Capcom's expansive Monster Hunter IP recently saw the impressive launch of Monster Hunter Rise on the Nintendo Switch, already with over six million copies sold. Next up for the series is a spin-off in the form of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin. The first Monster Hunter Stories released on the Nintendo 3DS in 2016, introducing turn-based combat to the series for the first time, plus the ability to ride and hatch monsters. Monster Hunter Stories 2, which releases next month, continues that same spin-off momentum.

The newest installment in the spin-off series focuses on a young Monster Rider that comes into contact with a newly-hatched Rathalos. Players will have to unravel the mystery of a prophecy concerning the titular Wings of Ruin in this new Monster Hunter RPG adventure. Monster Hunter Stories 2 might share similarities with Pokemon in its turn-based battles and monster capturing, but the game also seems to be drawing some inspiration from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. 

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Breath of the Wild's Exploration May Have Influenced Monster Hunter Stories

There's no doubt that Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has had a lasting impact on the gaming world, and RPGs in general. Various games have either copied different gameplay elements from the game, or been heavily inspired by them. The general atmosphere of Breath of the Wild's open-world gameplay has also been a major source of inspiration for many new games. It seems like this could also be the case for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin. Capcom has crafted Monster Hunter Stories 2 to be open-world to a degree, allowing players to more deeply explore the different locations around the game world.

From the icy region of Loloska to the picturesque Pomore Garden area, players are presented with a variety of environments that they can really take in. In Breath of the Wild, players are often able to scale any rockface and explore any part of the map, which has been a huge reason the game is so beloved. While Capcom's game may not have a map as expansive as Breath of the Wild, Monsties in Monster Hunter Stories 2 will definitely open up new opportunities for exploration.

Certain Monsties can let the player jump over gaps, climb rocky walls, and travel over map terrain in unique ways. Giving players the ability to really explore environments is something Capcom seems to have invested in with Monster Hunter Stories 2.

Of course, the Breath of the Wild inspiration doesn't necessarily stop there. Even the game's Monster Dens, where players will be able to get Monstie eggs in Monster Hunter Stories 2, are somewhat similar to Breath of the Wild's shrines in a way. While Monster Hunter Stories' Monster Dens randomly appear on the map, these are mini-areas that players will enter to retrieve a beneficial item (in this case, Monstie eggs), after besting the opponents within.

In the end, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild obviously doesn't hold a monopoly on every gameplay element within its scope. It does, however, seem to be a blueprint for a bunch of new adventure games releasing these days. The player desire for deeply explorable worlds, and environments filled with life and excitement, is something that will never go away.

In any case, while Breath of the Wild's influence might be seen in a bit of Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, Capcom's newest entry in their franchise will surely stand on its own. July looks to be a busy month for Nintendo, with Monster Hunter Stories 2 helping to boost up the Switch's sales potential. Fans of the Monster Hunter series won't have to wait too much longer to experience this newest entry, either. Players will soon be able to explore all that Monster Hunter Stories 2 has to offer, and will be able to see for themselves if it feels anything like Breath of the Wild.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin will release on July 9, 2021 for PC and Nintendo Switch.

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