
  • Have a plan for each dice roll. Utilize the law of probability to strategize your board movement and focus on landing on lucrative Tiles.
  • Don't misuse the Dice Multiplier. While it can offer better rewards, overusing it will deplete your inventory and hinder your progress.
  • Establish a social circle to fully experience Monopoly Go. Features like the Community Chest and Partner Events require at least five friends to access.

Monopoly Go may seem straightforward — roll the dice, move tokens, and earn prizes. However, there's a deeper, strategy-driven layer to the game that involves planning and calculated moves. It's easy to make certain rookie errors that will actually benefit a player's opponents in this online game.

In the list below, players will find eight common mistakes that hinder beginners from getting into the more competitive side of Monopoly Go. Steer clear of these mistakes, and become a skilled player in no time.

Monopoly GO: All New Year's Eve Bash Rewards and Milestones

The new event New Year's Eve Bash been introduced in Monopoly GO, and here are all the rewards you can get during this event.

8 Aimless Rolling

Have a plan for each dice roll.

monopoly go dices.

Monopoly Go is RNG-based, yet the player's actions still influence the gameplay. While players lack control over the specific dice outcomes, they can plan their board movement using the law of probability.

Given the use of two dice, the minimum move is two spaces (it's not possible to roll one). Based on the same fact, combinations resulting in six, seven, and eight are more probable, because each of these sums has a 3-in-36 chance of occurring with every roll.

Following the principles of probability, focus on lucrative Tiles when positioned at a distance of six, seven, or eight spaces from them. This range provides the highest likelihood of landing on these desirable Tiles.

7 Misusing the Dice Multiplier

High-stake rolls lead to bankruptcy.

Monopoly GO: Dice

A Dice Multiplier is a reward booster that consumes rolls. When the player increases it, they are likelier to receive better gifts and make more money. However, players will lose extra dice per roll. For example, if the Multiplier is set on ×5, players unlock prizes that are five times better, but also pay five dice per roll.

Beginner players might be lured into thinking that the Dice Multiplayer is an exploit, but that’s not true. Overuse of this feature will only lead to excessive rolls that empty the inventory and hold back progress.

6 Isolating The Board

No friend, no gain.

monopoly go how to attack friends.

Players need at least five friends to experience Monopoly Go to its fullest. Some newcomers may approach the game as a solo experience, disregarding the persistent reminders to “add friends.” While it is possible to play independently, specific features and advantages of Monopoly Go become accessible only when players establish a social circle.

One such feature is the Community Chest, which remains inaccessible until players have at least five friends in their network. There are also Partner Events that require players to team up with others to hit Milestones and win prizes.

5 Wasting Gift Bundles

The in-game store has four daily giveaways that many ignore.

the daily cash gift in monopoly go store.

When players open Monopoly Go’s in-game store, they will see a series of slides on top. By swiping left all the way to the last slide, players can see a gift bundle that recharges every eight hours. Set a reminder to collect it on time and earn free Stickers, Dice Rolls, and Cash four times a day.

Alongside the gift bundles, Monopoly Go offers additional daily rewards through Endless Deals, Quick Wins, and Daily Login features. Keep an eye on the small red dots beside each respective icon within the game, and make it a habit to explore and collect these rewards.

4 Ignoring Time-Limited Events

If players don’t participate in Tournaments, their board will never thrive.

monopoly go new year's eve bash

Monopoly Go integrates events as a pivotal element of its gameplay. Nearly every day, players encounter either time-limited events or weekly Tournaments offering substantial prizes. Overlooking these festivities stands out as a significant oversight for new players.

Monopoly GO: How to Send Stars

Players can use stars to earn various rewards in Monopoly GO. Here's how to trade them.

A common misconception among beginners is the belief that winning these events is the sole way to reap rewards. Contrary to this notion, most events distribute rewards to all participants, irrespective of their rank. To optimize earnings, active participation in numerous Tournaments is essential.

3 Emptying Dice Rolls

Out of roll, out of game.

monopoly go

Using all available Dice Rolls before exiting Monopoly Go may result in missed opportunities for rewards. Although the game replenishes the roll inventory every hour, the regeneration process is gradual and relatively modest. Therefore, it’s best to save at least 20 rolls per playthrough.

Treating Dice as an unlimited resource is a big mistake. Experienced players adopt a strategy of conserving rolls, aiming to navigate the board with minimal resource consumption. For those who aspire to progress in Monopoly Go, adopt a similar approach: Limit use of Dice Rolls.

2 Leaving the Game Without Shields

Without Shields, the castle is unsealed.

shutdown in monopoly go

Despite being a cozy game, Monopoly Go has some action elements; other players can attack. Shields are temporary protections that can hold these attempts back. If players don’t have them, enemies — and even friends — will destroy their Landmarks.

To avoid playing like an amateur, don’t leave the board when it lacks Shields. If there's no other option, at least ensure the board has no Landmarks. This is the only way players can protect themselves against malicious intruders.

1 Hoarding Too Much Money

For a brighter future, let go of your fortune.

 Houses and hotels in Monopoly GO

The Heist mechanic is a threat against the player's Monopoly Go bank. Opponents can steal a player's money and leave them bankrupt. So, it’s best to spend money while it's available; don’t hoard too much.

Saving money for important board upgrades during events like Landmark Rush is a smart strategy, but it has risks. To do well, it’s important to spend wisely and save strategically.