The Monster Hunter series is one that pits players against a huge swathe of unique monsters. The games often feel like a never-ending boss rush (although the player must track down each monster first). Some large monsters are easy to take down without much thought, but others require utmost skill and patience.

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Many of the game's dragons rank among the hardest enemies in any Monster Hunter game, but there are some other monsters who pose just as much of a threat. A Rajang, for example, is far more deadly than a Rathalos despite the Rathalos' huge size, thanks to its quick, powerful movements and diverse move set. Here are just a few more examples of the series' deadliest creatures.

10 Safi'Jiiva

safi'jiiva escaping

The Safi'Jiiva is a large red Elder Dragon that appears in the series first in the Iceborne DLC for Monster Hunter: World. It's particularly tough thanks to one attack: its "ultimate attack" Sapphire of the Emperor, breathes flame over the entire battlefield.

After a few seconds, the Elder Dragon will shoot a blue ball of energy at the burning ground. It will envelop the area with light, instantly killing all but the most prepared hunters.

9 Zinogre

Zinogre's face close up

The Zinogre is a large monster first introduced in the PSP entry Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, and has been brought back many times for main entries in the series. It's a hulking, agile monster with thunderous abilities and a wolf-like appearance.

The Zinogre attacks chiefly with nimble and surprisingly powerful attacks with its massive claws. Its electricity attacks stem from its spine. A large number of one-shot attacks make it a tough one to dodge, let alone hit.

8 Furious Rajang

Monster Hunter World Iceborne Furious Rajang

The Furious Rajang is a special type of Rajang first introduced in the PSP game Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. The Rajang on its own is one of the tougher large monsters to take down in the series, and the Furious Rajang turns that fight up to 11.

If any comparison were to be made between these two, it would be like comparing Super Sonic to Sonic (the Furious Rajang even has gold fur). Its magnitudes are faster and stronger, and its lack of a tail makes it much harder to stop it from rampaging.

7 Jhen Mohran

Jhen Mohran Monster Hunter

Jhen Mohran is an Elder Dragon originally from Monster Hunter 3 for the Wii. It's incredibly large, and will attack ships and other large monsters when threatened. According to the in-game lore, the monster has precious minerals on its back and is seen as a sign of prosperity.

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The fight with the Jhen Mohran is, unfortunately, a little bit on-rails (and therefore easy) compared to other fights in the series. It can most easily be compared to the Zorah Magdaros fight from Monster Hunter: World, in which the player is tasked with shooting cannons and ballistae at the Elder Dragon until it turns around.

6 Dalamadur

Dalamadur Monster Hunter Hardest Bosses

Dalamadur is an Elder Dragon from Monster Hunter 4 who is undoubtedly one of the most difficult monsters in that title. It is absolutely massive, with a snake-like body, fangs, and lines of barbed spikes along its body.

It uses Fire-based and Paralysis attacks. Dalamadur can knock the hunter far into the sky, and also has the ability to become enraged. This beast puts up a long fight, made slightly shorter if the hunter uses Dragon damage against it.

5 Savage Deviljho

Monster Hunter Two Deviljho

The Savage Deviljho is an iconic toughie. Originally introduced in Monster Hunter 3 for the Wii, it has made a comeback for just about every Monster Hunter title since then. It's a ravenous, deadly foe that becomes aggressive at any range, and even has turf wars with Elder Dragons.

It's so large, in fact, that it can throw other Wyvern-type large monsters around as a weapon, and will consume them to heal itself. The Savage variety of the Deviljho is simply a stronger version of this already terrifying monster.

4 Lunastra

lunastra joins monster hunter world

Lunastra is an ice-themed Elder Dragon. It made its first appearance in Monster Hunter 2 for the PlayStation 2, and was brought back for Monster Hunter: World Iceborne. While she might appear a little bit smaller than other Elder Dragons, she nonetheless is one of the most deadly.

RELATED: The Hardest Monsters To Hunt In Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (& Their Weaknesses)

She is the female counterpart to Teostra, and the two will attack together if they are on the same map, often combining abilities. Lunastra is powerful on her own, but the special bond attack of the duo is generally a one-shot for unprepared hunters.

3 Teostra

Teostra in Monster Hunter

Teostra, the male counterpart to Lunastra, also made his debut in the PlayStation 2 Monster Hunter 2 entry. While Lunastra has ice-based attacks and moves nimbly, Teostra uses dive bombs and long-range firebreathing attacks. He can explode self-produced powders across the entire battlefield.

Teostra is arguably harder to take down because of its aggressiveness. While the Lunastra will generally veer away from combat and give warnings, Teostra is much like a Deviljho, in that he will attack anything on sight.

2 Alatreon


Fans of the Monster Hunter series argue whether Alatreon or Fatalis is the most difficult monster throughout the entire series. Alatreon has power over a number of different elemental attacks, as it is an elementally unstable monster. However, Monster Hunter: World described the Alatreon as being smaller than in previous games.

While the monster does present an extremely tough, precise fight, it lacks the intense formidable might of the Fatalis. Still, it remains one of the hardest monsters in any Monster Hunter game to take down. Players shouldn't get into a fight with an Alatreon without knowing what they're doing.

1 Fatalis

The Fatalis is a large Elder Dragon that has been part of the Monster Hunter series since its inception. It has limited elemental ability, especially when compared to the Alatreon. However, what it lacks in special powers it more than makes up for with sheer might.

Fatalis has a number of one-shot attacks that will kill even the most prepared hunters instantly, if they can't get out of the way. Along with its massive size, ridiculously fast attacks, and a particular hatred for humans, players have got themselves one of the most difficult boss fights in all of gaming, let alone just the Monster Hunter series.

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