
  • Monster Hunter Wilds, the highly anticipated next game in the Monster Hunter series, was confirmed at The Game Awards 2023.
  • The reveal trailer for Wilds features the return of the iconic Rathalos and hints at the inclusion of variations of smaller endemic life.
  • The game needs to bring back a wide variety of iconic monsters like Rathian, Diablos, Tobi-Kadachi, and Bazelgeuse.

The reveal of Monster Hunter Wilds at The Game Awards 2023 confirmed one of the year's longest-standing rumors, whiched pointed to Capcom actively working on the next game in the hit Monster Hunter series. Both Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise have brought the series mainstream success, making Monster Hunter Wilds one of the most anticipated releases of 2025 before 2024 even began in earnest. Monster Hunter games typically feature a roster of monsters that mixes legacy foes from previous games and brand-new threats, so one of the biggest questions surrounding Wilds is which of the series' iconic foes will make an appearance.

The reveal trailer for Wilds already confirms that at least one legacy monster will make a return, with the iconic Rathalos featuring front and center as the subject of the reveal. Beyond that, though, most of the other creatures appearing in the trailer seem to be subtle variations of recurring smaller endemic life. Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter World each featured an excellent roster of huntable monsters, with Rise reintroducing several enemies that hadn't appeared in the series in years. If Wilds is going to be the next true evolution of the franchise, there are a handful of iconic foes it can't afford to leave out.

What to Expect from Monster Hunter Wilds in 2024

Monster Hunter Wilds seems quite far away with a release window of 2025 and may not have dedicated marketing until late in 2024, if at all next year.

Legacy Monsters Needing a Return in Monster Hunter Wilds


monster hunter rise charge blade rathian

Along with the male Rathalos, its female counterpart, the Rathian, has appeared in every single Monster Hunter game to date. What sets the Rathian apart from the series' other iconic flying wyvern is its tendency to face hunters on the ground, making for incredibly tense encounters involving lots of situational awareness and careful positioning. The Rathian's poison-tipped tail makes it an incredibly fearsome foe, and it almost goes without saying that a Monster Hunter title including the Rathalos and not the Rathian would be a serious missed opportunity. Truthfully, though, that Wilds has already confirmed its inclusion of the Rathalos is practically a guarantee the Rathian will show up.


A Diablos standing in the desert at night

Diablos are another monster in the flying wyvern class that appears in nearly every Monster Hunter game. Their imposing size and aggression make any hunts involving the Diablos some of the more challenging ones to tackle from normal to master-rank. Their telltale massive horns and spiked plating make for some incredibly cool-looking weapons and armor too. Esepcially considering Monster Hunter Wilds' apparent incorporation of weather, fighting a Diablos in the middle of a sandstorm or hurricane sounds like exactly the kind of spectacle the series is built around.


A hunter watching Tobi-Kadachi sleep in a tree

Several of the Monster Hunter series' regularly appearing foes were scrapped for Monster Hunter World in favor of a slew of new monsters. Since their introduction, practically every one of these new monsters has gone on to become a newer fan-favorite and made return appearances in Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Now. One of the more iconic newer monsters is the Tobi-Kadachi, a fanged wyvern that utilizes electricity to stun foes before rushing in with a flurry of attacks. The speed and ferocity of the Tobi-Kadachi make any of its hunts some of the more white-knuckle encounters in the early-to-mid game of Monster Hunter World, and its inclusion in Wilds seems like a no-brainer.


A Seething Bazelgeuse in Monster Hunter World

Another iconic new monster introduced in Monster Hunter World, Bazelgeuse's name alone should strike fear into the hearts of Monster Hunter veterans. This large flying wyvern has the strength and speed to quickly knock out hunters, and that's before even discussing its ability to launch explosive scales from its hide. The Bazelgeuse made a return appearance in both Monster Hunter Rise and its Sunbreak expansion, and it's absolutely one of the newer series monsters deserving a return in Wilds.