Capcom's Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak continued the established precedent from Monster Hunter World and its Iceborne update by introducing a massive expansion roughly a year after the release of the phenomenal Monster Hunter Rise. Both Rise and the Sunbreak expansion have brought one of the best rosters of monsters to the series in quite some time, giving players virtually hundreds of hours of potential content to sink their teeth into by engaging in the series' trademark hunts and using the spoils to craft better gear. The Monster Hunter loop is an addictive one, and it all stems from the strength of the hunts themselves.

Of course, hunting monsters would be pointless if the fights against these creatures weren't filled with strategic combat and white-knuckled tension, and Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak introduces some great fights to an already solid base game experience. Sunbreak's use of a medieval fantasy aesthetic compared to Monster Hunter Rise's Japan-inspired setting allows for the introduction of some unique monsters for players to gear up and hunt down. In addition to several returning fan favorites from previous Monster Hunter titles and variants of monsters from Rise, Sunbreak introduces 4 brand-new monsters to the franchise.

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New Monsters to the Monster Hunter Franchise in Sunbreak

MHR Sunbreak Lunagaron Malzeno Garangolm
  • Garangolm -- The Garangolm is a massive gorilla-like monster introduced to the series as part of Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. The beast's intimidating size and aggression make it a formidable foe and yet another simian challenge alongside Rajang.
  • Lunagaron -- One of four new monsters introduced in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, Lunagaron is an exceedingly fast and threatening foe similar to a Tobi-Kadachi. It has an ice-breath attack that can reach players from long distances and regularly emanates a frost cloud with a large AOE.
  • Malzeno -- Malzeno is the strongest and most formidable of the "Three Lords" from Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak (alongside Lunagaron and Garangolm). As an Elder Dragon, Malzeno is the de facto "boss" of Sunbreak and uses vampiric powers to drain players of their energy.
  • Gaismagorm -- Gaismagorm is a secret post-game Elder Dragon boss from Sunbreak that makes its first series appearance in the Monster Hunter Rise expansion. This fearsome dragon also uses vampiric power to drain players of their energy and is the most threatening foe players can encounter in Sunbreak.

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Returning Monsters in Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

A roaring Espinas from Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
  • Astalos (Monster Hunter Generations) -- Astalos is another flying wyvern in the Monster Hunter zoology and has command over electricity as its primary elemental defense. In addition to being capable of sending out waves of electricity, the wyvern also uses its horn and tail to deliver electrically-charged attacks.
  • Aurora Somnacanth (Variant) -- The Aurora Somnacanth is a unique variant of the Somnacanth that was introduced in Monster Hunter Rise. Rather than use sleep-based attacks, it instead relies on ice for doling out punishment.
  • Blood Orange Bishaten (Variant) -- The Blood Orange Bishaten is the auburn-colored variant of the Bishaten from Monster Hunter Rise. Similar to the base Bishaten, this monster spews out pinecones that are then ignited with its breath to produce explosions.
  • Daimyo Hermitaur (Monster Hunter Frontier 2/G) -- The Daimyo Hermitaur can repel hunters' attacks thanks to its massive shell and armored claws. The first goal of players encountering this monster should be to weaken its considerable defenses while watching out for its water-based attacks.
  • Espinas (Monster Hunter Frontier) -- Espinas are flying wyverns with a heavily-spiked hide that aids in their defense and intimidation. Not only are they physical powerhouses, but they are also capable of dealing fireblight, poison, and paralysis status effects with their attacks.
  • Furious Rajang (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite) -- As if the base Rajang wasn't tough enough, Furious Rajang loses the ability to turn its fur black to enter a recovery state. Instead, this variant of the Rajang is always on the offense and exhibiting peak levels of aggression.
  • Gore Magala (Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate) -- The Gore Magala is a frightening black wyvern that uses the sensors in its wings to pick up on its surroundings. Once its senses have reached their peak, the monster enters a frenzied state that makes it even more dangerous.
  • Magma Almudron (Variant) -- While regular Almudrons use mud as part of their defense, Magma Almudrons swap mud-based attacks for fire-based ones. They are both aggressive and agile, as well as capable of creating large explosions.
  • Pyre Rakna Kadaki (Variant) -- A flame-based variant of the Rakna Kadaki, this arachnid-type monster uses its webbing to move quickly while launching exploding eggs that have a large AOE.
  • Scorned Magnamalo (Variant) -- Despite not being an Elder Dragon itself, the Scorned Magnamalo is more than powerful enough to drive off other Elder Dragons and will fiercely defend its territory as an apex predator. Similar to the base Magnamalo, the Scorned Magnamalo is a flying wyvern that uses fire-based attacks.
  • Seregios (Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate) -- Seregios puts its ecology as a flying wyvern to use with a bevy of aerial attacks. In addition to flying swoops and tail whips, it's also capable of causing the bleed status effect using its scales.
  • Shagaru Magala (Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate) -- The Shagaru Magala is the evolved (and more dangerous) form of the Gore Magala. It has an even deadlier frenzied state than the Gore Magala and will turn a telltale purple when affected by frenzy.
  • Shogun Ceanataur (Monster Hunter Frontier 2/G) -- The Shogun Ceanataur is similar to the Daimyo Ceanataur as another large, crustacean-like Carapaceon in the Monster Hunter zoology. It can cause the bleed effect by snipping players with its claws but has exposed weaknesses on its legs and underbelly.

Other Monsters Added Via Sunbreak's Free Updates

monster hunter rise sunbreak free title update 4 velkhana
  • Seething Bazelgeuse (Monster Hunter World)
  • Lucent Nargacuga (Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate)
  • Gold Rathian
  • Silver Rathalos
  • Flaming Espinas
  • Violet Mizutsune
  • Risen Chameleos
  • Risen Kushala Daora
  • Risen Teostra
  • Chaotic Gore Magala
  • Velkhana
  • Risen Crimson Glown Valstrax

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Monster Hunter Rise Adding Velkhana Continues the Trend of Flagship Monsters in Sunbreak