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Risen Elder Dragons are becoming the new endgame grind in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and with the release of Title Update 3, a new Elder Dragon received a Risen form, Teostra. Teostra has never received a new form in previous Monster Hunter games, so it's nice to see it get some proper respect finally, and needless to say, its Risen form is easily the strongest it's ever been.

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However, players need help with how to unlock this ferocious new Elder Dragon. This guide will help Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak players find and defeat Risen Teostra.

How To Unlock Risen Teostra

Monster Hunter Rise-Risen Teostra official sreenshot

Unlike previous Title Update monsters, Risen Teostra requires much more grinding to unlock. To unlock the quest to fight the beast, players will need to hit Master Rank 140. After doing so, they can speak with the quest princess at the Elgado Outpost, and she will give players the quest to track down and defeat Risen Teostra.

Related: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak- How To Complete "Dual Threat: A Returning Rush Of Red"

This is arguably the most challenging fight in the game currently, and thus before hopping in, players should first understand how to fight the beast.

How To Defeat Risen Teostra

Monster Hunter Rise-Risen Teostra official screenshot Risen Mode

First and foremost, Risen Teostra has the same weaknesses as a normal Teostra, which is to the Water element. Therefore, Water-based weapons will work best against it. However, Risen Teostra is constantly shrouded in a cloak of fire, making melee weapon users have a hard time when getting up close and personal. Thus, players should try and opt for ranged weapons when facing this dangerous Elder Dragon.

Following up, Risen Teostra has three modes for players to be aware of. First is its base form, where it will be in a "powered down" state. This is typically active when the player starts the fight or someone knocks the beast out of its "Risen State." The second and third mode alternate with the Risen state. Typically, Teostra has a "flame" mode and a "blast" mode. Flame mode prioritizes all of its Fire-based attacks, including its signature Supernova attack, while blast mode is when it converts all of its Fire attacks into pure explosions.

Risen Teostra dials these "modes" up to 11, where all of its attacks hit twice as hard, and it becomes hyper-aggressive. Essentially, almost any attack from it will nearly one-shot a player depending on their gear. To counter this, players should aim for the head to try and knock it out of the Risen State, allowing for an opportunity to deal massive damage to Teostra. Hunters will need the best of the best gear if they hope to survive this terrifying Elder Dragon.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available for the Nintendo Switch and PC.

More: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – How To Unlock & Defeat Silver Rathalos