
  • Monster Hunter Wilds draws inspiration from Pokemon X and Y for unique monster concepts, continuing a trend of innovative creature design.
  • The potential introduction of creatures like Pyroar, Dragalge, and Avalugg could bring exciting new dynamics to Monster Hunter Wilds gameplay.
  • With a rumored 2025 release date, Monster Hunter Wilds has the potential to spark a new era for the franchise with fresh monster designs and gameplay elements.

The many new monsters introduced in Monster Hunter Wilds will need some inspiration, and Pokemon X and Y could offer some of their own eclectic ideas. Monster Hunter and Pokemon both pull from some outlandish concepts when it comes to designing their monsters, so it's not surprising if they take on similar concepts. It's especially impressive that both franchises have done so through multiple console generations. Monster Hunter Wilds' monster concepts are unlikely to slow down in light of that.

Monster Hunter Wilds looks like it could be ready to spark a new era for the series. It's similar to how Pokemon's game-changing Mega Evolution gimmick emerged in Generation 6. While Monster Hunter Wilds hasn't introduced a concept as wild as Mega Evolution, the early trailers hint at a game that could take a different direction than Monster Hunter World and Rise before it. No matter what direction Wilds takes, the game will need plenty of great monsters for players to fight.

Legendary and Mythical Pokemon That Would Wreck Shop in Monster Hunter Wilds

One prominent new creature in Monster Hunter Wilds looks like a recent legendary Pokemon, and many more legendaries could easily follow.

The Pokemon Of Kalos Could Look Impressive in Monster Hunter Wilds

A Flaming Lion Like Pyroar Would Look Amazing in Monster Hunter

Pyroar's concept and design are simple yet awesome. A fire-breathing lion with a mane of flames is something that would be incredible to see in Monster Hunter's scale and art style, so it would be an incredible Pokemon to take inspiration from. Such a beast could easily become an iconic monster in the Monster Hunter series, so the developers may want to take a long look at the idea. If nothing else, it could provide one of Monster Hunter Wilds' greatest spectacles.

Dragalge Is a Memorable, Eye-Catching Sea Dragon

If Monster Hunter Wilds needs more dragons, then Dragalge could offer an idea. A sea-dwelling dragon that disguises itself as a cluster of seaweed, it would be fun to see how it could blend into the environment during a hunt. Of course, Dragalge's poisonous nature makes it a major threat even outside of its ability to ambush its opponents. In terms of both dragons and water monsters, Dragalge could bring something new to Monster Hunter Wilds.

Monster Hunter Wilds Could Use a Gargantuan Ice Monster Like Avalugg

There are several monsters, such as Monster Hunter's imposing Barroth, that use mud as armor, but Pokemon could replicate that feat with ice. Avalugg is basically a walking glacier and a physical powerhouse. If Monster Hunter Wilds has an icy area, then it would do well with an ice-coated beast like Avalugg. Its sheer crushing power would give it incredible presence in the world. However, its biggest perk could be providing players with a source for visually dazzling icy weapons and armor.

Monster Hunter has featured armor sets made of natural materials before, like the Shell-Studded set. With that in mind, equipment carved from ice may not be too far-fetched.

Clawitzer Could Become Monster Hunter's Scariest Crustacean

As a shrimp that can use its gigantic claw as a cannon, Clawitzer has the makings of an excellent addition to Monster Hunter Wilds. A massive crustacean would stand out among the monsters in Monster Hunter Wilds, especially with a projectile gimmick attached. It would be especially interesting to see how its cannon-claws could be incorporated into a Monster Hunter moveset. The end result of a Clawitzer-themed beast could be one of Monster Hunter's best monster gimmicks.

Monster Hunter Wilds Could Get a New Take on Dragons From Noivern

It might be hard to find a dragon in Pokemon more unique than Noivern. Basically a combination of a dragon and a boombox, its ears double as speakers that can emit powerful sonic blasts. That would give it an intriguing alternative in combat compared to the fire breath utilized by many of the wyverns that populate Monster Hunter's ranks. In many ways, Monster Hunter Wilds needs to evolve to keep the series strong, and a monster like Noivern could represent a continued dedication to creative monster design.