Capcom's Monster Hunter franchise started in 2004 for the PlayStation 2, and has slowly but surely grown into one of the most beloved video game series in the entire world. While players of all ages can find joy in taking down vicious monsters with a variety of weapon types, the series has always been best enjoyed in multiplayer, allying with up to 4 hunters online for group hunts.

Monster Hunter Rise: 18 Overpowered Builds

In Sunbreak, players have more options to fight more monsters than ever before. Here's how to become unstoppable in Monster Hunter Rise.

The series has seen even more popularity with Monster Hunter World and Monster Hunter Rise, the most recent installments. However, Monster Hunter Wilds is set to take the franchise to new horizons when it releases in 2025. For those who want to check out Rise before the new game hits shelves, here are a few key things to know about co-op play in Monster Hunter.

8 Village Quests Are A Great Tutorial

Online Multiplayer Is Not The Place For Experimentation

Hinoa the Quest Maiden from Monster Hunter Rise

Especially for players who have friends in the Monster Hunter Rise community, they might be eager to join online hunts from the moment they start the game. However, particularly for newcomers to the franchise, it'd be wise to stick to single-player Village Quests during these early stages of learning the game. These hunts are typically always scaled down for single-player.

In addition to learning the mechanics of the game, the usefulness of Armor, and the methods of taking down early game monsters, Village Quests will also teach players about gathering and utilizing Palamute and Palico partners. Plus, by the time you complete the main Village Quests and join online hunts, you'll be armored up and strong enough to do some good work in co-op.

7 The Supply Box Is Meant To Be Shared

There's Only A Finite Amount Of Potions To Go Around

A hunter looting a Supply Box for items

Every hunt begins in base camp, where players can rest and access their inventory. On the way out, new players might notice a blue box that, when interacted with, will be filled with useful items like First-Aid Meds, Rations, and for Gunners, additional Ammo and Coatings. For Capture quests, Supply Boxes will also contain Tranq Bombs and Traps for forgetful hunters.

However, it's an unspoken rule that players shouldn't just loot the entire Supply Box. Take, at most, one of each item, and leave the rest for your fellow hunters. If you have less than 4 hunters in one game, then save the extras for any player that happens to cart and returns to base camp. It also goes without saying, but if you're a Blademaster, leave the Gunner items for the Gunners.

6 Hunts Require Preparation

Don't Waste People's Time With Bad Hunting

monster hunter rise armor skills

Some high-level hunters get a lot of enjoyment about hunting "naked," meaning they unequip all their Armor and just enter the hunt with their strongest weapon. It's a fun way to play Monster Hunter, but it's not an ideal playstyle for those less experienced with co-op. Before every hunt, you should come prepared with a stockpile of items as well as appropriate weapons and Armor.

Monster Hunter Rise: 22 Best Armor Sets, Ranked

In Monster Hunter Rise, equipping the best gear will do wonders for your life expectancy. Players can't go wrong with these excellent armor sets.

Often, this preparation may require players to do a little research online concerning which Elements certain monsters are weak to, or which Armor skills are best suited for each weapon type. Last but not least, before joining a quest, it's wise to hit up the Canteen for some Bunny Dango, which will offer a randomized chance of skills including more HP and stronger Sharpness.

5 You Can Help Out Fellow Hunters In Need

Hunting Horn Users Will Excel In Multiplayer

capcom switch skill swap hud icons game design

When on a hunt, it can be easy to become focused on you, you, you. However, as the word "co-op" implies, multiplayer hunts are a team effort. That's where certain items like Lifepowders or Dust of Life come in handy, which also distribute health boosts to fellow hunters. It's also wise to equip Palamute with Heal Blade Scrolls, which will heal allies as Palamutes attack monsters.

Hunting Horn users should also be vigilant about helping out their teammates. Each Hunting Horn comes with a variety of songs that can be played with different buffs, from healing to nullifying stamina decreasing. Suffice it to say, when a Hunting Horn user enters an online lobby, being knowledgeable about your buffs is expected from the other players.

4 Multiplayer Hunters Share Cart Amounts

It's Not Cool To Die Heroically In This Game

A hunter slumped on their Palamute after failing a quest

Even if you come prepared with the best weapons and Armor, some monsters can still get the best of players. Thankfully, permadeath is not a thing in Monster Hunter, and players who lose all their HP will be "carted" back to base camp. However, online hunts are no different than single-player hunts; players only get three carts before the quest is ultimately declared a failure.

With a maximum of four players online, that means only three of them need to cart at least once for the entire quest to end. Especially if the online lobby you're in isn't your own, carting can be extremely inconvenient and, ultimately, a waste of time for everybody involved. There's no such thing as sacrificing in co-op Monster Hunter Rise; do whatever you need to do to stay alive.

3 Friendly Fire Can Disrupt Other Hunters

Spacing Is Key When Attacking A Monster

Monster Hunter Rise Long Sword Guide

One thing that can be difficult for players to adapt to when they transition from single-player to multiplayer is being mindful of hunters nearby. Many weapons, like Long Sword, are capable of tripping other hunters, which will cause them to fall and be knocked out of attack animations. While friendly fire will never deal damage, even Gunners can affect players from a long distance.

Monster Hunter Rise: Hardest Monsters In The Game

Monster Hunter Rise packs some powerful boss monsters, but fighting these creatures is a true test of a player's skill.

Simply put, it's smart for hunters to keep their comrades in mind whenever they're attacking a monster. There are Armor skills that prevent tripping, such as Flinch Free, though unless you know for sure that an online teammate has this skill, try to keep a healthy distance from others while entering a combo, especially if you're using a weapon that has a long reach.

2 The Nintendo Switch Has No Voice Chat

Communication Can Be Tough To Navigate

The Monster Hunter Rise chat menu on Nintendo Switch

Monster Hunter Rise was initially released as a Nintendo Switch exclusive in 2021, but it wasn't until 2022 that the game received a PC port, and 2023 was when it was ported to Xbox and PlayStation consoles. However, the PC, Xbox, and PlayStation ports all have one feature that the Nintendo Switch sadly doesn't: online voice chat.

With this in mind, those who are unfamiliar with playing Monster Hunter online should be prepared for co-operative play without proper communication. Thankfully, the game includes shoutouts that can be customized in-between hunts, allowing them to send messages (albeit appropriate ones) in the heat of a fight that can convey directions to inexperienced players.

1 Be Mindful Of Others Online

Online Multiplayer Isn't A Single Player Adventure

Players hanging out in town in Monster Hunter Rise

As with any game with online co-op, Monster Hunter Rise shouldn't bring out the competitive side of players. It's always good to be courteous to others you share an online lobby with, and unless the lobby is designed for farming one specific monster, take turns posting quests, and help people out on their hunting journeys when they request it. No one wants to carry other players.

Additionally, every multiplayer hunt ends with the opportunity to congratulate players for a job well done. It's not exactly necessary, but it's a kind way to express gratitude towards others for joining you on a successful hunt. If you enjoy hunting with someone, exchange friend codes! And if you particularly love hunting with friends, explore online communities like Reddit or Discord!

Monster Hunter Rise: 10 Things That Are Different In The PC Version

Fans eager to play Monster Hunter Rise on PC are finally in luck. It's also worth noting that a handful of differences exist between PC and Switch.