As a turn-based RPG spinoff of the popular franchise, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin emphasizes the narrative of the adventure. Players will meet many memorable characters and overcome dramatic trials over the course of a lengthy journey. By the time credits roll, fans will have enjoyed a story unlike any ever seen in Monster Hunter.

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Monster Hunter Stories 2 incorporates established Monster Hunter lore and amazing monster designs from previous games into the tale, adding subtle depth to the narrative. The game also succeeds at building character backstories in ways aside from blatant exposition. Even the most knowledgeable and observant of gamers are likely to miss out on some really interesting things woven into the story of the title. Those who have not completed Monster Hunter Stories 2 should be aware that there are spoilers ahead concerning major story events in the game.

10 Red's Appearance Is Different For Each Player

Red appearance side-by-side differences in Monster Hunter Stories 2

Throughout the entirety of Monster Hunter Stories 2, gamers will witness the exploits of the protagonist's grandfather Red by way of flashback cutscenes. The renowned Rider met many people and achieved great things during his life and even plays a role in the Monster Hunter Stories 2 post-game dungeon. The game's main hero is on a journey to save the world from ruin, following a very similar path to their late grandfather.

What many players may not have noticed during these flashbacks is that Red's appearance is affected by the choices players make for their own character's appearance: specifically, Red will have the same eyes and skin tone as the protagonist.

9 Ena's Age Is Not What It Seems

Close-up of Ena in Monster Hunter Stories 2

When players first meet Ena, she would appear to be a similar age to the protagonist (perhaps if not for her mature way of speaking). However, it can be seen in flashbacks that Ena looked exactly the same when she first met Red decades ago. This is explained by the longer lifespan of Wyverians compared to Humans.

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While Ena's exact age is never discussed directly, it's entirely reasonable to assume that she is nearly 100 years old, or even older. Wyverian elders like Chief Gara of Mahana Village have surely seen several generations of Humans come and go during their long years.

8 Alwin Seems To Have Traveled The World

Close-up of Alwin in Monster Hunter Stories 2

Players will meet Alwin shortly after arriving in the Alcala region. He is a resident of Rutoh Village, a community of Wyverians that keep to themselves and have only ever permitted access to one outsider in the past. One of the best things about Monster Hunter Stories 2 is its open world, and it's evident that Alwin has explored it as well.

While it's implied that it would be highly unusual for the citizens of Rutoh to travel far abroad, Alwin's Monstie companion reveals that he may be an exception. Legiana is a monster that players will only encounter in the Loloska region, so it seems as if Alwin has ventured there too.

7 The Identity Of The Legendary Rider

monster hunter stories main party close-up

When the story reaches Kuan Village in the Loloska region, the main character and Navirou will soon be mistaken for the "Legendary Rider" and their Felyne companion that saved the town years ago. While the player and Ena know this to be false, Navirou is only too eager to play along.

That being said, the glory isn't entirely misplaced in Navirou's case. In actuality, the so-called Legendary Rider that the Kuan Village chief refers to is the protagonist that Navirou accompanied in the first Monster Hunter Stories game.

6 There Are Several Returning Characters

Split image of four Returning characters from Monster Hunter Stories

Gamers aren't required to play the original Monster Hunter Stories to understand the goings-on in Monster Hunter Stories 2. There will be quite a few references to pick up on for those who did play the predecessor on Nintendo 3DS or mobile platforms, though. Most notable is the presence of returning characters, including Avinia, Lilia, Reverto, and Cheval - all of whom share past experiences with the player's buddy Navirou.

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Many of these returning characters are powerful party members that accompany the protagonist during their journey. One of many handy tips experienced players will offer is to make use of powerful comrades whenever possible, to help complete subquests or level up more quickly.

5 Lilia Hides Monster Hunter References In Her Office

Easter eggs in Lilia's Monster Hunter Stories 2 office

For all intents and purposes, the Monster Hunter Stories games take place in a world away from the mainline series. This makes it all the more exhilarating for fans who manage to spot any tiny nods to the franchise's history.

Players may notice such a reference during story cutscenes upon reaching the city of Lulucion. Lilia's office in the Scrivener's Lodge is adorned with many fascinating decorations, as well as some official-looking documentation. Amidst it all,dedicated fans may notice the emblem of the Hunter's Guild that has been featured in multiple flagship Monster Hunter titles.

4 The Villain's Identity Is Apparent Early On

monster hutner stories 2 villain cutscene

During the events at Lamure Tower, the party will get its first glimpse at the antagonist who leads a group of enemy Riders. This villain is intent on kidnapping Ratha and using the Wings of Ruin for some diabolical purpose.

While the face of this foe is obscured during the first meeting, observant players may be able to connect the dots and find a link to another suspicious individual from earlier in the journey. Noting the ear-shaped horns in the imposing person’s helmet and their distinct eyes, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out the villain’s true identity.

3 Hunters And Riders Don't Usually Get Along, Or Encounter Each Other

Protagonist and Kyle shaking hands in Monster Hunter Stories 2

Monster Hunter Stories 2 opens with a festival being held by the Riders of Mahana Village. A number of Hunters have been invited, to foster good relations. As the story progresses, the protagonist will even fight side-by-side with Hunter comrades (who are also wielding the mainline series's trademark weapons, naturally). In light of these story points, it is easily to conclude that the two factions make regular contact, despite butting heads quite often.

When players explore the Hunter city of Lulucion, however, paying careful attention to the townsfolk will make it apparent that simply seeing a Rider is a huge surprise. The town Smithy even goes so far as to point out that the hero is his first ever Rider customer. Considering the larger number of Rider settlements on the continent, this lack of coexistence is a surprise indeed.

2 Nergigante Is Also Pursuing The Pits

Nergigante looming over a pit in Monster Hunter Stories 2

The focus of the hero's quest in Monster Hunter Stories 2 is to investigate the ominous pits across the land and prevent ruin. The party comes across a Nergigante in the later chapters that seems to have a similar goal. Even when injured, the Nergigante will rush headlong towards the source of the pits' eerie glow.

The reason for this can be found in the lore presented in Monster Hunter: World, information those with less experience with the series may have missed out on. Nergigante is an Elder Dragon that seeks to consume large amounts of energy, even if that means challenging some of the other formidable Elder Dragons like Zorah Magdaros.

1 The Wings Of Ruin Aren't What They Seem

monster hunter stories 2 wings of ruin complete mural

After taking care of a Nergigante that was blocking the way, players will finally get to behold a certain mural near Nua Te village. The imagery depicts a complete version of the Wings of Ruin legend. It is clear from this that the monster residing at the bottom of the pits is the true bringer of ruin, and that Ratha is the one capable of combating the threat.

Because Oltura is capable of destroying the world, it would be easy to assume that the calamitous final boss monster is a force of evil. There's more to the story than that, though. Oltura is a being of nature that is just trying to survive, and the same could be said for the protagonist and their friends. This conflict of living beings struggling to maintain the balance of nature is a prominent theme throughout the entire Monster Hunter series.

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