
  • Monster Hunter Wilds offers unique features like a fully-voiced protagonist and monster pack mechanics, setting it apart from other games in the series.
  • Players can expect brand-new large monsters like Doshaguma and Chatacabra in Monster Hunter Wilds, adding fresh challenges to the gameplay.
  • The introduction of the Seikret as a free-roam mount in Monster Hunter Wilds provides players with a new way to explore and prepare for battles.

After a fairly extensive reveal during PlayStation’s recent State of Play, it’s clear that Monster Hunter Wilds is going to be a unique entry in the series, offering a plethora of features that no Monster Hunter game has before it. In the trailer, new features such as a fully-voiced protagonist and monster pack mechanics are put on full display, showcasing the upcoming installment’s uniqueness in the franchise and giving fans even more to look forward to. Furthermore, by the looks of things, Monster Hunter Wilds will feature brand-new monsters for players to hunt, though the trailer likely only confirms a very small portion of them.

It’s common for the Monster Hunter series to feature recurring monsters in each game. However, most of the series’ games feature new large monsters, and it seems Monster Hunter Wilds will be no different. According to the trailers released for the game and the official website, there will be at least two new large monsters for players to hunt. Additionally, there are already several confirmed small monsters players will be able to find while exploring Monster Hunter Wilds’ Windward Plains.

Monster Hunter Wilds is the Perfect Heir for a Pokemon Legends: Arceus Mechanic

Pokemon Legends: Arceus was a departure for that series, and one of its new ideas could fit perfectly into Monster Hunter Wilds.

Every Large Monster Confirmed for Monster Hunter Wilds So Far

The Doshaguma Likes to Travel in Packs

While there are many things to take from the latest Monster Hunter Wilds trailer, the Doshaguma is undoubtedly one of its biggest stars. Hunters are seen encountering this rugged monster several times throughout the trailer, and the Doshaguma is even used to showcase the game’s new pack mechanics. The Doshaguma is an aggressive, territorial beast with large fangs that can generally be found traveling in packs.

The Chatacabra Uses Its Saliva to Its Advantage

The Chatacabra is another new large monster in Monster Hunter Wilds who, like the Doshaguma, makes its home in the Windward Plains. The Chatacabra has a very large tongue that it will likely use against players in combat, but it also uses its saliva to put stones on its forelimbs to make its attacks more powerful.

Rathalos Is a Recurring Monster in the Monster Hunter Franchise

Rathalos appeared briefly in the December 2023 announcement trailer for Monster Hunter Wilds. Rathalos is a large dragon and one of the Monster Hunter franchise’s recurring large monsters. In fact, Rathalos has appeared in every Monster Hunter game, even the Monster Hunter Stories spin-off titles. Players should expect a formidable foe in Rathalos.

Every Small Monster Confirmed for Monster Hunter Wilds So Far

The Ceratonoth Travels in Herds for Protection From Storms

The Ceratonoth is a new monster featured in both trailers released for Monster Hunter Wilds, though its identity was only just confirmed in the most recent trailer. Ceratonoth are smaller monsters who travel in herds; the male Ceratonoth has large spikes on its back that act as lightning rods and protect the rest of the herd from dangerous sandstorms in Monster Hunter Wilds.

The Dalthydon Is a Defensive Fighter

Another small monster revealed in the recent Monster Hunter Wilds trailer is the Dalthydon, an amphibious wyvern that looks like a mix of a bison, a ram, and a dinosaur. Dalthydons tend to fight defensively with the hard shells on their head, although a herd of Dalthydons would presumably charge at its prey when threatened.

The Seikret Will Serve as the Player’s Mount

For the first time in a mainline Monster Hunter game, players will receive what appears to be a free-roam mount in the form of the Seikret. Much like the Raider Ride feature in Monster Hunter: World’s Iceborne expansion, the Seikret can automatically take players to their destination so they have time to prepare for the fight ahead of them.

Capcom will likely continue to reveal more of Monster Hunter Wilds’ monsters in the future. Until then, it seems there is already a healthy lineup of challenges prepared for daring Hunters in the next Monster Hunter game.