The Monster Hunter franchise offers a lot of variety for players to try out different modes of gameplay. The latest installment in the series, Monster Hunter Rise, features a total of fourteen weapon types. However, the series hasn't seen a brand-new weapon type added since the release of Monster Hunter 4 in 2013.

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There are still many possibilities for new weapon types to be added to the combat-heavy franchise. It's even possible for a future DLC expansion of Monster Hunter Rise to feature new weapon types added to players' arsenals. These ideas for weapon types would certainly add a lot of diversity to Monster Hunter's gameplay.

10 Javelin

Hinoka wielding her spear in a cinematic from Fire Emblem Warriors

The Insect Glaive is currently the best weapon type for players looking for a spear-like weapon. However, that weapon also heavily involves the use of a gimmick in sending out an insect to collect a monster's pheromones. A more straightforward version of the weapon could be incorporated into a future entry in the series.

With a javelin, players would be able to utilize the mobility and range of the Insect Glaive without any extraneous gameplay mechanics. This weapon would also benefit from the vertical mobility seen in games like Monster Hunter Rise. Additionally, it could even have aspects of the Lance weapon, minus the overly-large shield.

9 Whip

Richter Belmont taunting with his chain whip in Super Smash Bros Ultimate

A whip would be quite a unique weapon in players' inventories. This cowboy-esque item could definitely appeal to fans who are torn between weapons that deal cutting damage and weapons that deal blunt damage. The whip could introduce a new kind of damage, perhaps incorporating the "Bleeding" status effect from previous games.

There could also be a lot of diversity in alternate weapons categorized as "whips." This can include flails, swinging axes, and Simon Belmont-esque chains. Overall, there are lots of interpretations of how a whip could assist in hunting monsters, but it would mostly prove to be a pretty cool weapon for experienced hunters.

8 Boomerang

Concept art of the Wyvern Boomerang that was scrapped from Monster Hunter Generations

A weapon known as the "Wyvern Boomerang" was scrapped from Monster Hunter Generations, alongside another weapon type known as the "Hunting Hound." Luckily, the Hunting Hound has found its way into the series through Palamutes in Monster Hunter Rise. Hopefully, the same could happen for the boomerang weapon type.

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This would be a great way to combine heavy, close-ranged weapons like Great Sword and Switch Axe, while also having ranged mechanics. The only downside is a boomerang-esque weapon could leave players vulnerable to monster attacks while they wait for it to return. Perhaps a Dual Boomerang would be a preferable option.

7 Dual Shields

Captain America wielding his vibranium shield in The Avengers for PS4

Dual Blades are a very popular weapon in the Monster Hunter series, allowing players to prioritize speedy attacks over raw power. It's a shame there aren't more speed-focused "dual" weapons in the franchise already. One such example could be dual shields, giving preference to the other half of Sword and Shields.

This weapon could find players wielding mini shields on each arm, like a dual-wielding Captain America. They could work similarly to the Boomerang idea, with players able to use them for both ranged attacks and up-close blunt attacks. Who wouldn't feel cool chucking a shield and knocking flying monsters out of the air?

6 Dual Bowguns

Bayonetta dual-wielding pistols against enemies in Bayonetta 2

Similarly, it's puzzling that there isn't already a "dual" weapon for Gunner players. Aside from Light and Heavy Bowguns and Bows, the Gunner class is very underrepresented in the Monster Hunter series. Dual Bowguns could be an interesting way to introduce a speedy Gunner weapon type into the series.

While Light and Heavy Bowguns are usually less focused on mobility, Dual Bowguns could allow Hunters to fight à la Bayonetta. It would make Monster Hunter fights feel less like you're a grounded turret from afar and more like John McClane in a Die Hard movie. It could even have some close-up blunt attack options.

5 Gauntlets

Zagreus wielding the Twin Fists of Malphon in promotional art for Hades

One of the biggest ideas for new weapon types in the Monster Hunter community is gauntlet-style weapons. While fans love their swords, lances, and Bowguns, some are anxious to battle monsters with their first. This weapon could have a lot of variety, incorporating some more physical, weapon-less combat with its gameplay.

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What would be most beneficial about gauntlet weapons, however, are the ways these weapons could be spiced up for Monster Hunter's style. Rather than be purely close-ranged gauntlets, there could be a Gunlance-type ammo mechanic. The only thing better than getting to fistfight monsters is the explosions it could cause.

4 Chainsaw

A Chainsaw Sword appearing in Fallout 4

Some weapon types in Monster Hunter incorporate pretty advanced technology for the game's setting. Weapons like Charge Blade, Switch Axe, and Gunlance all have pretty complicated designs. A weapon like this could be a sword with a chainsaw, which could be a pretty hardcore weapon type to fight alongside.

Not only would a chainsaw weapon make Monster Huntera little more Gears of War-esque, but it would be very helpful for solo hunts. Oftentimes, players can have difficulty breaking monster parts or cutting monster tails. Perhaps this chainsaw-inspired weapon would be very efficient at quickly eliminating these obstacles.

3 Magic Staff

Palutena wielding her magic staff in Super Smash Bros for Wii U

The Monster Hunter franchise has only dabbled in magic. Some weapons, like Hunting Horn, have obvious mystical capabilities. Certain monsters even possess supernatural abilities, such as Gore Magala's Frenzy or the Magnamalo's Hellfire blight. Perhaps a future title in the series will go all-out with a magic staff weapon.

This weapon's magical powers could even be influenced by the monster parts it's crafted from. For instance, a Barioth magic staff could have ice attacks, while a Rathalos magic staff could shoot fire. A magic staff with blast status could perhaps prove to be a very overpowered weapon for Hunters who prefer long-ranged attacks.

2 Hunting Drum

A Rillaboom pounding its drum during battle in Pokemon Sword & Shield

The Hunting Horn is a unique weapon in the series, encouraging players to use specific combo attacks to trigger status buffs. The franchise could use more weapons like this that have supportive capabilities. Plus, wouldn't it be fun to gather together a four-person team of musical weapons, forming a monster-killing band?

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Since some Hunting Horn designs incorporate both wind instruments and guitars, a Hunting Drum could be its own weapon type. Plus, it could take inspiration from war drummers, who would historically accompany battles with rhythmic music. The drumsticks of the weapon could even deal blunt damage to targeted monsters.

1 Mini Monsters

A Rider on the back of a roaring Rathalos in Monster Hunter Stories

If the Monster Hunter Stories spin-off series has proven anything, it's that players love to team up with their favorite Monsters when given the chance. Perhaps some gameplay features of that game can make it to the mainline series. Alongside Palicos and Palamutes, players could ride into battle on baby versions of certain monsters.

This could potentially turn Monster Hunter fights into something akin to Max Raid battles from Pokemon Sword & Shield. Imagine leading a trained Rathian into battle, or a Hunter-sized Deviljho. They could each have their own unique attacks inspired by the Monster they're born from. Simply put, it would be a very cute weapon type.

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