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Monster Hunter Rise is Capcom's latest addition to the popular Monster Hunter franchise. It provides the same thrilling experience that it has since 2004 while adding new features and creatures for players to enjoy. To maintain the core elements of the franchise, players will be able to wield the 14 iconic weapon types. Each weapon is vastly different and requires a certain playstyle to utilize it effectively. Players may use the massive and brutal Greatsword while others prefer the smaller yet deadly Dual Blades. Every weapon is powerful and, in the end, players may be more proficient with one above all else.

RELATED: Monster Hunter Rise: Best Builds For Hunting Horn

Of the 14 weapons, none are as agile or elusive as the Insect Glaive. This weapon gives hunters amazing mobility that can be used to evade attacks and punish monsters. The Insect Glaive possesses a beetle that can aid hunters in battle by inflicting damage and extracting buffs from monsters. To use the Insect Glaive to its full potential hunters should use builds that enhance the strengths of this weapon.

8 Best Star Rank 1 Build

Split Image Of Hinoa, Fugen, & Utsushi
  • Weapon: Iron Glaive I
  • Kinsect: Culldrone
  • Head: Izuchi Helm
  • Chest: Izuchi Mail
  • Arms: Hunter Vambraces
  • Waist: Izuchi Coil
  • Legs: Chainmail Pants

The beginning of Monster Hunter Rise introduces players to Kamura village and guides them in the basics of monster hunting. Th game is not meant to be challenging but using a build can help players understand how skills work to enhance player's efficiency.

This build works to enhance hunter's damage output and provides them with quality-of-life skills. The Iron Blade I deals 80 damage and grants hunter's Defense Boost II Attack Boost I, and Affinity Boost I through Rampage strengthening. The Culldrone Kinsect deals 72 severing damage and restores 8 health to players when it attacks. This set of armor provides 38 Defense and grants Critical Eye III, Recovery Speed, Quick Sheath, and Stamina Surge.

7 Best Star Rank 2 Build

A Hunter On A Mountain
  • Weapon: Aerial Glaive
  • Kinsect: Alucanid
  • Head: Izuchi Helm
  • Chest: Hunter's Mail
  • Arms: Alloy Vambraces
  • Waist: Alloy Coil
  • Legs: Baggi Greaves

RELATED: Monster Hunter Rise: Best Builds For Longsword

Now that players are familiar with the basics the game will test their knowledge with more difficult missions. Star Rank 2 allows hunters to test the effectiveness of builds against larger monsters. This build focuses on inflicting maximum damage to monsters.

The Aerial Glaive deals 120 damage and possesses the Rampage skills Attack Boost II, Affinity Boost II, and Defense Boost. The Alucanid Kinsect inflicts 107 severing damage and grants 10 healing to hunters for each attack. The Kinsect's ability Dual Color grants two buffs with at least one Defense buff. The set of armor provides 44 Defense along with Critical Eye III, Attack Boost II, and Water Attack I.

6 Best Star Rank 3 Build

Hunters Surrounded By Monsters
  • Weapon: Sturdy Glaive I
  • Kinsect: Windchopper
  • Head: Zinogre Helm
  • Chest: Zinogre Mail
  • Arms: Rathalos Bracers
  • Waist: Anjanath Coil
  • Legs: Rhopessa Crura

By this time players will have adequate experience with the Insect Glaive and be able to face more challenging threats. Star Rank 3 presents new dangers that will push hunters to their limits and test their skills. This build will focus on dealing substantial damage per second to large monsters.

The Sturdy Glaive I inflicts 150 damage and grants Attack Boost II, Affinity Boost II, and Dulling Strike through Rampage training. the Windchopper Kinsect deals 72 severing damage, and it heals for 10 points. This Kinsect possesses the Triple Up Time bonus which increases the duration of the supercharged state Kinsects receive from having each essence. The various armor pieces provide 134 Defense and grant Critical Eye IV, Attack Boost III, and Latent Power II.

5 Best Star Rank 4 Build

Hunter On A Roof
  • Weapon: Kulu Glaive II
  • Kinsect: Grancathar
  • Head: Zinogre Helm
  • Chest: Zinogre Mail
  • Arms: Barrioth Vambraces
  • Waist: Barioth Coil
  • Legs: Almudron Greaves

RELATED: Monster Hunter Rise: Best Builds For Light Bowgun

The time for mercy has passed and now hunters will have mastered the Insect Glaive. At Star Rank 4 the monsters are relentless, and players will likely face overwhelming odds that require no less than 100% effort. This build utilizes the same aspects of Star Rank 3 except with gear suitable for this point of the game.

The Kulu Glaive II deals 140 damage and when Rampage trained it grants Affinity Boost II, Kinsect Level Boost, and Spiribird Doubled. The Grancathar Kinsect inflicts 90 severing damage and grants 10 health for each hit. It possesses the Charged Chain Attack bonus which makes the Kinsects first attack a devastating 3 hit-combo. The armor provides 126 Defens and grants hunters Critical Eye V, Latent Power II, and Razor Sharp.

4 Best Low-Rank Armor Build

A Low-Rank Insect Glaive Hunter
  • Weapon: Kulu Glaive II
  • Kinsect: Windchopper
  • Head: Zinogre Helm
  • Chest: Zinogre Mail
  • Arms: Zinogre Braces
  • Waist: Barioth Coil
  • Legs: Zinogre Greaves

Low-rank provides the training needed for players to deal with the hardships of High-Rank missions. Hunters must depend on Low-Rank armor to help them proceed through the numerous missions and advance to High-Rank. This build utilizes the best Low-Rank armor to enhance Attack and preserve Stamina.

The Kulu Glaive II inflicts 140 damage and grants Affinity Boost II, Kinsect Level Boost, and Spiribird Doubled through Ramp-Up skills. As previously stated, the Windchopper deals 72 severing damage and heals for 10 hitpoints. The Triple Up Time bonus increases the time of the supercharged state Kinsects receive from having every essence. This armor set provides 128 Defense and grants Critical Eye IV, Constitution III, and Latent Power II.

3 Best High-Rank Armor Build

A High Rank Insect Glaive Hunter
  • Weapon: Sturdy Glaive Redux
  • Kinsect: Monarch Alucanid
  • Head: Rathalos Helm S
  • Chest: Jyuratodus Mail
  • Arms: Rathalos Braces S
  • Waist: Anjanath Coil S
  • Legs: Ingot Greaves

RELATED: Monster Hunter Rise: Best Builds For Lance

High-Rank is an entirely different beast than Low-Rank boasting new and overwhelmingly powerful threats. Luckily for hunters, High-Rank armor is equally as strong as the monsters that players face. This build will utilize the awesome armor of High-Rank to greatly enhance a hunter's attack, evasiveness, and power.

The Sturdy Glaive Redux inflicts 220 damage and provides Attack Boost IV, Affinity Boost II, and Dulling Strike when Rampage trained. The Monarch Alucanid Kinsect deals 125 severing damage and grants 8 healing per hit. This Kinsect has the Dual Color bonus which grants two essences per hit always providing one Attack essence. The High-Rank armor provides 274 Defense and grants Attack Boost VII, Power Prolonger II, Critical Eye II, Evade Extender, and Partbreaker.

2 Best Solo Build

A Hunter Stands Over A Monster
  • Weapon: Evening Calm
  • Kinsect: Ladypavise
  • Head: Channeler's Hair-Tie S
  • Chest: Nargacuga Mail S
  • Arms: Rakna Armguards
  • Waist: Nargacuga Coil S
  • Legs: Rakna Greaves

Monster Hunter Rise is a game that can be played with a group or with one hunter. Without allies to aid a player in combat, they will face greater pressure and difficulty. This build works to minimize challenges by ensuring that a hunter can endure battles and avoid dangerous situations.

The Evening Calm deals 190 damage and when Ramp-Up trained grants Attack Boost III, Affinity Boost II, and Master Rider. The Ladypavise Kinsect inflicts 90 blunt damage and grants 12 healing to the hunter. The Kinsect's bonus Auto Attack Frequency Up allows it to attack more frequently. This armor set provides 304 Defense and grants Constitution IV, Critical Eye III, Stamina Surge III, Evade Extender II, Razor Sharp II, Spare Shot II, Evade Window, and Wirebug Whisperer.

1 Best Group Build

A Group Of Hunters Fight A Bishaten
  • Weapon: Evening Calm
  • Kinsect: Monarch Alucanid
  • Head: Zinogre Helm S
  • Chest: Zinogre Chest S
  • Arms: Rathalos Braces S
  • Waist: Skalda Elytra S
  • Legs: Golden Hakama

Missions with allies are much more manageable than playing solo but difficulty scales with the number of hunters. Each player must ensure that they serve their purpose on the team. The Insect Glaive works best to target a monster's weak points and this build works to suit that role.

The Evening Calm deals 190 damage and when Ramped-Up grants Attack Boost III, Affinity II, and Master Riding. The Monarch Alucanid deals 125 severing damage and grants 8 health per hit. The bonus Dual Color gives two essences per hit with one always being Attack. This armor set gives 288 Defense and grants Weakness Exploit IV, Latent Power III, Attack Boost II, and Critical Boost II.

NEXT: Monster Hunter Rise: Complete Guide for Tips, Tricks, And General Help