Tokyo Game Show 2022 kicked off today following a week of industry events including Ubisoft Forward, a Nintendo Direct, and a PlayStation State of Play. One of the first major studios to showcase its projects was Capcom, which discussed the Resident Evil 4 remake, Exoprimal, Mega Man Battle Network: Legacy Collection, and Street Fighter 6. However, Capcom started with the second Free Title Update for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, which launches September 29. Three new monsters are being introduced, but two of them continue a pattern of Fire element saturation that Capcom should consider adjusting.

Flaming Espinas was previously revealed for Title Update 2, a unique variant of a monster originally exclusive to the MMO Monster Hunter Frontier before Rise's expansion let Espinas cross into a mainline entry. Two more were unveiled at Tokyo Game Show: Violet Mizutsune and Risen Chameleos. While the Chameleos variant is arguably the most interesting; introducing an Elder Dragon that boasts a "symbiosis with the Qurio," Sunbreak's main gameplay gimmick; it will take many hunters time to reach Master Rank (MR) 110 so that they can fight it. The others will appear after the end of Sunbreak's story at MR10, but the game should try to focus on more diverse offerings going forward.

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Flaming Espinas and Violet Mizutsune in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

capcom free title update 2 tokyo game show 2022

Fans already have a decent idea what Flaming Espinas is capable of given the subspecies was first introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier Season 2.5. Typical Espinas are passive monsters, often found sleeping at the beginning of a hunt, but when provoked they hit hard and fast while using a special fireball that inflicts Poison as well as Paralysis (the latter when it's in an enraged state). Flaming Espinas is similar, but notably uses a more powerful area of effect (AoE) fire attack by blasting its breath directly at the floor.

Violet Mizutsune is a more interesting addition in that it seems to be remixing key elements of two previous variants for the original monster introduced in Monster Hunter Generations: Soulseer and Apex Mizutsune. The new Violet subspecies produces a flamable fluid that fills its typical bubble attacks, allowing this Mizutsune to create rings of fire and "wrap itself" in an "inferno of white-hot flame."

Soulseer Mizutsune was a Deviant from Generations Ultimate that produced exploding blue bubbles which inflicted Fireblight, meanwhile Apex Mizutsune from Monster Hunter Rise has a more purple hue befitting its ability to use Magnamalo's Hellfire status condition. Violet may be retreading these elements due to Sunbreak moving away from the Rampage game mode where Apex Mizutsune shined. Both promise to be powerful new subspecies, with Flaming Espinas appearing in the Forlorn Arena and Violet Mizutsune exclusive to the Infernal Springs map.

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Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's Emerging Fire Monster Pattern

capcom free title update august 2022

These are not the only additions coming with Title Update 2. Players can also expect Anomaly Expeditions, introduced with the first update last month, to have a maximum level cap of 120. Higher-end Anomaly Quests featuring Gore Magala, Espinas, Bazelgeuse, Pyre Rakna-Kadaki, and Rajang will also fill out a six-star tier. Capcom will let players add new Anomaly Slots to weapons for Qurious Crafting, and layered weapons are being introduced for players to further customize their builds. The Tokyo Game Show event also highlighted new DLC gestures, stickers, and more.

However, new monsters are the biggest draw for any update in the Monster Hunter series. As interesting as additions like Flaming Espinas and Violet Mizutsune appear, it's hard not to see a pattern of Fire element monsters dominating Sunbreak given Title Update 1 introduced the "Metal Raths," Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos, who are known for their unique Incandescent fire attacks.

Risen Chameleos is an exception given it will primarily focus on Poison, but even this distinction is similar to Lucent Nargacuga introduced alongside the Metal Raths last month. Unlike Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, an expansion fittingly based around winter themes and Ice monsters, Sunbreak should strive to be more unique about utilizing the five elements currently in Monster Hunter. The base expansion already introduced a number of fiery monsters like Pyre Rakna-Kadaki, Magma Almudron, Blood Orange Bishaten, and Espinas, so Capcom should work on its diversity.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available now on PC and Switch. Free Title Update 2 releases September 29, 2022.

MORE: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak's Title Updates Need More Secrets Than the Base Expansion