hunter series. The Rampage Quests in Monster Hunter Rise brought a wave-based experience to the series for the first time. These types of quests had players defending Kamura Village as wave after wave of monsters attempted to invade. A stark contrast to the traditional hunts in Monster Hunter, the Rampages had a unique objective and gameplay flow that offered something fresh for players to experience.

Now with the recently announced follow-up to Rise, Monster Hunter Wilds, set for release in 2025, seeing a potentially revamped Rampage Quest makes sense. Learning what worked and what could be made better from the Rampages in Rise could create an opportunity for a truly exciting gameplay experience in Wilds. Though details about Monster Hunter Wilds are still scarce, the reveal trailer did show off some early looks at the world and what type of gameplay to expect. Certain moments in the trailer did offer a glimpse of what a possible revamped Rampage Quest could play like if Capcom does bring it back in Monster HunterWilds.

Rampage Quest Overview

  • Elements of Tower Defense
  • Defend gates from waves of monsters and a boss-type
  • Install special weapons like Ballistae, Cannons, etc.
  • Unlock Defender Tickets for weapon and armor crafting
Every Creature Confirmed for Monster Hunter Wilds So Far

The recently released first-look trailer for the highly-anticipated Monster Hunter Wilds gave a glimpse at gameplay, setting, and of course, monsters.

Monster Hunter Rampages

Rampages in Monster Hunter Rise

The Rampage Quests introduced in Rise were an interesting new option for players to choose as an alternative to a hunt. They take place in a unique area of Monster HunterRise's hub town, Kamura Village, called The Stronghold. The Stronghold is heavily fortified, divided into several areas each with a gate leading to the next. Throughout The Stronghold are Installation Platforms where hunters can deploy Hunting Installations to help protect against the Rampage. When beginning a Rampage Quest, players start at the Stronghold Base, where there is a supply box similar to the camps on a regular quest.

Players have to fight through waves of rampaging monsters, each with a larger boss monster called a "Major Threat", before they destroy all the gates in each area. If the gate in the final area is destroyed, the quest fails. If players defeat the Major Threat in the final wave, the quest is successful. The different types of Hunting Installations are similar to weapons in Monster Hunter event quests of the past and can help defeat monsters more easily. These include Ballistae, Cannons, Bamboo Bombs, Dragonbait, and more. There are also heavier-duty Installations that are preset in certain areas of The Stronghold installations, including Dragonators, Wyvernshots, Counter Gongs, and Power Kilns.

New Rampages in Monster Hunter Wilds

If Rampages are to return in Monster Hunter Wilds, there is an opportunity to make them even more interesting than before. The Wilds reveal trailer showcased what looked to be a very open-world approach like Monster Hunter World, possibly even more so. A wide open landscape could offer some interesting gameplay opportunities for Rampage Quests if players can move freely through an entire town under siege. Perhaps if Rampages were available at different hubs in the game, there could be even more opportunities for varied experiences.

A moment in the Monster Hunter Wilds reveal trailer showed a hunter riding away from a stampede of large monsters, followed by some kind of sandstorm. This could offer a glimpse at what Rampages could look like when facing a horde of monsters. Though at its core the Rampage Quests are a type of Tower Defense mode, so even if the areas were made larger they would most likely still revolve around defending points. Currently, Capcom has not officially announced much information about Wilds, including types of quests, hub towns, environments, etc. However, if Monster Hunter Wilds does revamp Rise's Rampage Quests, they could offer even more variety to the game.