The Switch Skill Swap mechanic is one of several new features found in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. As its name might suggest, it allows hunters to prepare two separate Switch Skill load-outs (Red Scroll and Blue Scroll) and freely swap between them while hunting.

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Switch Skills can define a hunter’s arsenal, and the Switch Skill Swap allows players to use the best Skills for the situation. As such, knowing which Switch Skills are the most useful and which are underpowered or even detrimental to a build is somewhat essential.

5 Gunlance

MHR Sunbreak Gunlance

Gunlance’s different shelling types (Normal, Long, and Wide) benefit differently from the new Switch Skills available. Generally, Normal and Long shell Gunlances prefer more physical play styles. As such, Erupting Cannon works better for them despite doing less damage than Wyrmstake because it boosts weapon attacks for a short time.

On the other Scroll is a load-out that works well for Wide shelling, as well as for large openings like a topple or Wyvern Ride. The combination of Reverse Blast, Bullet Barrage, and Wyrmstake Cannon make for an explosive finish, while Charged Shelling and Guard Reload allow hunters to keep up the pressure without swapping Scrolls.

Red Scroll

  • Blast Dash
  • Quick Reload
  • Erupting Cannon
  • Ground Splitter
  • Guard Edge

Blue Scroll

  • Charged Shelling
  • Guard Reload
  • Wyrmstake Cannon
  • Bullet Barrage
  • Reverse Blast

4 Long Sword

MHR Sunbreak Long Sword

The Long Sword’s overall damage was nerfed in Sunbreak, with the motion values of many of the weapon’s counters being reduced. However, this damage reduction is made up for by Harvest Moon, a new Switch Skill that creates a ring that boosts counter damage inside it.

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Much of the Long Sword’s damage in Sunbreak is based on countering. Therefore, hunters will want to stock the Red Scroll full of counters and stay on it for most of the hunt. The only times when they'll want to switch to the Blue Scroll is to activate Harvest Moon or to take advantage of the new Sacred Sheathe Combo for powerful wake-up hits.

Red Scroll

  • Drawn Double Slash
  • Spirit Reckoning Combo
  • Special Sheathe Combo
  • Tempered Spirit Blade
  • Serene Pose

Blue Scroll

  • Drawn Double Slash
  • Spirit Reckoning Combo
  • Sacred Sheathe Combo
  • Silkbind Sakura Slash
  • Harvest Moon

3 Switch Axe

MHR Sunbreak Switch Axe

The Switch Axe is yet another weapon to receive a counter Switch Skill in Sunbreak. It comes in the form of the Elemental Burst Counter, which, when timed correctly, does excellent damage and immediately puts the sword into its charged state. This makes it a fantastic opener for any hunt, which means it fits perfectly into Red Scroll.

Blue Scroll has Switch Skills for a more conservative play style for more dangerous monsters. Compressed Finishing Discharge combines the power of the standard Finishing Discharge with I-frames and reduced sharpness loss, while Invincible Gambit provides a mobility option with hyper armor. Switch Charger, on the other hand, allows hunters to quickly restore switch gauge on the hunt.

Red Scroll

  • Forward Overhead Slash
  • Finishing Discharge
  • 2-Staged Morph Slash Combo
  • Soaring Wyvern Blade
  • Elemental Burst Counter

Blue Scroll

  • Forward Overhead Slash
  • Compressed Finishing Discharge
  • 2-Staged Morph Slash Combo
  • Invincible Gambit
  • Switch Charger

2 Light Bowgun

MHR Sunbreak Light Bowgun

The Light Bowgun had considerable damage disparity in Monster Hunter Rise, where Sticky, Cluster, and Shrapnel ammo was strong and Normal, Pierce, and Spread ammo was weak. To combat this in Sunbreak, the LBG received Critical Firepower. This is a Switch Skill that boosts the damage of weaker ammo types within a short range, which makes it an excellent pick for Red Scroll.

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The Blue Scroll has more evasive options for dangerous situations. Reload is faster than Elemental Reload, Marksman allows attacks to deal solid damage at a longer range, and Fanning Maneuver and Silkbind Glide can allow excellent maneuverability in a pinch for the faster monsters in Sunbreak.

Red Scroll

  • Forward Dodge
  • Elemental Reload
  • Critical Firepower
  • Wyvern Counter
  • Mech Silkbind Shot

Blue Scroll

  • Forward Dodge
  • Reload
  • Marksman
  • Fanning Maneuver
  • Silkbind Glide

1 Great Sword

MHR Sunbreak Great Sword

The Great Sword received a fantastic new Switch Skill in the form of Strongarm Stance. The ability to enter a counter stance even while charging is excellent survivability for the Great Sword. The fact that it then chains into the Great Sword’s strongest attack is even better. Red Scroll should incorporate this combo for maximum damage.

The Surge Slash Combo opens up new attack options for the Great Sword, making the weapon feel more versatile and fluid. Unfortunately, the Surge Slash combo does not benefit nearly as much from Strongarm Stance. Instead, the Blue Scroll should have Surge Slash, Rage Slash, and Adamant Charged Slash as this combination provides plenty of options for mobility and tanking.

Red Scroll

  • Tackle
  • True Charged Slash
  • Charged Slash Combo
  • Strongarm Stance
  • Power Sheathe

Blue Scroll

  • Tackle
  • Rage Slash
  • Surge Slash Combo
  • Adamant Charged Slash
  • Power Sheathe

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is available on Nintendo Switch and PC.

MORE: Pro Tips For Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak