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Monster Hunter games introduce a wide variety of items for players to collect. These can range from Herbs and Potions to exclusive monster parts such as the Torrent Sac.

Related: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - How To Unlock And Beat Seething Bazelgeuse

However, the Torrent Sac can only be obtained from a select group of monsters in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This guide will help Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak players find and get a Torrent Sac as efficiently as possible.

How To Get The Torrent Sac

hunter doing the new ninjutsu pose in front of a tetranadon

The Torrent Sac is a monster organ designed to hold and preserve large amounts of water in a monster's body, and that means only Water-based monsters can possess this exclusive organ. However, not all Water monsters in the game have the Torrent Sac, and only three contain it: Tetranadon, Jyuratodus, and Royal Ludroth. Among these choices, Tetranadon gives the highest chance of earning a Torrent Sac. Therefore, it's time to discuss how to farm a Tetranadon properly.

How To Defeat Tetranadon

monster hunter rise tetranadon

Tetranadon is one of the first hurdles hunters face when first starting in Monster Hunter Rise. Monster Hunter World players will find this encounter very similar, as both the monster and the fight bear a striking resemblance to the Great Jagras from Monster Hunter World. Tetranadon's main gimmick is the ability to grow in size and revert to a standard size after a while. When it grows, Tetranadon becomes far more sluggish than before, but its attack power is significantly increased as a result. This is both the beast's most significant advantage and weakness at the same time.

First and foremost, the Torrent Sac can only be obtained by defeating a High-Rank Tetranadon, and the Low and Master Rank versions will not grant one. Secondly, it has an overwhelming weakness to the Thunder element. As mentioned before, when it grows in size, its attack power increases, but it also becomes more vulnerable to attacks due to its increased size. Carefully avoiding its big belly slam attacks will allow hunters to go in and use their Thunder weapons to deal massive damage to the beast.

After enough damage is dealt, Tetranadon will be knocked out of its "Belly-Mode" and return to a standard size. Players should remain on guard, however, as while the attack power of Tetranadon will significantly decrease, its speed has increased dramatically. Players should use this time to get clean hits on the head and legs before Tetranadon expands. Overall, after one or two fights, Tetranadon's moveset is straightforward to learn, and hunters should be able to defeat it easily. Capturing the beast will also increase their chances of earning a Torrent Sac.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is now available for the Nintendo Switch and PC.

More: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak- How To Complete "Dual Threat: A Returning Rush Of Red"