Capcom's ever-popular franchise, Monster Hunter, has been a massive success in the last few years. The latest game in the series, Monster Hunter Rise, will be getting an expansion known as Sunbreak next year. The Sunbreak expansion was shown off last month in a Nintendo Direct, alongside other heavy hitting news such as Bayonetta 3, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, and Splatoon 3. Capcom recently revealed some of the new things that will be included in this coming expansion.

The initial teaser trailer touted that Sunbreak is going to be a "Massive Expansion" complete with a cinematic of what players should expect. This includes the sight of Rathalos being attacked by a huge dragon above a castle bathed in a deep purple haze and red moonlight. More than just a couple of monsters, a new storyline, gameplay elements, locations, and more will be available to explore. One of these new elements is a new quest rank.

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As confirmed on Twitter, this new quest rank is known as "Master Rank" which will allow fans to participate in brand new quests that are exclusive to this ranking. This includes the chance to fight even more powerful versions of existing monsters that players have faced previously. The tweet even shows off a render of the more powerful version of Magnamalo from the base game of Monster Hunter Rise.

Some of the other tweets give a little insight into the naming convention and plot of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. The subtitle comes from the imagery of the storyline in the game, with emphasis on the sun breaking through the clouds and shining on the world. This brings to mind the idea of players going through the world and hunting down various monsters in the game to restore the land from the condition shown in the trailer, breaking through the purple clouds and have the sun shining down on it again.

The requirements for players to use the Sunbreak expansion for Monster Hunter Rise were also outlined in the tweet. Players should have taken down the final quest available in the base game. It is a 7-star Hub Quest known as "Serpent Goddess of Thunder" where the player is pitted against the Thunder Serpent monster Narwa. Upon completion, they'll be ready to take on what's next in Sunbreak.

The Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion will be available for Nintendo Switch in Summer 2022.

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